الأربعاء، 29 فبراير 2012

Tourism in the city of Tangier / Morocco

Tangier is a Moroccan city located in northern Morocco, the fifth largest city in the Kingdom of Morocco. The city has a population of approximately 700,000 people. Tangier is characterized by being a meeting point between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean on the one hand, and between European and African continent on the other. Tangier is the capital of Tangier Tetouan, one of the most important cities in Morocco. Tangier is one of the most important centers of commerce and industry in North Africa is also the city's economic pole to the large corporate headquarters and banks. And one of the most important centers of political, economic and cultural rights. And is among the most important and richest cities of Morocco in terms of the size of financial assets Balabnak.
Tangier is one of the oldest cities Amazigh. Amazigh name is an old Tin iggi, are translated into Tinji, then came the Phoenicians traders from Asia Vgiroa its name slightly to Tinjis. It was in the ancient center of trade between residents and traders the Phoenicians, Berbers and the Europeans

 After a period of hibernation, Tangier regained its vitality with the launch of the Islamic invasions of the invasion of Andalusia at the hands of Tariq ibn Ziyad years 711 m, then by the Almohads and Almoravids from Tangier who have made a stronghold for the organization of their armies and their campaigns. Then followed one another at intervals of Tangier and the Spanish invasion, the Portuguese and English since 1471 AD to 1684, which left their mark, capital city's antique Kalosoar, towers and churches. But remain the most important cultural and architectural phase characteristic in the history of Tangier is the mediator and the modern period, especially Alawites sultans Moulay Ismail, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdullah. After retrieval from the hands of the English invasion of 1684 years in the reign of Moulay Ismail,
  Tangier has regained its military, diplomatic and commercial gateway to the Mediterranean countries, and therefore knew a huge influx residential, were built forts and walls and doors. And flourished religious life and social, were built mosques, palaces and fountains, baths, markets, and built churches, consulates and large houses of foreign residents, even Tangier became the capital of diplomatic ten Consulates in 1830 m, and an international city flock to the traders and adventurers from all parts a result of tax privileges that were enjoyed

After the defeat of the Spanish army in Morocco in 1921 by Prince Abdul Karim rhetorical temptations abounded in Spain and the party demanded the return of parliamentary life and the Republicans won a landslide victory under the leadership of Zamora and asked King to resign in 1931 and fled from the country without declaring to resign Spain Republic.
Zamora began reforms did not like the people returned again and chaos spread street battles, assassinations and People's Government has failed to control the situation and demanded the return of conservatives to the situation which existed before the declaration of the republican system
Legend has it the oral circulation among the people in "Tangier" that after the flood lost Noah's Ark Road is looking for land, and once landed a dove on the ship and some of the mud at her feet, shouted a passenger ship "mud Ja .. mud Ja", which was dry land , and then was named the region "Tangier."
 The Greek myth says that the "anti" was the son of "Poseidon" and "Gaia", and was attacking travelers Fiktlhm and the making of their skulls temple was dedicated to his father, and was on his kingdom his wife's name "Tangier" - breaking Tae and the still-Noon - The stretch of Ceuta to the "Lexus "City of golden apples near Larache
In the battle between Hercules and a strong anti Hercules was able to defeat him, and in the conflict made ​​her one of his sword strikes Boughaz Strait between Europe and Morocco, and the famous caves in his name, and then married the then anti wife, bore him Sovox which established the colony "Tunjas

.The walls of the ancient city and its landmarks
Extends along the 2200 m, fenced so the five boroughs of the city antique: the Kasbah, Dar gunpowder, Jinan captain, Wade Ohrdan, and Ait Eder. Built the city walls on several bitter solution, which is very likely that they were built above the city walls ROMANIAN "Tingas." Walls chronicling the current Portuguese period (1471-1661 AD), but she knew several works of restoration and reconstruction and immunization English during the period (1661-1684), then the clay Alsla Aoyen who added several fortifications in the 18th century AD, where the group supported the walls of the towers: Tower ostrich - Amer Tower - Tower Dar al-Dabbagh and the peace Tower. As they opened the 13 sections, including: the door of the Casbah - the door Marchan - Haha door - the door of the sea - Alash door - the door of the convenience and the door of the marina

Reed Gillan: Located on the right bank of Wadi throat, on the road leading to the east of the city Malabata antique. Was built around 1664 AD, is associated with its name to Gillan Alkhder commander of Islamic Jihad against the British colonialists who occupied the city of Tangier between 1662 and 1684. Castle is available on a tight defense, a four-rib immune Sorin half circular towers and prominent, large urban Ttosthma door.
Palace Kasbah or Dar Stock: This building occupies a strategic location on the eastern side of the trachea, it is very likely that he used during other periods of ancient history. Brown Palace or Palace Kasbah Sultan Moulay Ismail in the XVIII century AD, by Ali Ahmed Basha rural English castle on the ruins of «uper castel». It contains a set of basic facilities: the big house, the house money, the whole, Almchor, prisons, house goats and Riyadh. In the year 1938, turned the building into a museum and Atnograve Erkyuluggi of Tangier and its region

Great Mosque: close to the market located inside the Grand Mosque. Was converted into a church during the period of Portuguese colonization, having retrieved in the year 1684 identified several acts of restoration and expansion during the period above. This parameter is characterized Bbhaúha and rich decoration, which was used where all the arts of decoration and mosaic tiles and dyeing and engraving, sculpture, writing on wood and plaster. Contains the Great Mosque to pray over the house consists of three corridors parallel to the qibla wall and a courtyard surrounded on all sides Broaqan. And has therefore it is considered a model of the upper mosques known simply engineered.
New Mosque: Mosque also known as Isawh and sometimes palm mosque, located in front of the corner on Rue Issawiya honest .. Is characterized by its humped minaret of the mosque mosaic decorations.
Kasbah Mosque: There Bznqh Ben Abbou. Built in the XVIII century AD by Ahmed Ali Pasha rural, and is one of the Accessories Palace Kasbah or the so-called House of the store

.Spanish Church: After spending a period building in the ownership of two families Ehudatin XVIII century AD bought the Sultan Mohammed bin Abdullah about 1760, was donated to the Swedish government to establish the first consulate in 1788 AD. In 1871, the Spanish exploited by the ruling makes it a Catholic mission, he built a large church called out "to Abyrychema" on the Mary Mother of Christ. But since about thirty years, and it is no longer hesitate to Christians on the church lot, the institution concerned with various social activities. Currently not only building left from the top of the main peace

This museum is the latest in 1990 and a wing devoted to the permanent display 276 square meters spread over five halls and lobby as well as a garden designer-style British engineering. The museum building is a landmark development in Tangier, where the unique built in 1898 the British-style engineering to respond to the requirements of the Protocol on the grounds that the building was the seat of the British Consul General in Morocco. Was imperative that combines the durability and luster and beauty of design and engineering, with an exhibition space of about 270 m at an altitude of 5 meters of wood roof envelope pseudonym of gypsum ceiling carved from wood covered with green tiles.
 The museum houses a critical mass of artists' works Moroccans and gives a panorama of Contemporary Artistic Movement in Morocco and copes with stroke made ​​by starting with the work of the pioneers of the first generation who have crossed the road in front of the emergence of plastic art Moroccan Acts of the stage of the fifties shared by two trends: first, it represents the "School of Fine Arts in Tetouan" and the second represents "school of Fine Arts in Casablanca, "and then the stage of the sixties, which announced the birth of a new generation latest break with the remnants of the colonial period, the museum also includes forms with an innate tendency for artists of the seventies

The city of Tangier, the largest centers of industry, trade and finance in Morocco, and the largest private government institutions. The city's economy continues to grow. Since 1998, Tangier and the economy develops further as a result of the spread of roads and increase the workforce Tangier comes in second place, in terms of industrial activity in Africa; as factory where there are 78 working in the field of clothing. Produces Tangier Morocco sixth production of the printing and publishing,

It also produces food, chemicals, Tangier is a port of the largest ports that work in the field of import and export of Tangier is also the largest cultural centers in Africa, where there are many art galleries, theaters, music, museums, cultural societies, famous. As belonging to some poets, writers, actors and famous artists. Resulted in the rich city played an important role in supporting cultural activity. As was the presence of an atmosphere of free expression and many of the companies advertising and communication major contribution to the flourishing of culture in the city
The city of Tangier, one of the richest cities of Morocco. Has been ranked in 2007 as one of the richest cities of Morocco in terms of income generated by the incomes of the community belonging to the region located in Europe and especially Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain. It is also an industrial city are available on a group of plants (steel, Alasmt, wages ...) and the city will see a new industrial zone, in addition to a free zone. The city features an international airport and the port contributes to the development of its economy


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