الثلاثاء، 7 فبراير 2012

Tourism in Rio de Janeiro / Brazil

Rio de Janeiro (in Portuguese: Rio de Janeiro "River January"), or succinct Rio, Brazil's second largest city after Sao Paulo, and the third largest metropolis of South America after Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires. Was founded in 01/01/1565. Is one of the most beautiful cities in the world by many.
The area of ​​the city about 1.260 square kilometers. The number of residents of Rio de Janeiro in 2007, about the major 13,782,000 people.
Located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, the capital of the state, the city was the former capital of Brazil before the construction of Brasilia DC current

 Have jurisdiction over the most important tourist attractions Adedeh of pristine beaches and famous beach Copakopana the large number of tourists to it and I remain the shores of more beauty than such as the shores of Leblon Beach and Ipanema Among the most famous tourist areas of Rio de Janeiro is a statue of Christ, or so-it by PARA (Karagovado) and are accessible to him by train at the top of the mountain, overlooking a wonderful view of the city and no neighborhood of Botafogo commercial markets of the best sites for shopping is also famous for Earnda continuous and various events

 The name Rio Didjaniroa this name as they hit the Spanish fleet in the month of Janiora
Rio de Janeiro of the largest cities in Brazil means January River in Portuguese. Is one of the most beautiful cities in the world by many. Area of ​​jurisdiction: 43.653 km and is slightly larger than Denmark and its capital (Rio de Janeiro) and was the capital of Brazil before the construction of Brasilia, the capital of Brazil Current. Have jurisdiction over the most important tourist attractions and famous beaches in the world, including Copacabana and Ibenema

It is the second largest city in South America after Sao Paulo, the industrial center of Brazil. The Rio de Janeiro, which is often called simply as Rio, an important center of finance, trade and transport. The city has a larger major seaports in South America. And Rio is the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro in southeast Brazil. The population of the city of Rio de Janeiro 6,042,411 people, while the number of residents of this city and its suburbs, up to 11,205,567 people.

The Rio de Janeiro offer stunning one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Rio and located between the mountains covered by forests and the Atlantic Ocean and the picturesque blue Guanabara Bay. Antiques and sparkling white beaches and tall palm trees of the Sahel. Sugar Mountain and rises to a height of Loew 404 m from the peninsula in the Gulf

And Rio de Janeiro city densely populated, but despite the congestion, many of the inhabitants of the city of Rio are considered the best place to live in Brazil. And enjoy the people, in particular the sunny beaches of Rio and Mlahiaa night and vibrant festivals.

 Rio was founded when the Portuguese soldiers built a fort and a village near what is now Bay of Guanabara in 1565 AD. The Portuguese settled there in order to control the harbor and fired their city name on the Gulf, which was called at that time, Rio de Janeiro (River January). Historians believe that the Portuguese explorer Johnkalo Coelho called the Gulf as the month in which it arrived in 1503 AD. It was believed that the Gulf Kelho the mouth of the River Great

.Rio is divided into three main sections. The area is located north of the north line of the major mountains that rise along the coast of the ocean. There are in this category, which includes the Gulf Coast many of the factories and docks and large residential areas. And connects Rio Niteroi bridge that spans a length of 14 km area in the north of the Rio Niteroi, located east of the Gulf. And water in parts of the Bay of Guanabara contaminated with sewage.

It occupies the southern region of long narrow land between the coastal mountains and the ocean. These include the region of Lake Rodrigo de Freitas. The Botanical Garden contains neighboring tropical plants. Overlooking groves of hundreds of apartments on the many beaches in the region. The famous Copacabana beach and docks Pfnadgah huge ornate paved with stones colored.
Differ slums called Alvvelaz significantly different from the high-end Copacabana. And lives of thousands of poor people in the huts on the slopes of the mountains and steep coastal land infested swamps.

Residential neighborhoods are located in the valleys near Rio. And lives of many workers on low incomes in these small towns
The small area is located the center, which includes the main business district, in the mouth of the Gulf. In the center of Rio, stands a modern office buildings and huge. Usually the traffic often fills the streets of spacious street, such as President Vargas Avenue and Rio Branco. The streets of the city the other is narrow to the extent that pedestrians are the only ones who can walk through them. There are most of the libraries, museums, theaters, major in Rio in the central region. He is the main post office palace was once home to the Portuguese rulers of Brazil


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