الأحد، 5 فبراير 2012

Tourism in Spain

Spain (Spanish: España), officially the Kingdom of Spain (Spanish: Reino de España) is a state member of the European Union is located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula. Limits the righteousness of the main south and east of the Mediterranean with the exception of small land border with the territory of the overseas British Gibraltar. Bordered to the north of France, Andorra and the Bay of Biscay, to the northwest and the west the Atlantic Ocean and Portugal.

 Spanish territory also includes the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean off the African coast and two autonomous cities in North Africa are Ceuta and Melilla, moreover, lies the town of Livia Spanish Kmoktnf inside French territory. An area of ​​504.030 km ² and thus the second largest country by area in Western Europe and the European Union after France.

Underwent Spain because of its many external influences since prehistoric times and even its emergence as a state. Spain emerged as a united country in the fifteenth century, after the unification of the Catholic kingdoms and control over the entire Iberian Peninsula in 1492. On the other hand, Spain was an important source of influence in other regions during the modern times, when it became a global empire that has left a legacy of more than 500 million speakers in Spanish, making it the second use of mother tongues.

 Spain a democracy with a parliamentary government under a constitutional monarchy. Spain is from developed countries where the economy is the ninth largest economy in the world in terms of nominal GDP, and that living standards are very high (ranked twentieth on the human development index), and also ranked tenth in terms of the Hairy quality of life in the world in 2005. Spain is a member of the United Nations and the European Union and NATO and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the WTO

Label out of Spain is still the focus of controversy. May be a Roman name ancient Iberia, Hspaina, stems from the use of the poetic word for Hesperia, which refers to Spain, which in turn reflects the perception Greek Italy as "the land of Western" or "Land of Sunset" (Hesperia) and thus Spain Hspiria Altima (Land Sunset distal) being to the west of Italy. May also be the label of Achtakkaka Aspainhad Punic, which means "land of rabbits" or "edge", in reference to the location of Spain on the western edge of the Mediterranean Sea; show money in the Romanian region of the reign of Hadrian's character and the female rabbit at her feet.

There are also allegations that the word Spain is derived from the word Basque Azbana meaning "edge" or "border", a reference to the fact that the Iberian peninsula form the south-west of the European continent while the proposed humanitarian Antonio de Nbricha that Hspaina word evolved from the word Hasballes Iberian meaning "city of the Western world." According to new research done by Jesus Luis Kounkalos was published in 2000 named Gramatika Ahlmyntal Venice (the basic rules Phoenician), returns the root of the term - to Span - the captivity, which means "smelting." Therefore i-spn-ya means "the land that is the melting of metals

  Archaeological research indicates that the Atapuerca in the Iberian Peninsula was inhabited by humans since Boslav 1.2 million years. Arrived humans Modern Peninsula for the first time from the north on foot since 32.000 years ago the best artifacts known of these settlements, human pre-history is the famous paintings in a cave Oltmira in Kintibraa in northern Iberia, which was created about 15,000 BC. AD by the Crew - Magnons. Archaeological evidence suggests strongly that the genetic and the Iberian Peninsula was one of the major shelters that contributed 
  to the re-settlement of northern Europe after the end of the last ice age

 Shaaban main island housing a historic two Iberians and the Celts, where people first settled along the Mediterranean Sea from the north-east to south-west, while the Celts live in the north Atlantic and north-western part of the peninsula. In the inner part of the peninsula, where both teams were in contact, there arose a mixed culture known as the distinctive Sltaabaria. Settled in the Basque region of Western Pyrenees mountain range and adjacent areas. Other ethnic groups have emerged along the coastal areas of southern peninsula.

 Emerged in the south of the peninsula near the city's legendary Tartisos (approx. 1100 BC), which is known trade items made of gold and silver with the Phoenicians, Greeks and documented by both Strabo and the Song of Songs. Between about 500-300 BC Phoenicians and Greeks founded colonies of commercial sailors along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Carthaginians dominated for a short time a large part of the Mediterranean coast of the peninsula, until defeated by the Romans in the Punic Wars

The twentieth century brought some peace to the country. Spain played a minor role in the crush to Africa, where it occupied the Western Sahara and the Rif region of Morocco and Equatorial Guinea. Helped the heavy losses during the war in the countryside in Morocco to undermine the monarchy. Over a period of authoritarian rule under General Miguel Primo de Rivera (1923-1931) by the Second Spanish Republic. Gave the Republic of political self-rule regions of the Basque Country, Catalonia and Galicia and gave women the right to vote.

At the beginning of 2002, suspended the use of Spanish peseta currency and a national Stbdelha in euros, which it shares with other countries in the euro area. Also saw Spain also strong economic growth was much higher than the EU average, but promoted a timely manner to concerns made ​​by many economic commentators at the height of the boom that the prices of real estate is not normal and high foreign trade deficit because of the mutation may lead to economic collapse is painful, which Make sure the collapse of a severe real estate market resulted in the recession that hit the country in 2008-2009 a series of bombs exploded in commuter trains in Madrid on March 11, 2004

. After achieving long as five months in 2007 concluded that the bombings were making group Islamic militant local sympathetic to al Qaeda went bombings killed 191 people and injured more than 1800, and was probably the intent of those explosions influence the outcome of general elections, Spanish, held after three days in spite of initial skepticism, which focused on the Basque group ETA, there is evidence to suggest the involvement of Islamists.

  Because of the proximity of elections, quickly turned the matter to the political debate, where the exchange of the two major parties of the Socialist Party and the Spanish People's Party accusations about the consequences. In the elections of March 14, won the Spanish Socialist Party led by Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, a majority of seats enough to form a new government headed by Zapatero himself to the failure of the Government of the People's Party

The area of ​​Spain 504.782 km 2 (194,897 sq mi) and thus the State is No. 51 in terms of area in the world. Smaller by about Spain 47.000 km 2 (18,000 square miles) from France and grow at about 81.000 km 2 (31,000 sq mi), of the state of California. Ted (Tenerife, Canary Islands) is the highest peak in Spain and the third largest volcano in the world from his base

Limiting Portugal Spain from the West, while bounded on the south of Gibraltar (a territory and the British Overseas) and Morocco via Ceuta and Melilla Moktnvat and the island of Comair in North Africa. From the northeast and along the Pyrenees mountain range is bordered by France and the Principality of Andorra. Spain also includes the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean and a number of uninhabited islands on the Mediterranean side of the Strait of Gibraltar, known as Plazas de Subiranیa, such as the Islands and the Isle of Achwern Albran Rock and Al Hoceima and the island of Torah.

 Along the Pyrenees in Catalonia, there is a small town called Livia in the form of enclave within French territory. The island in the River Los Fessanas Pedaswa is of a joint French Spanish rule. Is dominated by the Spanish main land plateaus and mountain ranges such as the Sierra Nevada. This extends from the highlands several major rivers such as the River Ebro and the crown and the River Duero and the Guadalquivir and Aana. There are alluvial plains along the coast and the largest in the Guadalquivir in Andalusia

Spain because of the location and the division of terrain can be seen three major climatic zones first is the Mediterranean climate characterized by dry summers and warm. Classified according to two cups of climate, this region climate is prevailing in the peninsula with two types: Mediterranean climate pattern, which is located in most parts of the country, Mediterranean climate Algalasa (Galicia and Castile North West), where the summer, less heat because of the proximity of the region of the ocean or because of the elevation the surface of the sea.

 The semi-arid climate is found in the southeastern quarter of the country, especially in the region of Murcia and in the Ebro Valley and the Mediterranean climate unlike the dry season extends beyond the summer. Third regions climate is oceanic climate which is characterized by temperatures in summer and winter are affected by ocean currents and there is no seasonal drought. In the coastal strip near the Basque Country and Asturias

In some Highland, there is a kind of "south" of it by a narrow margin, where temperatures are slightly higher in summer (average July temperatures 20-22 ° C (68.0-71.6 ° F) and above Oasirh northwest Europe) - (average scores July temperatures 21 degrees Celsius (69.8 degrees Fahrenheit) in Santander, compared to 16 degrees Celsius (60.8 degrees Fahrenheit) in Brest, Liverpool).

  For some authors, has a climate of Galicia is also peripherally, because of the low temperatures in the summer than in the Mediterranean climate typical. However, it often breaks out forest fires in northwestern Spain because of the drought in the summer, where the sun shines for longer periods of the areas affected by climate-ocean model. On a smaller scale, you can see sub-climatic regions such as the alpine climate in the Pyrenees, the climate is humid subtropical in the Canary Islands. No rain in Spain, but generally falls in the plains on the northern mountains are mainly

During the past four decades has grown tourism industry Spanish to become the second largest tourism sector in the world, worth around 40 billion euros, or approximately 5% of GDP in 2006, contributing to climate and historical monuments, cultural, and geographical location in addition to its facilities in making tourism a major industry in Spain and be a great source of stable employment. Requires the star system in the classification of hotels in Spain more than the requirements of other European countries, which makes the Spanish hotel with a higher value

Road network, linking the Spanish central 6 Ways Links Madrid's north Basque and Catalonia, Valencia, Andalusia and Extremadura, west and Galicia. In addition, there are the highways along the Atlantic coast (Ferrol to Vigo) and Cantabria (Oviedo to San Sebastian), medium (Girona to Cadiz).
Spain currently has a total of 1272 km of high-speed rail link between Malaga and Seville and Madrid, Barcelona and Valladolid. In case of achieving the objectives of insurer AIG in a (train the Spanish high-speed) by the year 2020 will be in Spain 7000 kilometers (4300 miles) of high-speed trains linking nearly all the provincial cities and Madrid in less than 3 hours and Barcelona within 4 hours

More airports in the country's busiest airport is Madrid (Barajas), with approximately from 42.3 million passengers in 2010, and thus the airport No. 11 in the world's busiest airport, Barcelona (the Pratt) is also important, where he received 30 million passengers in 2008. There are other airports in Grand Canaria and Malaga, Valencia, Sevilla and Mallorca, Alicante and Bilbao
Spain aims to put 1 million electric cars on the road by 2014 as part of the government's plan to save energy and increase efficiency, said Industry Minister Miguel Sebastian that "the electric car is the future and drive the Industrial Revolution

Know the diverse cultural heritage of Spain, where many of the affected countries and peoples throughout its history. The roots of Spanish culture to the cultures and the Iberian and Latin Asaltaabaria and Gothic Bank and the Catholic and Islamic
Distinguish the definition of national culture, the tension between the Spanish central state dominated by Castile in recent centuries and many of the regions and minorities. In addition, he played the nation's history and environment of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic a strong role in shaping the culture. Spain has the second largest number of World Heritage sites on the UNESCO list of the world at about 40 sites are preceded by only Italy


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