الأربعاء، 7 مارس 2012

Taj Mahal / India

Shrine made ​​a wonderful, elegant architecture, Bogra, Bottar Pradesh, India. Is one of the most beautiful models of models of Islamic architecture in India. King built by Shah Jahan (1630 - 1648?) To include the remains of Wife Erjmend Manobikm which guide him in her passion. Taj Mahal and the word corrupted from the name that she was carrying the Princess, the Mumtaz Mahal. Set design engineer known for Mr. Issa, which differed in origin, and sex.

  White marble built fetched from Gdaabur on a bench covered with marble surface is white, and set up at each corner of the terrace is consistent minaret 37 m high parts. Bdaúr surrounds each of which three balconies, terrace and in the center of the shrine rises in the form of four-, and occupy the central part of the building the main dome, and a diameter of 17 m. And a height of 22.5 m. Each of the four building facades and high entrance covered contract, and under the great dome above the central building is the tomb of the princess, and the tomb of her husband at his side, and both are decorated with inscriptions written

Taj Mahal is located on the outskirts of the city of Agra, India, on the south bank of the River Jmna, the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife «Mumtaz Mahal» who died after he came to her labor. Located amid a garden with ponds and fountains, and is considered one of the finest effects of Islamic architecture. It took completed twenty-two years, beginning in 1632, and worked in construction for more than twenty thousand workers. It is said that Shah Jahan commissioned Treasury forty million rupees

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