الجمعة، 9 مارس 2012

Tourism in the city of Rajiv / Russia

Regev is located on the banks of the Volga River, 200 km. From the headwaters of the river
City more than 56 square kilometers and the number of Nfosha approximately of 65 thousand people. Away from the city of Tver city a distance of 130 km
The year 1216 the official year of the founding of the city, although there are many signs to the existence of the city before this date a long period. It is the most important documents that refer to made ​​the city mentioned in the blogs in the historic 1019 and 1150 as well as the fact that the city date back to the emirate of Smolensk

The city's geographical location given a great opportunity for the development of trade, and the proximity to the western border of the state gave her the importance of major defense. Over the centuries, 13 and 14 was life in the city very difficult and that any party had controlled the city was getting a fortress controlled the trade routes, this city was the castle into permanent conflict between the parties surrounding the province of Tver and Novgorod, which tried its best to subdue the city to control

.In the 14th century began a violent conflict between Moscow and the Principality of Lithuania large for control of the city that was passed from hand to another. According to historical documents to the involvement of fighters from the city, part of Prince Dmitry Donskoy forces in 1386 in his campaign against Novgorod and this means that the city was under the command of the Emirate of Moscow

Moscow has given the city of great importance as a fortress to protect the western border from attacks by the Poles and Lithuanians. And increased commercial importance of the city where she was from which the pass through which trade caravans on land and commercial vessels through the Volga River, This led to the expansion of the city and its prosperity, at the end of the 17th century built buildings of stone and warehouses, port new city became one of the centers of commerce and industry in the Russian Empire. Where there was the end of the century the 18 160 different industrial workshop. And basic industries sector was the production of ropes, which he needed the Russian fleet.

At the end of the 18 th century and the beginning of the 19th century, the industry has evolved very quickly in the city increased its population to reach in 1858 to about 20 thousand people. In 1870 linked the city's railway lines and into laboratories and factories, which was the biggest factory producing writing paper. With the beginning of the 20th century began competing mechanization of manual work
In factories and laboratories

During Soviet times the city has become one of the largest centers of production and linen factories opened in several tissues, paper, food and other.

Has reflected the industrial development of the city on a number Nfosha which stood in 1940 about 55 thousand people. The city became a cultural center in the province where there was a club with 13 and 20 public library and museum in addition to the many schools and high schools and professional theaters. Continued growth and prosperity of the city and there was nothing to suggest the tragedy that had been waiting for this city

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