الجمعة، 2 مارس 2012

Tourism in Florida / USA

Florida one of the States of America located in the far south-east of the country, the city of St. Augustine which is the oldest European colony has been continuously inhabited in America. Is famous for growing oranges, and the Kennedy Space Center used by NASA to launch a large number of spacecraft.
Florida because of its climate is subtropical with warm place loved by the Americans, especially the elderly, but because they occur between the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, they came several times to strong typhoons. Of the most famous cities: Orlando, which is the city recreation first in the United States of America, Miami is a cosmopolitan city, but is dominated by the Spanish language in the street, Daytona Beach and is one of the most beautiful coasts in the world, Tampa, Gainesville, Jacksonville, Tallahassee (the capital), Melbourne, St. House, in addition to the Beach (Daytona Beach) is well known across the state as a whole is composed beauty of Florida from 67 provinces.
Discover Juan Ponce de Leon, Florida Year 1513, and he named Florida, claiming ownership of Spain and has been for some time the king of Spain and the King of England at different periods until sold by Spain to the United States in 1819 AD


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