الجمعة، 2 مارس 2012

Tourism in London

London (and is said also to the scarcity and Onders Mentagrophtes) is the capital of the United Kingdom and the largest cities. Located on the River Thames in southern England. Live in the city, about 7.5 million people, of whom about 2.7 in the neighborhoods of Onders of the Interior. With a population of around 12,599,561 inhabitants (statistics 2005), making it the largest city in the European Union (Europe without Russia and Turkey) and one of the most important centers of political, economic and cultural rights. The form of the current administrative division of London in April 1, 1965 with the establishment of a major Onders. The city has a large number of universities, institutes and museums and theaters. Take as many international organizations and international companies of the city-based

Dominated Canute the Great Canute on the throne of England, Year 1016 and took control of the country and the city until the year 1035 where the death to re-controlled by a Saxon Edward the Confessor the Confessor last king of Saxon, who re-establishment of Westminster Abbey Westminster Abbey adjacent to the Palace of Westminster has become the city of Onders at this time the city the largest and most prosperous, although the centers of the government was still at Winchester Winchester, and after the victory of William Conqueror r in the Battle of Hastings battle of Hastings was a coronation the Duke of Normandy king of England on the day of rejoicing Birth year 1066 Westminster Abbey has given citizens of Onders special privileges and ordered the construction of Miaraf now known as the Tower of London in the south-eastern corner of the city.

In the year 1097 is William II, King of England building and hall adjacent to Westminster Abbey, which became part of the Palace of Westminster to be the residence of the ministry of ownership throughout the Middle Ages and thus became the Westminster headquarters of the Royal Court and government. The population of Onders in the year 1100 about 18,000 for the year 1300 increasing to 100,000 the growing Jewish population in Onders until the Royal Order of King Edward I King Edward I in 1290 in expelling them from England. Onders stayed away from civil wars during the Middle Ages except the peasants revolt year 1310. Lost City of the third Onders Scanhabesbb the Black Death, which hit her in the middle of the fourteenth century

The Industrial Revolution led to the rapid increase in population dramatically during the nineteenth century and early twentieth century, and continued for Onders as the most populous cities in the world until 1925 when I got to New York this title. The number of the population during the year 1939 8.615.245 people, and in mid-2006 was the official number of residents in major Onders 7,512,400. However, in 2001, construction was continuing outside the boundaries of civilization to the major sheltering Onders 8,278,251. Contains the total urban areas with between 12 and 14 million (varies by identifying areas of civilization). According to Aroustat, to Onders is the most crowded cities in the European Union and the second in Europe (third if we consider that Istanbul lies in Europe).

Region covers an area about 604 square miles (1.579 square kilometers), population density of up to 12.331 people per square mile (equivalent to 4.761 inhabitants per square km), which is ten times greater than any other region in England. For pollution levels, occupies the fifth place Onders century. And the order in the seventh century in the size of urban areas Urban. It also occupies fourth place in the number of Alumblyardarat (U.S. $). Considered to Onders of the most expensive cities in the world with the cost of living in Tokyo and Moscow.
Onders lost with the passage of time from its position in the leading industrial Britain, the industrial sector today is only 10% of employers in the city. Play printing presses and publishing houses played an important role in this sector. Where workers occupy one fourth of the industrial sector came third overall production of Onders. Pharmaceutical industries, electrical and electronic still play an important role in the city, but there are plans for most of these companies and factories to leave the city in the future. Light manufacturing industries are located clothing
and food industries.
Is done through the port of Onders river run 10% of the total exports and imports to Britain. Become annual economic growth of the city since 1971 by 1.4% less than the overall proportion of the country which amounts to an average 1.9%. However, the services sector in the city and private banks and insurance companies are a source of revenue and the movement of the city's important commercial and Britain in general. No Kingdom Stock Exchange's main Onders, the London Stock Exchange, which is the third most powerful stock exchange world after New York and Tokyo. Insurance company Lloyds (Lloyd's), which is one of the largest insurance companies in the world, taken from Onders based.

  Onders to visit annually about 20 million tourists, making the tourism sector to profitable sectors in the economy of the city. Trasport transportation company for London (Transport for London) manages the movement of trains and public buses to the city. Onders is the most important center for air transportation in the world. There are five airports in the city, international, and travels each year from which 120 million passengers. The five airports are Heathrow Airport (Heathrow), Gatwick Airport (Gatwick), Luton Airport (Luton), Stansted Airport (Stansted) airport and the city (for Onders) (City Airport).

Network of underground trains (Metro) in Onders is the oldest in the world dating back to 1863 and now constitutes the overall distance of 415 km the longest. There are eight rail stations mainly in Onders, is the station Charing Cross (Charing Cross), station Ustun (Euston), station King's Cross (King's Cross), station to Liverpool Street (Liverpool Street), Paddington Station (Paddington), St Pancras (St Pancras), Victoria Station (Victoria) and the station of Waterloo (Waterloo) and London Bridge station (London Bridge).
Site of London in London Angeltrutmtd distance of about 40 km on the banks of the River Thames and an average height of 62 meters above sea level. The city was founded originally on the north bank. The Bridge Tower of London several times over the only bridge connecting the two shores of the city together. The center of the city, business district and the important streets on the north bank of the river

 . Building bridges with other rail and pipeline, the city expanded in all directions. The nature of London is generally flat. River Thames was wider in the past than it is now, with the construction of several dams on it. Because of its proximity to the North Sea were susceptible to London for a number of floods. Been identified geographical longitude, which passes the Royal Astronomical Institute (Royal Observatory) in Greenwich line number zero length. It is the day the line is calculated on the basis of the different time zones in the world

Found the city in a moderate climatic zone. Summer is usually warm and cold winter, but the temperature of not less than zero Celsius. July is the hottest months, with an average temperature some 16.3 degrees Celsius while it is 3.9 degrees Celsius in January, which is the coldest month throughout the year.

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