الجمعة، 9 مارس 2012

Tourism in South Africa

Republic of South Africa, is a big country in the far South Africa. Located at the southern tip of the continent and bordered by Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Swaziland. The country of Lesotho is surrounded by the entire territory of South Africa. Its economy is the largest and most advanced among all African countries, and the modern infrastructure existed in almost all parts of the country.
Bojd in South Africa's largest population of European descent in Africa, the largest Indian population outside of Asia and the largest community of color (black skinned) in Africa, making it one of the most diverse population on the African continent. Ethnic conflict and racism among the white minority and black majority hold a large portion of the country's history and policies, has launched its national introduction of the policy of apartheid after winning the general election of 1948 is the same party, which began the dismantling of this policy in 1990 after a long struggle with the black majority and groups of anti-racist whites and Indians

South Africa, few African countries that have not experienced a coup against the government, are also organizing free and fair elections since 1994, making the country an influential force in the region, but one of the most stable democracies on the African continent.
In the second century AD and connected farmers speaking the language of the Bantu from the north and they who are the ancestors of the black population existing in South Africa and in 1652 he arrived settlers Dutch (known as Boers or Afrikaans) who Onazelthm Dutch East India Company and established an independent republic in the Cape region. In 1806, Britain seized the Cape Colony and then ruled the country after the departure of the Dutch. Boers moved in 1836 from Cape Colony to Natal and Orange Free State

 In 1843, Britain established the colony of Natal, until it became the Transvaal Boer Republic in 1852. And in 1854 became the Orange Free State Republic of the Boer. In 1872 Cape Colony became autonomous within the British Empire until Britain annexed the Transvaal to its colonies in 1877. In 1879 defeated the British in the War of the Kingdom of the Zulu English Zulu. (1880-1881) signed the first Boer War and the Boer Transvaal defeated Britain.
  (1899-1902) signed the Second Boer War and was defeated by the Boers and the British annexed the republics of Transvaal and Orange Free. In 1907 granted autonomy Gmehoriaalbuer palace with the right to vote only on the eggs. So that what is known as the Union of South Africa from both the universe (Alrtinsval - Cape Town - Natal - Orange). In 1919, a situation now known as Namibia, under the mandate of South Africa. In World War II fought to South Africa by the Allies
 ..The Republic of the Union of Africa in the far southern tip of the African continent, bordered by Namibia to the north-west, Botswana and Zimbabwe to the north, Mozambique to the north-east, and the rest of its borders on the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic. The area of ​​South Africa's 1,331,000 km, and the population of the Union in the year 1988, 33,763,000 people. And the Union of South Africa two capitals, legislative, a city Cape and management is Pretoria, the capital's population of some 750,000 inhabitants, and the city of Cape more than a million people and the Republic is divided into four states are: Cape and Orange and Natal and Turnsval, and most important cities Drinan (843 thousand), Johannesburg, population 1.8 million people, and cities important Port Elizabeth.

 There is South Africa's temperate climate in general, except the extreme south-west of the country where blowing by the wind Eastern trade of the Indian Ocean, due to the occurrence of South Africa to the south of the equator, the seasons of the year out are opposite to those that dominate the northern half of the globe, and varied climate depending on the variety of heights and wind directions and ocean currents, they enjoy the mountains of the Cape climate is warm and dry in summer and the climate is cold and rainy in winter, and the Sahel region Vharh and humid in summer and sunny and dry in the winter and the hills of East hot in the day and mild at night in the summer and mild in the daytime and cold at night in winter, temperatures drop to below freezing usually during the winter in the hills, and where rainfall ranges between 65 to 100 cm per year, and less rainfall on the southern coast, and is scarce in the desert.

South Africa is located in the far south of the continent of Africa, occupies the fifth place, and twenty in terms of area in the world. The aspects of the surface in South Africa in the Golan large and wide with about two-thirds of the country, with a maximum height at the southern edge of East where the Drakensberg Mountains, and there is this plateau three regions distinct Madelfild and Bochwild and Highfield, and covers the area Alhaeveld most parts of the plateau and a height of 1.525 m above sea level, located north of Highfield Bochwild or basin Turnsval divided this region into several basins by rocky peaks and descend from east to west toward the Limpopo River, and the average height of about 1.200 m Bochwild. The western part of the plateau, which is known Bmadelfild, Vinhaddr down in the western direction and the average height of about 915 m.

Descend with the land between the end of the plateau and the east coast and south towards the sea, and includes part of South Africa Kalahari Desert in the north-west, which extends even Botswana, also includes part of the Namib Desert in the west along the Atlantic Ocean towards the mountains of the Cape
As for the rivers in South Africa is considered Orange river is one of the longest rivers of which stems from Lesotho and flows towards the north-west flows into the Atlantic Ocean, the River Limpopo Vinba from the north and flows towards the north-west until it reaches to Botswana and then heading east along the border with Botswana and Zimbabwe before reaching Mozambique and then continue to flow until it reaches the Indian Ocean. Stems Fall River in the northeast, near Swaziland.

There are also a number of other small rivers, and most of the rivers of South Africa is a regular flow and mostly dry up most of the year and therefore little used for navigation or for the generation of hydroelectric power, it has some uses in irrigation.
The most important rivers and Val Orange Orange Vaal, Limpopo Limpopo. Orange River and the longest length of 2092 km and empties in the Atlantic Ocean.
The highest point where Anjaasuta 3408 m. The most important Drakensberg mountain range.
Part of South Africa, the continent of Antarctica is Prince Edward Islands

 Climate of South Africa's multi-features because of its location, and the increase of land, however, varies from region to region because of the breadth of their place, and falling rain in some parts of the summer, but the southern part of the country is characterized by a climate similar to the climate of the Mediterranean, and the fall rains in the winter, and dominates the northern regions of Western manifestations of desert climate, while there is the East Coast style tropical humid in the territory of Natal, and on the plateau semi-arid tropical climate

Lives of many South Africans in rural areas. The law forced the land for the years 1923 AD and 1936 AD large numbers of blacks on the stability of the homelands set aside for them in rural areas. Other laws and prevented farmers from leasing their land.

These actions led to the spread of poverty among blacks, and enabled farmers to own almost all agricultural land. Under the policy of apartheid, it was for men to spend most of the year away from their families to work in the cities and mines. As a result, the structure of rural life consisted of women, children and the elderly. Despite the new laws leave on the rights of farm workers solving problems of migrant workers in the nineties of the twentieth century has been the rural areas in South Africa suffer from poverty, unemployment, seasonal

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