الأربعاء، 7 مارس 2012

Tourism in the Sultanate of Brunei

Brunei (Balmalaio: Negara Brunei Daroslam, Paljawih: Brunei Darussalam), formally known as Brunei Darussalam or nation of Brunei or the land of peace, is a country located on the northern coast of the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia. Brunei is divided into two zones separated by the town of Mbang of the State of Sarawak Malaysia that surround the fully Brunei Brunei exception of the northern coast, overlooking the South China Sea. Brunei is the only independent on the island of Borneo, where Malaysia and Indonesia share the rest of the island

The emergence of Brunei back to the seventh century AD when it was state of the Kingdom of Srivijaya under the name 'Bonnie' became later a vassal of the empire Madjapahi before embracing Islam in the fifteenth century. During the height of its empire stretch, control of the Sultanate extended to include coastal areas of what is known in these days Bsraouk, Sabah and the Sulu archipelago and the islands off the north-west of the island of Borneo. Ferdinand Magellan visited this country in the Navy in 1521 and fought in the war of Spain Castile in 1578. Empire began to retreat after forced to cede Sarawak to James Brooke and the waiver of the morning of the company registered the British North Borneo

After losing to Ambang, Brunei became a British protectorate in 1888, then he stayed for a British governor in 1906. After the Japanese occupation of the country, announced that Brunei's new constitution and fought an armed revolution, and then regained its independence from the United Kingdom in the first of January 1984. Led economic growth during the seventies and nineties, which reached an average of 56% between 1999 and 2008, to turn the country into a modern industrial state.
Brunei occupies second place in the human development index, after Singapore, between the countries of Southeast Asia, and is classified as a developed country, according to the International Monetary Fund, Brunei occupies the fourth place in terms of GDP per capita in purchasing power parity

 The Ong Alec Bettatr the establishment of Brunei, where the transmission of Garang to the mouth of the river of Brunei to the discovery of Brunei, where legend has it that he exclaimed, saying, 'Pro Naa' (ie, "Great!" Or "Excellent!" In Arabic) when he came on shore, and so derived Name of Brunei
The state was renamed to "Paronaa" in the fourteenth century, perhaps influenced by the word "Varunaa" Sanskrit (वरुण) which means "sailors" to become later "Brunei", as the name Borneo has the same origin. In the name of the state's official "Negara Dar es Salaam," the Negara means "state" Malay language, which is derived also from the word "Najara" Sanskrit (नगर) which means "city of
The magnitude of the Sultanate of Brunei peak between centuries XIV and XVI are believed to influence the Sultanate spread to the coastal areas are located in what is known these days Bsraouk and Sabah, and the Sulu Archipelago, and the islands adjacent to the south west side of the island of Borneo. There is disagreement about the period in which the income of Islam to Brunei for the first time, a number of effects indicate that the Islam practiced in the island since the twelfth century AD. Among the monuments tombstones found in the tombs of several Islamic in Brunei, especially the headstone, which was found in a cemetery Ranjaas of Chinese Muslim named Bo King Shaw Minh City, where he was buried there a year 1264, and this was a hundred years ago to convert to Ong Alec Bettatar of Islam, who later became Muslim Sultan Mohammed Shah, the first Sultan of Brunei

"Boo" is the name of a Chinese family, according to Chinese historians, it distinguishes the holder as a Muslim. According to the headstone, the King, Bo Xu Minh feet from the Chinese city of Kwangju. During Singh's dynasty merchants were Arabs and Persians traveling to Canton (Kwangju) in the territory Koonjtnj, to Chuan Shu in the province of Fujian. But the tomb of Poe, but Shaw Minh is not the grave only to Chinese Muslims in the tomb of Ranjaas, there is a grave adjacent to the Muslim Chinese last name Li Xia Xu from City Link launched (Vukian) who died in 1876 and 'Link to launch' is another city was the Arab traders traveling to it constantly.

According to the records of the Chinese mentioned in the book "Notes on the archipelago of Malaya and the Queen gathered from Chinese sources," which was written by William Peter Gronfelt year 1880, has reached a merchant and diplomat Chinese Muslim, named Bo has something, which is similar to the name (Abu Laith), to Brunei in the tenth century AD. At the time, received the King of Brunei Hyang Ta (Punjto) Trader - Chinese diplomatic official ceremony is great. This is proof that Islam entered the Brunei Year 977. One may argue that the merchant - Chinese diplomat has brought with him nothing but some gifts and greetings from the Emperor of China, but it is interesting that the King of Brunei has sent a delegation to China to respond to the emperor the duty of greeting, was headed this delegation Muslim named Bo Ali (Abu Ali).

 Based on this information, the Abu Ali has held an important position in the government of Brunei since he was ambassador to Brunei to China. Although the King was not a Muslim at that time, a number of members of the royal court were Muslims. Claimed a number of historians Arubans that Brunei did not become a Muslim country until the fifteenth century, but the reference Chinese (Ming Shih, Book 325), said that the King of Brunei in 1370 was Mahumusa, some say that this name must be read Kmahmod Shah. But local historians say that Brunei real name is Mohammed Shah, the first Muslim Sultan of Brunei, where merchants were Arabs and the Persians and the Sindhis are visiting Brunei during his reign.

   However, Robert Nicol, who was director of the Museum of Brunei, argued in a paper entitled 'Notes on some controversial issues in the history of Brunei' that the name may Mahumusa pronounces quantity Moxa which means 'the great eternity', which makes him a Buddhist name. Nicole also argues that the Sultan of Brunei, who died in Nanjing 1408 was not a Muslim. But historians say that the Sultan of Brunei Brunei II was a Muslim named Abdul Majid Hassan

According to historians of Brunei, the Sultan Mohammed Shah, who converted to Islam in 1376, and the rule until the year 1402. After that, ascended to the throne of Sultan Abdul Majid Hassan, in his time he visited the Chinese maritime explorer is a Muslim Geng Brunei several times. It is likely that there are two waves of Islamic teachings, which were submitted to Brunei, where the first made ​​by traders from Arabia, Persia, India and China. And there was the second wave after the conversion of Sultan Mohammed Shah of Islam, and with the second wave, spread of Islam in Brunei at a rapid pace.

  Led by Sharif Ali, who is due lineage to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him through his grandsons Hassan and Hussein, may Allah be pleased with them, the spread of Islam in Brunei, where he arrived Sharif Ali to Brunei coming from Taif, and soon only a short time before to marry the daughter of Sultan Ahmed. Sharif had to build a mosque in Brunei, and raised him and the relationship between the number of advocates of Islam in the region, such as Malik Ibrahim, who went to Java and Zine El Abidine al-Sharif in his kingdom and Sharif Abu Bakr al-Sharif in Sulu and in Mindanao Kibenj Swan.

 Sharif Ali became the sultan of Brunei after the government took over from his father, and knewthe title of 'Sultan Al Baraka' of what was known of piety and righteousness. Sultan Ali waspreaching at people in Friday prayers, but it was not authority, but he was also aware of the people of Brunei imam of the Islamic religion.

  According to Thomas Stamford Raffles, in his book "The History of Java", the activities of the Islamic Sultan Ali were not limited to Brunei, but also spread to Java, where the call of Islam,known there as "Raja Hrmen", also called Prabhu Anka and Jaya King empire Mjabhit of Islam.Brunei's efforts led to the call of Islam to the spread of Islam outside the island of Borneo until they reached the southern Philippine Islands. However, when the Portuguese landed Malaga1511, Brunei has played a key role in spreading Islam in the region.

  Entrench Islam in Brunei in the sixteenth century, and a girl Brunei's largest mosques in 1578, where the traveler visited the Spanish Olnso Beltran, and described it as consisting of five floors and is built on the water. It is likely that symbolized the five floors of the five pillars of Islam. In June of the same year, Spain has the destruction of
the mosque.
 European influence has led to the elimination of Brunei as a regional power, which fought a brief war Brunei with Spain, which the Spaniards occupied the capital of Brunei, but the war ended with the triumph of Brunei may have lost a number of its territory. Reached the peak of the Sultanate of Brunei weakness in the nineteenth century, when Brunei lost most of its territory for the white rulers of the kings of Sarawak, which is why in the fact that Brunei is a small area and is divided into two separate areas. Brunei became a British protectorate in 1888 until the year 1984, and occupied by Japan between 1941 and 1945 during World War II. I got a mini-revolution against the monarchy in 1960, they put down with the help of the United Kingdom, and knew this event a revolution Brunei. Revolution was one of the reasons for the failure of a federal northern Borneo, and partially affected Brunei's decision to withdraw from the Federation of Malaysia

Brunei Darussalam consists of two parts separated a total area of ​​5766 km2 (2226 square miles). Live 77% of the population in the eastern part of Brunei, while about 10,000 people live in the mountainous part South East (Region Timborong). The total population of the country of 428 000 (2010) 130.000 live in the capital Bandar Seri Pkawan

Other major cities is the city Muara port and the city Serie oil-producing neighbors and the village Kuala Belet. There is in the Area of the territory of Belet Banga large numbers of expatriates due to the center of Royal Dutch Shell and housing facilities and entertainment of the British Army. Park is located Gerodong which is very famous amusement park in the west of Bandar Seri Pkawan. Brunei is located within the territory of most of the rain forest ecosystems of Borneo low, which covers most of the island, but there are also areas of mountainous rainforest interior

 The climate of the country's climate is tropical rainforest. Average annual temperature is 27.1 C (80.8 F) with an average April / April - May / May 27.7 ° C (81.9 F) and the average October / October - December / December 26.8 Celsius (80.2 Fahrenheit

Brunei Darussalam was launched in July 2009 planned national brand "Brunei Halal" which allows manufacturers in Brunei and other countries to use trade mark Brunei old to help them penetrate lucrative markets in countries where large numbers of Muslim consumers.

Based on the perception of the use of the Sultanate of Brunei old brand ensures consumers Muslims corporate compliance with laws relating to the strict Islamic teachings. Brunei also aims to build confidence in the brand through strategies that will ensure the safety of halal products and strict compliance with the rules governing access to sources of raw materials and manufacturing processes, logistics and distribution.

 Believed that the old brand of Brunei is the first successful attempt to mark the old global brand that will reap the potential commercial returns by meeting the needs of Muslim consumers in the world. Established a new company owned by the Government of Brunei as abundant as the Holding Her brand of Brunei Halal. Abundant entered into a joint venture with the Brunei International Islamic Investment Company, Kerry Logistics Co., Ltd. based in Hong Kong for the formation of Al Ghanim International Food. Al Ghanim International regulate use of the trademark Brunei Halal. Required producers wishing to use the trademark to obtain the first sign of Brunei old (or a certificate of conformity manufacturing and slaughter of the assets of Shariah) through the Ministry of Islamic Affairs of the Halal Food Control Section. They can then contact Ghanem for a brand

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