السبت، 3 مارس 2012

Tourism in Venice / Italy

Venice (and also named the country Abannadeghian, expressing Bunodrchia βενέτικος or Greek or relative to the nut; Italian Venezia / venɛtt͡sja /) a city in northern Italy, the capital of region Veneto, a population +271367 (according to census estimate January 1, 2004). Along with Padua, the city, this is included with Padua, Venice Metropolitan Area (population 1,600,000). Historically, the city was an independent nation.
  And was known as "Dominante", and "Venice," and "Queen Searaladraeteki," and "City of Water", and "City of Bridges", and "City of Light." And wrote about Luigi Barzini in The New York Times}, and Ocefhaa, saying: "It is undoubtedly at Venice is the most beautiful city built by human

The city stretches across 118 islands in the swamps of a small lagoon of Venice along the Adriatic Sea in northeast Italy. Tmtdallakeh and salt along the shoreline between the mouths of the rivers Po (south) and Piave (north). The estimated population of 272,000 inhabitants includes the population of the municipality the whole of Venezia; and about 62.000 in the historic city of Venice (Centro storico.); And 176.000 in Terraferma (Mainland), mostly frazione big of Mestre and Marghera; live 31, 000 in the other islands in the lake.
And the Republic of Venice was a naval force main during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and the start of the Crusades, and the Battle of Lepanto, as well as the center is very important for commerce (especially silk, grain and spice trade) and art since the thirteenth century until the end of the seventeenth century. Venice is also famous for music, especially music, opera, and the ancient and, the most famous children in this area is Antonio Vivaldi

There are no historical records addressed the origins of Venice directly, but the available evidence has led many historians to agree that the indigenous people of the city of Venice consisted of a number of refugees Romanian cities such as Padua and Aquileia, and Alteno and Concordia (Bertogerwao modern) who Kano fleeing successive waves of Germanic invasions and Huns late ROMANIAN some sources revealed the existence of fishermen on the islands in the marshy lakes of origin. They were referred to as lacunae incola (lake residents).
 Starting in 166-168, and destroyed Quadi Almarcomanyen the main center in the region, and the current Oderzo. The ousted Romanian defenses again in the fifth century earlier by the Visigoths and, some 50 years later, by the Huns led by Attila. His appearance in the last and most enduring of which was the Lombards in 568. This left the Romanian Eastern Empire a small strip of coast in current Veneto, and administrative bodies and the major religious hegemony transferred to this remaining. Has been building new ports, including those in the Malamocco and Torcello in the Venetian lagoon.
And dimensions have been Byzantine domination of central and northern Italy later to a large extent by the conquest of the Exarchate of Ravenna in 751 of Aistulf. During this period, was the headquarters of the local Byzantine governor (the "duke / Dux", later "doge") is located in Malamocco. Settlement across the islands in the lake probably Zdadt of missions with the opening of the Lombard territory of the Byzantine

 At 775-776, was created diocese headquarters Olivolo (Helipolis). In the reign of the Duke of Agnello Particiaco (811-827) were transferred from the Duchy of seats to the island of Rialto Malamocco very secure (Rivoalto "High Shore"), the current location of Venice. The monastery of St. Zachary and the first and Algosraldoqa St. Mark's Cathedral, as well as the walled defense (civitatis murus) between Olivolo and Rialto was built at a later time. The black winged that may be the last in Venice is the symbol of Saint Mark
In 828, raised in the prestige of the new city from stealing the relics of St. Mark from Alexandria, which placed in the new church. As the headquarters of the Patriarchate was moved to Rialto. While continuing to develop the society as it wanted to Byzantine power, it led to the growth of autonomy and independence at the end of the day

 .Located on the Adriatic Sea, Venice traded with the Byzantine Empire, and the Muslim world on a large scale. By the late thirteenth century, Venice was the most prosperous city in all of Europe. At the height of its power and wealth, he was holding 3.300 36.000 Seas ship, controlled the trade in the Mediterranean Sea. During this time, the largest families of Venice vied with each other to build the grandest palaces and support the work of artists, the largest and most talented.
  The city was ruled by the Great Council, which was composed of members of the most influential families in Venice. The Great Council appointed all public officials, elected by the Senate of 200 to 300 individuals. Because this group was too large to be efficient management, the Council of Ten (also called the Ducal Council or judgment), was dominated by a large part of the city administration. One member of the Great Council elected "Doge", or duke, the ceremonial head of the city, which usually remains on the title until his death

And the structure of Venetian government similar in some ways to the republican system of ancient Rome, with the election of the chief executive (the Doge), a Senate, such as a gathering of nobles, and turned into a mass of citizens with political power is limited, which was originally a power to grant or not to approve all candidates for the newly Doge. And the Church and various private property restricted to military service, in spite of the lack of possession Fares within the city itself.
  The Cavalieri di San Marco was the only system of chivalry in Venice, no citizen could accept or join the system without the consent of a foreign government. Venice remained one of the independent republics during that period either politics and the military were separate, but when it is in some cases, the Doge personally headed the military. And considered the war a continuation of commerce by other means (hence, the production of the city in the past large numbers of mercenaries for service elsewhere, at a later time, and its dependence on foreign mercenaries, because the ruling class was preoccupied with commerce).

Buildings of Venice are constructed on closely spaced wood piles, which were imported from the mainland. (Under the water, where the presence of oxygen, does not dissolve wood was petrified as a result of the continuous flow of water rich in minerals and around through it, so that the stone-like structure.) Piles penetrate the layer softer than the sand and mud to reach the layer is much more difficult from the pressure of the mud.
  Piles of wood had been cut off in the holy of the western part of Slovenia, which led to the barren land in the area today called Kras, and in two regions of Croatia, Lika and Gorski Kotar (resulting in the barren slopes of Velebit). Most of these piles are still intact after centuries of submersion. Institutions rest on the piles, and buildings of brick or stone on top of this footings. And buildings are often threatened with a wave of floods during the nights of payment of the Adriatic between autumn and early spring.
And six hundred years ago, Venetians protected themselves from land-based attacks by diverting all the major rivers flowing into the lake, and thus preventing sediment from a dam in the region surrounding the city. This is creating a deeper lake

During the twentieth century, when many of the sinking of artesian wells and sank in the vicinity of the lake to draw water for local industry, Venice began to subside. It was realized that extraction of groundwater is the reason. The process of sinking these has slowed markedly since artesian wells were banned 1960s. However, the city is still threatened by more frequent flooding of low-level (so-called Acqua alta, "high water") that creep to a few centimeters high because of the sidewalks and regularly after a certain tides. In many old houses and ladders used by the previous people to unload goods now flooded, making the ground floor uninhabitable. And many Venetians resorted to the upper floors for the continuation of their lives.

Showed some recent studies that the city is no longer sinking, but this has not been confirmed yet, and therefore, in a state of alert has not been canceled. In May / May 2003 Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has launched a project Moss (Modulo Sperimentale Elettromeccanico), an experimental model to evaluate the performance of these inflatable gates, the idea is to develop a series of 79 inflatable tawaaf across the bottom of the sea at the three entrances of the lake. When the tide is expected to rise above 110 centimeters, will fill the pontoons with a mass of air and water received from the Adriatic Sea. This engineering work is scheduled to be completed by the year 2011.
Some experts say that the best way to protect Venice is to physically lift the city to rise further above sea level, by pumping water into the soil under the city this way, some hope, could rise above sea level, and protected for hundreds of years, and ultimately this project Moses may not be necessary (and will, and controversial, change the patterns of the tides in the lagoon, damaging some wildlife). Another point about the system of "lift" which it will be a permanent standing; Moss project is, by nature, a temporary system: It is expected that he will protect the gun for a hundred years only


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