الجمعة، 2 مارس 2012

Tourism in Yemen

That Yemen is still a tourist destination interesting .. Diverse natural component; and depth historical and cultural; and attendance is important for the civilization of Yemen in the system of civilization-Semitism, all of which are a source of inspiration for many people, raise their curiosity to visit Yemen in order to know a lot about this country, which was known as "Arabia Felix". Importance of tourism to Yemen drawn from this rich heritage, and therefore the tourism; based on this legacy, should represent an important benefit in the formal agenda, now and in the future, at the time a development is one of the most important and biggest challenges facing Yemen.

My Love God the Almighty Yemen terrain variety of paint for the visitor panel views and map of the nature of a comprehensive, combining the plains and high mountains and bottoms and fertile valleys, hills and plateaus, beaches, deserts and climate of a diverse coastal and desert and mountain, Vaneks this diversity in the land and climate of cultural diversity including people's habits, social and costumes and Muruthathm People , in addition to the diversity of the archaeological inventory in each region as a result of the long history spanning the history of civilization in the depths of time, which gives the distinctive and privacy of Yemen does not possess many countries

.All these ingredients give Yemen a great opportunity to be one of the key countries in the tourist industry in the Arab region, but it remains dependent on the flow of large investments in this sector and to establish the elements of a tourist industry to be one of the main sources of income and a tool for achieving balanced development and to strengthen the foundations of economic integration between regions of the country different .
The advantage of the availability of resources and Yemen, the elements of a variety of tourist attractions in the whole tourism such as cultural and historical elements of monuments and historical civilizations of the ancient Yemeni states (a - Saba - Aad and Thamud - the people who followed).

Yemeni cities also represent its art and architecture unique multi-traditional souks and distinctive and traditional industries are also a tributary of the cultural tourism product in addition to the Yemeni customs and traditions, cultural traditions and folk arts, which helped the different geographical and environmental diversity in the enrichment and diversity. Tourism is also a beach and a diving tourist attractions Yemen has a coastline spanning more than 2500 km on the Red Sea, Bab el Mandeb and the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea

A large number of Yemeni islands with the properties of naturally beautiful and attractive for tourism marine and diving tourism and recreation ... and others. Addition to the mountain heights, the multiple advantage of the beauty of nature scenery and Madrjadtha green permanent and especially in the summer of each year and the tops and slopes and caverns and caves, and can exploit these mountains to View and summer and sport climbing and walking tourism.

As well as the natural diversity and climate Altdharysa multiple Yemen, and collaboration with wealth and the balance of civilizational, cultural, and humanitarian and historical enormous, and the impact of in creating a perfect combination and variety of one of the most important tourist products unique to the level of the Arabian Peninsula, and to highlight the types of new tourism and contemporary, including adventure tourism, according to the latest classification of the types of tourism products internationally recognized

This diversity picturesque, reflected in the fun of tourism in Yemen of various types that do not start at Tourism climbing hard on the chains and mountain peaks towering and widespread in Yemen, just as it does not end at the diving tourism in the deep sea where the coral reefs, captivating, and tourism hang-gliding and gliding, riding waves and live in the open air on the way to the traditional population of the desert primitive man, where the flow of European tourists are adventure lovers to Yemen in search of tourism and a bus full of secrets and memories that never leave the memory.

Consider Yemen one of the best tourist destinations on the map of international tourism, and says his World Tourism Organization "Yemen tourist destination, welcoming and attractive and unique in its culture and civilization and the diversity of terrain, and the possession of the elements of tourism summer and water sports for the balance of cultural and historical enormous, and as the cradle of the oldest civilizations in the world that still evidence of some of them existed until now and some of them disappeared, including Ahqaf - returned (the first), which sees historians that it preceded the Pharaohs, in addition to the civilizations of other historical runs her to the pre-5000 years BC, the most important civilizations (SABA, Osan, Kingdom of a particular civilization Hadramout , Alhmiriun, and others. as it is home to Arabs and Arab Arabh extinct,

  And containment of Yemen for many scientific centers and the Enlightenment, and tombstones in a large number of areas of Yemen and the possession of the balance of tourist variety comes in the forefront of adventure tourism and tourism climbing the mountain peaks of the most famous of these mountains and the most fun to practice this kind of tourism is all full of its risk and adventure and hardship, in climbing the summit of Mount Prophet Shuaib west of the capital Sanaa, a height of 3600 meters above sea level, and the mountain ranges west of the city of Mahweet Yemen stunning Bmaangtha of clouds and fog and clothing, terraced farmland and family trees famous Yemeni coffee.

In addition to the Haraz Mountains and other mountains, which is characterized by caves, springs, caves, waterfalls and various sulfur minerals. And on the tops of the mountains of Yemen, highlighting the other kind of fun adventure tourism, is in the sport of hang gliding and paragliding, which emerged in the last ten years as a kind of types of tourism new in Yemen, which Tgdb thousands annually a fan of this topic of sport in Europe and herald the development of like this kind of tourism in the coming years especially with the implementation of a number of pilots and paratroopers Acharaian the French and the Germans, and Yemenis to a number of programs and aviation flight mass in different parts of Yemen

The trade routes Yemeni ancient route incense and frankincense associated with civilization of Yemen old one attraction for tourism desert which makes the adventure in these ways exciting and very fun, and most important of these ways: (roads Preah now) caramel Sbotain (Marib) - Shibuya old (freeing) - and the bad, and other

Owns Yemen elements of many natural form in its entirety the key factors and secondary to the medical tourism based primarily on the sources of Spa treatment, and frequented by many people, especially in the Alhuyemi (pilgrimage), Tbalh (Hadramaut), Bath Sokhna (South East Hodeidah), bath long as you (Dali ), Eastern Dees (Hadramaut) Bath Ali (Dhamar) and other areas

Owns Yemen elements of many natural form in its entirety the key factors and secondary to the medical tourism based primarily on the sources of Spa treatment, and frequented by many people, especially in the Alhuyemi (pilgrimage), Tbalh (Hadramaut), Bath Sokhna (South East Hodeidah), bath long as you (Dali ), Eastern Dees (Hadramaut) Bath Ali (Dhamar) and other cities

 Found in Hadramout many sites naturally warm water therapeutic temperature ranging between 40 and 65 degrees Celsius. And these sites are
· Ma'ayan Hassan - Protector
· Ma'ayan Awad - Tbalh
· Ma'ayan Alsoiber - Eastern Dees
Ma'ayan · K - Tbalh
· Ma'ayan effort - Tbalh
· Minimum Ma'ayan - Tbalh
· Ma'ayan traders - Tbalh

All of these sites frequented by therapeutic nature of people every day throughout the year to recover from illness, God willing.
Old Sana'a neighborhood pools are:
· Bath Sultan
· Bath thanked
· Bath Agazzala
· Bath Sheba
· Bath aorta
· Bath Toshi
· Yasser bath
· Bath area
· Bath Alquah

All of which are spread in the lanes of old Sanaa and the water supply from wells where it was followed each lane Bear water or more, and it is believed that the Old Bath Sheba, as well as Yasser bath, which may be attributed to the king Humairi "Yasser Ihnam"
The rest of the bathroom is attributable to the different stages of its history from the era of Islam
· Bath Punic
· Bath Ali
It is believed that its history goes back to (the sixteenth century AD), the date of construction of the neighborhood by the Ottomans during the first period of their rule Yemen.
· Bath Sultan
· Bath-Mutawakkil
· Bath Alves
And dates back to the early (eighteenth century) when he created the Imam Mutawakkil "denominator" a number of service facilities in the neighborhood of the bottom of the baths

Tourism Nature Reserves
The features of Islamic civilization in the mosques and shrines, including the Great Mosque (Sana'a), soldiers and a mosque, a mosque, the people of the cave (Taiz), a mosque and tomb of Sheikh Ahmed bin Alwan (Taiz), and a mosque Aidarous (Aden).
Historic mosques in Dhamar:
Region of darkness spread of many historic mosques in the isolation of the Directorate, including, for example "collector bag in the isolation of Bani Asad Makhlav Razeh" choir and a mosque "in the chorus of isolation between Makhlav Sea."
The majority of mosques in the Directorate of the darkness of old mosques built that dates to ancient historical periods

Shrines in the province of Dhamar:
Hundreds of shrines and domes of the parents and the righteous, for example "Ahumaidh, Sharm low place, and the migration of disadvantaged" and other, which is a wooden coffins decorated with motifs strong tape plant and written and geometric shapes are all executed on wood in a drill-relief, still a number of shrines in place and the status of is good.
- The Shrine Mosque Jermosze: is one of the most important shrines in the district in the migration deprived of Makhlav called.
Yemen wooden shrines known since the beginning (the seventh century AH) is the tomb of "purgatory Mohammed Jermosze" the most important as it contains the date closer to reality than any other, the shrine was built on twenty of the month of Hijjah (1076 AH).


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