الأربعاء، 29 فبراير 2012

Tourism in the city of Hiroshima / Japan

Hiroshima (Japanese: 広 島 市) is a city in Japan, located on the island of "Honshu", and oversees the "Gulf of Hiroshima." Capital "of the province of Hiroshima" and its largest city. Known worldwide for it was the first city in the world received the atomic bomb. A population of about 1,136,684 people (2003).
Built the port - which is the latest in Japan in terms of equipment - and many other industrial facilities on the quay and offshore platforms, artificial. Industries in the "Hiroshima," a variety of textiles, Balgmaih industry, the "Sake" (local beer).
The city was founded in 1594 AD, six of the islands located on the River Delta, "Ota". The city has evolved and has become a center of trade, were also set up a military base in 1868

On 6 August 1945 a United States aircraft ("Enola Gay"), led by pilot Colonel Paul Tabets, dropped the atomic bomb (bomb A) on the city of "Hiroshima", destroyed 90% of the buildings and facilities of the city, and killed more than 80,000 people and injured 90,000 others and left tens of thousands without shelter (in 1945 the city reached a population of 350,000 people).
Three days later the U.S. dropped another bomb on the city of Nagasaki. Killed evacuated more than 75,000 people.
Does not know the direct cause of the feet of the United States to do this was the Japanese Empire was dying it requires two nuclear bombs to force Japan to surrender. However, the rationale the U.S. non-declared that the fighter the Japanese fighter stubborn not giving up and the intransigence of the soldier Japanese causing casualties among U.S. soldiers it was necessary to send a U.S. unambiguous to break the obstinacy of Japan and was the message the U.S. bomb Hiroshima did not bow to the Japanese until after the bomb Nakasaka .

After the war and under the supervision of "Tangi Kenzo" (a famous Japanese architect) has been rebuilding the city, took the business activities then regain Hautea

The atomic bombing - in World War II
The atomic bomb had been used twice. The first blast was the most famous in the city of Hiroshima. Has dropped the uranium bomb, weighing more than 4.5 tons and took the name "Little Boy" on Hiroshima on the sixth of August 1945. Oaowi bridge was chosen, one of 81 bridges connecting the seven-branched delta of the Ota River, a point target. The Ground Zero was set at 1,980 feet.
  At eight o'clock and fifteen minutes the bomb was dropped from the Enola Gay. Has missed its target and fell on a little after 800 feet. At eight o'clock and six fifteen minutes in the flash of an instant, 66,000 people were killed and 69,000 were injured by a bomb consisting of 10 kilotons.
The fumes from the explosion with a diameter estimated slope and a half. The reason for the explosion destroyed the entire mile in diameter. Also cause severe destruction to the area of ​​two miles in diameter. In two miles in diameter and a half completely burnt because everything is burning. What is left of the area bombing was a glowing reddish or of extreme heat. Flame was extended for more than three miles in diameter.
- Says a woman survivor of the massacre, "I was 12 years, was that day Shawwa ... suddenly I saw a bolt of lightning or something like tens of thousands of lightning flashes in a single moment, and then the sound of a huge explosion, and suddenly there was the place total darkness, when I woke up and found Mabla my hair, and my clothes torn, and the skin was flaking from my body, and my flesh and my bones are visible face up.
- Everyone was suffering from severe burns, and they were crying and screaming and going down on their faces as if they were a line of ghosts. - We have covered our city into darkness after a short while ago that was full of life, Valhakol burned and no longer reminds us there is life. "

- This lady is still alive so far, and I held her fifteen plastic surgery to repair her face, which strongly distorted, but says: "I was lucky to just thankful to be alive."
- Different experts in the evaluation of this act the U.S. Some of them supported the American point of view, which said that the bombs hastened the end of World War, millions of dead and save mankind.
- Others argue that this is just to justify the irrational, since they see that the war had come to an end, and will not be long term too much, and what America has done nothing but display the muscles she wanted out of it to receive its prestige and impose control over the world.
- An estimated 140 thousand people have been killed by the bomb and the subsequent repercussions


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