الأحد، 19 فبراير 2012

Tourism in Luxor / Egypt

Luxor, the ancient capital of Egypt during the reign of the empire away from Cairo and 670 km. A historical city located in the center of the province of Upper Egypt Aloqsiroqsy "level" is bordered to the south and north of Edfu Center Qus center on the east the Red Sea governorate to the west by Armant and the limits of the New Valley Governorate. Luxor is characterized by combining the past and present, at one time; there is scarcely one place in the city of Luxor, ancient monuments dating back thousands of years

Colorful names that were fired at Luxor in its history, most famously good and the city cent door, as described by Homer Greek poet of the Iliad, and the city of the sun, and the City of Light, the City of scepter, and called the Arabs this name: Luxor, collect a combination of the word palace where plural Palace (failure ) and generally have much collection or collection plus (Luxor) in view of the palaces and temples that out, with the beginning of the Islamic conquest of Egypt. It is a wonderful city Mashta tourist attraction and focus for lovers of Pharaonic civilization.

The town has its unique character that distinguishes it from all parts of the world, where one of the most important tourist attractions in Egypt, and has more amount of ancient monuments, which is not without a place where the impact of speaking greatness of the ancient Egyptians thousands of years BC. The city of Thebes, or Luxor in southern Egypt, ancient of the most important ancient cities in the world.
  And the effects of the city's famous Temple of Luxor temple complex of Karnak, the Temple of Deir el-Bahari or the temple of Hatshepsut, Colossi of Memnon, the Temple of Deir el-Medina, Medinet Habu, the Temple of Ramesseum, Temple of Seti I Balqrna, the tombs of the Valley of the Kings is the most important kings in this valley 1 Tombs of King Tutankhamun Amon, the tomb of Seti I, tomb of Ramses III, Ramses VI tomb and the tomb of Horemheb. Also west of Luxor, the tombs of the Valley of the Queens. The most important tombs of Mabha tomb of Queen Nefertari

The Luxor has a lot of effects, most notably the Temple of Luxor and Karnak Temples and the Museum of the city and the tombs of the Valley of the Kings and Queens and the funerary temples and tombs of nobles and other effects timeless. The Luxor has seen great interest in restoring effects and museums over the past years, with the opening of the third floor of the temple of Queen Hatshepsut, for the first time after its restoration, as being the completion of the restoration of the tomb of Horemheb's largest and most important tombs of the Valley of the Kings, in addition to the installation of portals for all archaeological sites open to secure them against theft.

 Luxor and attract the largest segment of cultural tourism and cultural coming to Egypt, Luxor is the store's ancient civilization, which more than «800» and the shrine enriched with the finest and the heirs of Egypt's human heritage. Remained Luxor (Thebes), the capital of Egypt until the beginning of the Sixth Dynasty pharaoh, when the capital was moved to Memphis in the north.
A city dating back to prehistoric times, where it is of the most famous ancient cities in the world and contains many temples and tombs, and the most famous Temple of Luxor and Karnak temples and the largest places of worship in the world. Of their names and a good city with a door and a good percent of the many palaces of Luxor was called Thebes by the short third the effects of the world. Now Luxor Museum and has an open center and the cultural heritage of the Mubarak Public Library, where others have ended


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