الجمعة، 2 مارس 2012

Tourism in the city of Leeds / England

Leeds (in English: Leeds) is a city located in the British Grand Duchy of West Yorkshire on the River in the north of aer Angland, away from the city of York about 40 km. A population of about 430.000 inhabitants (in 2001) making it the second largest city in Yorkshire after Sheffield. Active in textiles, furniture, paper, leather and electrical appliances. Today a commercial center and cultural center in the region of Britain. University of the ancient, the most important are the colleges of Medicine and Engineering

Intersect in Leeds each of highways M 1 and M 621. Airport Leeds - Bradford about 13 km northwest of the city. The city has a train station provides transport for the rest of the land throughout the country.
Date of Leeds return to the era of the Roman fort was built in the existing areas of the city to repel the attacks of enemies, especially those coming from the north. The modern city was founded in the eighteenth century with the flourishing trade in the region. Especially in the transportation of coal from the mines nearby, about five kilometers from Leeds. Were building the first railway line in Britain between Leeds and Madleston mines in 1758, which also went in 1812 the first steam train British. City grew rapidly during the Industrial Revolution in the nineteenth century, particularly through the establishment of several textile factories in the city

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