الجمعة، 2 مارس 2012

Tourism in Greece

Greece is a country in southeastern Europe, on the southern tip of the Balkan Peninsula. Bounded in the north of Bulgaria, the Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Turkey and the east Aegean Sea, the waters of the Ionian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea to the west and south. Greece has a well-founded cultural heritage, dating back thousands of years back. Western historians today is that Greece is the cradle of Western civilization

Greece covers an area about 130 thousand square kilometers, compared with Arab countries, an area of ​​the size of both Jordan and Palestine combined. Greek islands are about a quarter of this space, with a total of about 9841 islands. Crete is the oldest, with an area of ​​8260 km

Greece is located in the southern part of the Balkans, the Corinth Canal separates the Peloponnesus peninsula from the territory of the northern Greek land. With a total length of the Greek coast about 15,000 km and the total land border of 1160 km. Approximately 80% of the country's surface area is a mountainous heights, making Greece one of the most European countries, up from sea level. Western Greece contains a number of lakes

A series of mountains called the main Pindus, reaches an elevation of the highest peaks of 2636 meters. This is a smooth extension of the Alps dinar, which descends southward to eventually reach the island of Crete. In fact, the islands along this line was once a peaks of this mountain range to be covered waters of the Mediterranean Sea, Mount Olympus or Olympia is the highest mountains of the country, with a peak height of 2.925 meters above sea level. Fall series Rudovh (Rhodope) mountain in the north of the country, covered by dense forest. Located in the plains east of Greece in the north as well. And about half of the country covered by forests

The climate of Greece is divided into three types: Mediterranean climate, alpine climate (relative to the Alps) and a mild climate. The first is characterized by Bhrarth climate in summer and moderate in winter. Greece enjoys an average temperature constant and moderate in general. Falls of snow in the winter on the heights and even on the Athens and on the island of Crete sometimes

Greece because of the proximity of the continents of Africa and Asia, there are many foreign communities residing in the country, immigrants make up most of them. Most important of these communities: Albanians, Bosnians, Arabs (Syrians, Iraqis, Egyptians), and others. Use some non-legal immigrants to cross to Greece as a station other European countries.

Greek language is the official language and first language in the country, which dates back 3,500 years back. Language Almtdoualh now in Greece is Modern Greek ones. The number of Tdatha in the world, about 15 million people, mostly in Greece itself

Most of whom are Christian Orthodox. Officially the Greek constitution guarantees freedom of religion does not define the country's official religion, but refers to the center of the Orthodox is important in Greek society. For Muslims, they make up 1.3% of the population, mostly of Turkish origin or Bulgarian, who are based in Thrace (north-east of the country). In addition to nearly a million Arab workers living in Greece legally and illegally for economic reasons. There is no mosque in the capital Athens, and the government refuses to permit the establishment of mosques in the capital. Position could be emerging from the historical enmity with Turkey, there are also other Christian minorities as Catholics and Protestants

Played a Greek relations with the European Union, the United States, Turkey and the Arab states play an important role in determining the direction of foreign policy over the previous years. Was for the accession of Greece to the European Union in 1981 had a positive impact on the Greek economy and supportive of the Greek foreign policy with other countries, especially with Turkey, which has important relations with Greece, tense in most cases. Turkey is a major neighbor of Greece and its main rival in the southern Balkans and Eastern Mediterranean and NATO. The reasons for this tension to the relationship back hundreds of years, especially since the beginning of the Ottoman occupation of Greece and until independence in 1821.
Increased especially with the increasing border disputes and after Turkish military intervention in 1974 on the island of Cyprus with Greece, collected by the language, culture and religion. Followed the previous Greek government, which is dominated by the socialist character of a policy supportive of Arab rights in the Arab-Israeli conflict, the situation this spring is not declared a strategic alliance between Arab countries and Greece, against the Turkish threat and support of both the United States and Israel. Today Greece is seeking to focus its foreign relations within the framework of external relations of the European Union

Follow the economic policy of Greece almost a capital with a large public sector and its contribution to about half the gross national product of the Republic. Tourism also plays an important role in bringing the proceeds. Greece is also a leading country in maritime transport, where it is in possession of the world's first container and the third in terms of ownership of vessels flying their flag. European Union contributes about 2.4% of gross national Greek

Culture of modern Greece are closely linked to the cultural heritage of the ancient Greeks or the ancient Greeks. Greeks boast that they are the first to lay the foundations of democracy and urban civilization. Was the Greek philosophers and thinkers had great merit in the discovery of many theories. For more in this context, see the history of Greece. Today talking about ten million people, only the Greek language, and the spread of Greek culture is linked to either the Greek Orthodox Church, which regards itself as a center for the Eastern Churches or Greek immigrants in the Diaspora. The Greeks deployed before the Islamic conquest in several areas outside the current borders of Greece, where they were, for example, have most of the current western Turkey

 Greek cuisine just Kmtabkh the Mediterranean region, is famous for the use of spices, and wild thyme, and rosemary, and thyme, garlic, lemon juice and Sage cuisine there are many common with neighboring countries, particularly Turkey and the former Yugoslavia. Greece is also famous for feta cheese made ​​primarily from goat's milk, and the power or authority Altsashiki option with milk and garlic are used frequently in the preparation of meat dishes, especially beef and pork. Deals with the Greeks of alcoholic beverages in most Greek events, drink Alawzo is the national drink. Read in this context: Greek Kitchen

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