الجمعة، 2 مارس 2012

Tourism in New York City / America

Economic capital of the United States to the large corporate headquarters, and the international banks. The seat of the United Nations and the stock market the Dow Jones industrial average.
Of the most famous neighborhoods: Manhattan and the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island. The famous street called Broadway Street, held by many theater and Central Park is one of the largest parks in the world
Giovanni de Verrazano explored Port of New York in 1524. And in 1624 founded the first Dutch colony in the city of Fort Orange now Albany, capital city of New York State. The Peter Minoat purchased Manhattan Island from American Indians in the same year and founded the colony of New York City Nioamstrdam now. Invaded the British colony of the Netherlands in June 24, 1664, and occupied in October 1664

Lost city in the midst of the events of 11 September 2001 suicide bombing of the World Trade Center towers and the lives of thousands of civilians at two intentionally bumping them in a terrorist attack; with the condemnation of Muslims as the al Qaeda Islamic organization, but an extremist and out of an Islamic framework. In the same context, the United States has accused al-Qaeda and its leader, Osama bin Laden in the implementation of this attack
New York City is the largest centers of industry and trade, finance, and has the largest government and private institutions. Governmental and industrial institutions provide seven million jobs, of which three million and a third of a million jobs in the inner city, and the rest in the suburbs. The economy of the city and its suburbs continues to grow. Since 1940, the suburbs and the economy develops further as a result of the spread of roads and increase the workforce

.Comes New York ranked third after Los Angeles and Chicago, in terms of industrial activity; as there is a 17.000 plant operating in the field of garments, and produces the New York sixth U.S. production of printing and publication, also produces food, chemicals, furniture, paper and textiles. The Port of New York of the largest ports that work in the field of import and export, which employs 200,000 workers, but its position has deteriorated slightly after opening other ports on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. The finance and insurance companies, stocks, real estate, thereby acting as about 495,000 workers, most notably the New York Stock Exchange.
Serve the economic activity in the city's huge network of transport; as used by three million a day and a half million people. New York is also the largest call center in the United States, where there are many communications companies, printing and publishing, and by about 60 stations for transmission of radio and television.

New York is also one of the largest cultural centers in the world, where there are many art galleries, theaters, music, museums, cultural societies, the famous Broadway Street. As belonging to some poets, writers, actors and famous artists. Resulted in the rich city played an important role in supporting cultural activity. As was the presence of an atmosphere of free expression and many of the companies advertising and communication major contribution to the flourishing of culture in the city.
The city is facing several social problems such as poverty, crime, drugs and racial discrimination; In New York alone, half of drug addicts in the United States, and by four million people living on social security benefits
 The housing of the most important problems in New York. It lives about 65% of the population of the city in rented apartments or hotels contrary to what is available in other states, where the majority of households live in houses and individually owned. The majority of homes built before the old city in 1940, and need renewal.
New York City, working out of the crisis after being hit by the atheist attacks of September terrorist attacks, which destroyed the World Trade Center towers in 2001. Two planes collided while Mdnitan Mkhtoftan Twin Towers the morning of that day which led to Anhiarhma. Where it was about 3 thousand people were killed towers
 The population of New York as a basis of immigration flowing in time, it is two hundred year 1626 witnessed a resident New York rise to a population of about 1656 thousand years the impact of the arrival of the British and the Germans and Scandinavians. In 1800, the population reached 60,000 people and was mostly the British, then the influx of the years between 1850 and 1860 the Germans and Irish in large numbers doubled the number of the population 10 times. At the end of the nineteenth century resulted in the influx of Eastern Europeans and Italians to a doubling of the number three times.
  When the Act came into force to repel the quota immigration during the twenties, I accept the blacks of the city from the southern United States of America in large numbers, bringing the number 5.2 million inhabitants. In 1990 the number of New Yorkers born abroad increased by 30% due to the influx of refugees from Southeast Asia and Alkrayib, Africa and South and Central America since the sixties

It is estimated that New York has its own more than 21 percent of the market banking world consists apparatus banking core of the companies 'Shays Manhattan Bank' and 'Citicorp' and 'Morgan' and 'Pennekars Trust', and includes more of 445 banks, is associated with the approximately 105,000 home fill a bank of global trade activities. Today, these activities tend to expand outside the 'Vest Elvina District' (neighborhood business) to new areas of Brooklyn and Koins. And New York is also the first reference in the world to assess the stock market, thanks to Macheraldao Jones Industrial Average and the NASDAQ to talk.
  Believes New York alone four-fifths of the activities of the U.S. stock exchanges. The city pool in addition to those activities most insurance companies of America and the world and more than a thousand of its branches add four-fifths of the legal services offices and the U.S. Treasury, some of which global dimension. It also includes the vast majority of New York offices of financial audit of America, which has a global fires
Provides the geographic location of the New York City and the quality of its infrastructure for transportation outlet for market consumption is very important. The city enjoys at the same time one of the leading ports in the world and the three airports is "one of the most airports of the country populated. This dense network of roads allows access to a huge market is located on the beam extends over 1200 km around the city, an area representing about half the population of the United States States and Canada and half their income and their activities

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