الجمعة، 2 مارس 2012

Tourism on the island of Crete / Greece

Crete or Crete (Greek: Κρήτη) is the largest Greek islands and the fifth largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. And its almost 35 ° u, 24 ° s. It overlooks the Aegean Sea to the south and although the area of ​​no more than 8336 square kilometers and a population of less than half a million people are of the most important islands of Greece in terms of cultural significance. Stands where the mountain range stretching from east to west and is bordered by rocky beaches. The highest peak is the peak of the Bsaluretes which reaches a height of 2456 meters above sea level. In this series spread olive groves and grapevines are planted with corn and tobacco

Chat for a long time in the Minoan civilization of this island relative to the legendary King Minos, who founded the civilization and urbanization in the island for nearly 4000 years and soon the beauty of this unique civilization palaces and the magnificent buildings that Sptt control over the entire Aegean. These features are still prominent in the historical implications.

The island remained a subsidiary of the Empire Byzantine until opened by the Abu Hafs Omar Albulouti Andalusian, which established the Emirate of the then Malbut that restored him to the Byzantine Emperor Nicephore the second year 960 and then watered, however, the Venetians in 1204 during the Fourth Crusade, included the island to Greece in 1913 after centuries of Ottoman rule.
Known to the Arabs as the "Crete" and known to Turks as "Dzet." It is an island rectangular length between the West and the East 255 kilometers, and the largest width of 50 kilometers, an area of ​​8331 km, rising land of Crete in the middle where there are mountains in the line running from east to west, and the highest peaks of up to 2456 meters, where the mountains Oadha Urus. Coast of the island and surrounded by coastal plains, and descended to a short fast-flowing rivers, and enjoy the coast of the North Island with a number of natural bays serve as ports, harbors and most of its cities on the northern coast

 Two regions in Crete Manakhittan, Mediterranean and North Africa. Moderate climate of Crete in the original, but sometimes the air humidity increases depending on how close to the sea. Winter nice and mild, and snow falls in mountain areas. In summer the temperature ranges between 20 and 30 ° C, except for the southern coast, which includes the forest and the mountains of Misara Ostirosea, which is located in the North African climatic zone characterized by more days of sun, and temperature which is high in the summer. May be the best time to visit Crete is spring and autumn

Lives in Crete about 800 thousand people and belong to multiple items, most of the Greeks, then the Turkish community and reached the island during the Islamic rule to them. The population of the island in agriculture, producing wheat, corn, olives, grapes and citrus, also working in the trades sector, including marine fish and sponge as hunting and trade outside of their island, and there are a number of other works in the grazing and traditional industries


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