الأربعاء، 15 فبراير 2012

Tourism in Alexandria / Egypt

Alexandria, known as Bride of the Mediterranean, is the second largest city in Egypt after Cairo, and is the second capital of Egypt and the ancient capital of it, lies along the Mediterranean coast length of about 70 km north-west of the Nile Delta, bordered to the north, the Mediterranean Sea and Lake Mareotis south to 71 km along the Cairo Alexandria Desert Road, bounded to the east of Abu Qir Bay and the city of EDCO, and the region of Sidi Krier km west until 36.30 on the road to Alexandria - Matrouh highway.

 Alexandria has fraught with a lot of distinctive features, as there is the largest seaport in Egypt is the port of Alexandria, which serves about 80% of the total imports and exports and also includes the new Library of Alexandria, which can accommodate more than 8 million book also includes many museums and archaeological sites like Bey Citadel and column masts, etc., has a population of Alexandria, about 4,123,869 people (according to 2006 census work to commercial activities, industrial and agricultural. divided into Alexandria to six administrative districts is the neighborhood park, East District, neighborhood center, neighborhood, west, district customs, Amriya, containing these neighborhoods in 16 sections of 129 Xiahe addition to the major cities have a city such as the Burj Al Arab and Burj Al Arab, the new city.

Began work on the establishment of Alexandria by Alexander the Great in 332 BC. M from the road bridge is part of the water separating the island extended to the coast, the principal called the "Pharos" the port outdated, and a small village called "Raktos" or "Racodh" surrounded by small villages other well as the spread between the sea and Lake Mareotis, and taken by Alexander the Great and his successors as the capital of Egypt for nearly a thousand years, until the Islamic conquest of Egypt by Amr Ibn El-Aas year 641,
  Known Alexandria in history through a variety of parameters such as the ancient Library of Alexandria, which included more than 700,000 volumes, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria, which were considered of the Seven Wonders in order to rise the massive up to about 35 meters, and has been the beacon list until destroyed by the earthquake year 1307

At the beginning of the fourth century BC, were not Alexandria only a small village called "Raktos" or "Racodh" surrounded by small villages, he says archaeologists it might have been considered a strategic location for the expulsion of the clans that may attack from time to time from the western side of the Nile valley or may have been "Raktos" just a small village depend on fishing only, and along the coast of the main island of the village there is called the "Pharos" There is the port serving the island and coastal villages together.

  At that time Egypt was under Persian occupation since the fall of the Pharaohs and the family Thirty in 343 BC. M, and was not Egypt only under the occupation of the Persians, it was the Levant, Iraq and is under the occupation, and in return the power of the Persians was a force in a rapid increase, and began confrontation between them in the spring of 334 BC. m, and fighting between them continued until Alexander the Great entered the city of Tyre, and then to enter Gaza so did Egypt in 333 BC. M.

  After the entry of Alexander the Great, Egypt and expelled the Persians of them, he was received by the Egyptians welcomed because of the cruelty of which they treat under Persian occupation and to assure Alexander the Great that he came to Egypt, a friend and ally, not an invader settlers, went to visit the temple of the god Amun, god of Egypt, the greatest of that time, he went to the temple in the oasis of Siwa, and his priests had ritual of adoption to become Alexander the Great, son of the god Amun, and the title later the son of Amon on his way to the temple over the village of fishermen were called "Racodh"

  Admired the place and decided to build a city bearing his name to be a link between Egypt and Greece, a city of Alexandria (Ancient Greek: Ἀλεξάνδρεια ἡ κατ 'Αἴγυπτον; and Greek Modern: Αλεξάνδρεια), and the reign built to the Engineer "Dinoqratis," which built on the pattern of the Greek cities, and coordinated so that Taataamd streets horizontal streets and vertical after a few months left of Alexander Egypt heading towards the east to complement the rest of his conquests, opened Persia, but his ambitions did not stop at this point but marched with his army until he reached India and Central Asia, and while Alexander was there surprised by the disease, which did not last long where imminent death after ten days, no later than Monday, the thirty-year-old

Characterized by Alexandria in the opening lines militarization of a city of Jund al-Greeks, and then turned into days of the Ptolemaic Greeks to the royal city parks and the columns are white marble and its streets widened and turned then to the capital of Egypt, and became one of the capitals of science and the arts after the Shad the Ptolemies a number of major milestones of the lines of its library huge which is the first research institute in real history, the lighthouse, which has become one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, and was overlooking the sea and the south east of the eastern harbor, which was called the port great; when compared with the port of Heraklion at Abu Qir to the mouth of a tributary of the Nile old, which died, and now the mouth of the Nile receded to become a distance of 20 kilometers from Abu Qir when Rashid

Underwent city nominally Roman year 80 BC. M, according to the desire of Ptolemy X, and it continues on like this nearly a century before it fell, however, Julius Caesar year 47 BC., When taken advantage of Rome conflict and civil war between Ptolemy XIII and his advisers and his sister Cleopatra seventh, and after several battles defeated Caesar was killed her brother, and thus was able to Cleopatra's monopoly by virtue of Egypt, and one of the views of some historians have been burning the Library of Alexandria's famous at that time in a conflict of Julius Caesar with Ptolemy XIII city fell to the leader "Octavius​​", which later became Emperor "August" on August 1 year 30 BC. m, and thus Egypt became a Roman province. Alexandria remained the largest city in the empire after Rome, the Romanian capital, the vast

, And earlier the Romans on the work of many of the reforms in, and they have to renew and re-drilling old canal which linked the River Nile and the Red Sea for trade, as well as gave the Romans to the Jews in Alexandria, and who they represent an essential part of the demographics of the city, freedom of many and allowed them to manage their affairs own but all that did not stop the rebel movements and tension in the city, which describe a book of ancient people as "the most desirable in the revolution and fight any people last," it is a rebellion of the Jews in the year 116 AD, and the continuing tension between Jews and Greece on the old issues, as well as protest Alexandrians in general the Roman rule, which resulted in 215 m and following a visit to the Roman emperor to Alexandria to the killing of more than twenty thousand secondary because of a poem spoken in the spelling of the man.

However, it is the most important causes of confusion is that the world has witnessed one of the most important events in history, the birth of Christianity, which coincided with the beginning of Roman rule in Egypt, where the new religion began to attract a lot of Egyptians and urging them to renounce idolatry and worship of God, has begun a new era persecution of Rome where she wants to impose the worship of the emperor and the pagan worship of the Egyptians an enormous tsunami wave hit the city on July 21, 365 years due to an earthquake near the island of Crete, and the resulting devastation and destruction of two large
Gained Christianity a large force despite all the conflicts in the face of the religion of the rest of the Egyptians pagans and especially in the reign of Emperor Theodosius the Great (378-395 AD) who decreed the invalidity of acts of worship pagan, was held the Patriarch of Alexandria, Theophilus (385-412 AD) its intention to implement the Decree Imperial accurately and packages have assisted by his followers and the forces of the Emperor, and was the destruction of a number of pagan temples and convert others to churches such as the Temple Sarabium place of the god Serapis, in the year 391 AD, where the advent of two churches were built.

Active trade in Alexandria during the Islamic period, was also building a new wall of the city, and a delegation to a lot of scholars such as Imam Shatby the keeper Salafi, and others who influenced the scientific movement of the city and monuments left by the first phase of the open tomb and mosque of Abu Darda, one of the companions of Prophet Muhammad , in the spice dealers who participated in the conquest of Egypt.
The city was for several strong earthquakes in 956 and then 1303 then 1323, led to the crash lighthouse famous was left with only the foundation stone was built by the Bey Citadel in the middle of the fifteenth century AD, also suffered Alexandria attacks crusade, most recently in October 1365 suffered the acts of murder without distinction between a Muslim and a Christian, looting and hit the mosques, but that in 1480 the Mamluk Sultan Bey built a fortress for the city to protect it at the same site, known as the lighthouse now, "Bey Citadel in Alexandria, where they enjoyed his time with great care
 Alexandria became since the Muhammad Ali of governance and the past hundred and fifty years following the most important port in the Mediterranean and an important center of foreign trade and home to the residents of multi-ethnic, languages ​​and cultures, and under the rule of the successors of Muhammad Ali continued to Alexandria in the economic growth witnessed in the era of Khedive Ismail specifically interested in similar attention given to plan the city of Cairo, he established the streets and neighborhoods new and has lighting neighborhoods and streets gas lamps by a foreign company has been established by the private entity to take care of the organization of its streets and carry out health and hygiene and maintenance in, and put a network of sewage and storm water drainage,

Alexandria is characterized by a mild climate, as there is the Mediterranean climate, which is characterized Besifa warm, dry and wet Staúh, moderate and rainy. Extends the winter in Alexandria months December, January, and February and maximum temperature ranging between the 12 and 18 ° C, and Alexandria are in this chapter to the many severe thunderstorms, hail and heavy rain.

  The summer in Alexandria, claimed, through the months of June, July, August and range from the temperature where between 25 and 30 ° C and is characterized by the summer of Alexandria by drought and high humidity, while spring and autumn Viatbran best time to visit the city, and which do not exceed maximum temperature for 22 ° C

,The population of Alexandria, according to the census of 2006, approximately 4,123,869 people, of whom 2,106,350 people, males, and 2,017,519 people of females and is characterized by its population diversity between the workers and peasants, nomads, traders, fishermen, employees and others, and diversified economic activity in the city between agricultural, industrial, commercial and financial

Convert to Islam, most Alaxanderanyen to the method of the Sunnis and the group, Islam has spread widely in the city after the great opening Amr ibn al-Aas in the seventh century until overwhelmed Christianity that existed prior to this. Alexandria is characterized by embracing many of the schools and religious establishments of Islamic mosques and hundreds of large, perhaps the most famous mosques that are concentrated in the customs district, where the number of mosques in which about 80 mosques.

 Alexandria tourist landmarks

Column mast
The column masts of the most famous monuments in Alexandria, built on a hill between the door of Sidra area and the current Muslim cemetery known as the "cemetery" column and the plateau com Alhqavp archaeological sites, and a length of about 27 meters. Column was held in honor of the Emperor Diocletian in the third century AD, the last vestiges of the Serapeum Temple set up by Emperor Bustumus and is considered the highest monument in the world

  It was said that this column dedicate to Christianity after its victory in Alexandria body column is a one-piece, with an overall height to him, including the rule about 26.85 meters in the west side of the column bases are accessible to them peace under the ground and there are two statues are similar to the Sphinx made ​​of granite pink due their history to the era of Ptolemy VI

Bey Citadel
Located Bey Citadel in the sea most of West Alexandria, and was built in the old site of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, which was destroyed in 702 AH, the impact of the devastating earthquake that happened in the reign of Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad began Sultan al-Ashraf Abu Al-Nasr Bey building this castle in the year 882 AH and finished construction year 884 AH The reason for his interest in Alexandria, the large number of direct threats to Egypt by the Ottoman Empire, which threatened the entire Arab region

 Roman Theatre
Roman theater is located in the Kom El-city center, is one of the effects of the Roman period has been his residence at the beginning of the fourth century AD. Which is the only Roman theater in Egypt discovered this site accidentally while removing the dirt to search for the tomb of Alexander the Great by the Polish mission in 1960, archaeologists called the name of the Roman theater at the discovery of marble stairs, but a big debate erupted about the function of this building took archaeological
Mined in about 30 years old

New Library of Alexandria
Is the Library of Alexandria of the latest and most prominent monuments of cultural in Egypt and the world, was established in order to return the glories of ancient Library of Alexandria, which was a beacon to the world for nearly two thousand years library is located on the Mediterranean coast in the Shatby, and has more than 8 million books and the current library is a revival of the library old and which was the largest libraries of its time, and believes that Ptolemy II is of an order founded in the early third century BC, and the number of books which are contained in a folder has reached 700.000
  Com Alhqavp ancient tombs
Located graves com Alhqavp in the com Alhqavp South neighborhood Mina onions, and one of the most important tombs of the city, and named the area by that name because of the many remnants of pottery and stone quarries that were piling up in this place The importance of the cemetery due to the breadth and the large decoration and complexity of planning, it is also one of the clearest examples of the overlap of Pharaonic art Roman art in the city and the finest models of architecture Ganasais, and found the cemetery by accident on September 28, 1900 despite the fact that exploration had begun in this area since 1892.
Alexandria National Museum
Is a museum of Alexandria, located in St. Fouad in the city center, featuring more than 1,800 artifacts representing all ages that have passed by the city from Roman times to the modern era, the museum is a former palace of a Timber Traders wealthy in the city, was created in the style of architecture Italian, and the sale in 1954 the U.S. Consulate and was bought by the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt $ 12 million Egyptians, who turn around to the national museum of the city, and the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak inaugurated on September 1, 2003

Greco-Roman Museum
A museum effects in the city of Alexandria, inaugurated by Khedive Abbas Hilmi II on October 17, 1892, museum displays a wide variety of effects that were found in Alexandria and Sheba, most of which the effects of the Ptolemaic and Roman times subsequent to him, and particularly since the emergence of Alexandria of the third century BC to the third century AD

 Royal Jewelry Museum
Jewelry is a museum displaying the royal family that ruled Egypt. Built the palace in 1919 in the Zizinia an area of ​​about 4185 square meters, and was owned by the princess Fatima Zahra one of the princesses of the royal family, has been designed according to the model buildings of the European in the nineteenth century turned the palace into a museum of jewelry property in 1986, which included a wide range of jewelry and antique gold of the royal family belonging to the upper in 1805, including rare antiques from the era of Mohamed Ali Pasha, Farouk I even

 · Palace park: it is a royal palaces in the city, was built by Khedive Abbas Helmi II in 1892, with an area and the gardens about 370 acres and consists of several buildings, one of the royal palaces of past and houses a museum of Titles of ownership, and includes in its courtyard palaces are the Palace Alslaof Palace sumptuous
· Palace of Ras El Teen: the oldest palaces in the city, one of the historical monuments and archaeological sites in Alexandria, and saw this palace the end of Dynasty top in Egypt when he saw the deposed King Farouk, and leaving him to his exile in Italy on board the royal yacht unguarded, and the Palace is now one of a presidential palaces in Egypt
And other deficiencies in the city: Antoniadis Palace, Palace of Safa

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