الأربعاء، 15 فبراير 2012

Tourism in Ismailia / Egypt

Ismailia (Troym: Ismailia and Turkish: İsmailiye) is the capital of Ismailia. A population, including agricultural areas surrounding the approximately 750,000 people. Located on the west bank of the Suez Canal, almost midway between Port Said and Suez in the north to the south. Increasing width of the channel at Ismailia to include a crocodile lake one salt lakes related to the channel.
The city is divided to 3 districts:
· The first neighborhood (overlooking the canal), * District-Thani (to the west of the neighborhood I), * District third (to the west of the neighborhood II).

Ismailia have evolved a remarkable development in recent years in the wake of growing populations, and was construction of a tunnel, Gamal Abdel Nasser in the city center, has also been established to accommodate the city of the future population growth is located on the desert road between Cairo and Ismailia. Phenomena of evolution as well, building a network where the buses have been famous for Ismailia cycling and taxis to the beginning of the year 2000 as the province began to regenerate and build new bridges, which overlooks the Ismailia Canal.

Is also famous for the city of Ismailia frequently parks and natural parks and clean air because of (lack of facilities Industrial, which is much lower than that of neighboring provinces, both Cairo crowded, or Port Said, which is the third city and the port Egypt's second or even the city of Suez, which is considered one of the largest industrial cities and oil in Egypt ), where the city of Ismailia to attract visitors from the Egyptians and foreigners, especially in spring and in the holidays

 Has Ismailia geographical position Excellent where overlooking the banks of the Suez Canal and the Bitter Lakes and Lake alligator, due to the atmosphere moderate throughout the year, it makes use of a summer resort and Mashta at the same time, is also characterized by abundant gardens, parks and the fishing grounds many times over the lake crocodile and the Bitter Lakes and the Fayed and Abusltan and lighthouse featuring Ismailia also its beautiful beaches and tranquil waters of the net, which will encourage demand by vacationers for the exercise of various types of water sports in addition to its proximity to Cairo, Eastern and Qalyubia thus facilitating the access speed of the summer coming from it even for one day

Ismailia is rich in historical and tourism purposes which make us feel the greatness of Egyptian civilization, and the solemn reminder of the triumphs .. And historical features that start from the Pharaonic era and up to the current era is a wonderful painting beauty offers visitors the opportunity to co-exist with the date on the trip home.
Ismailia is located within the provinces of Lower and within the provinces that are located in Wadi Tmalat which is due to the New Kingdom and Late Period and Greco-Roman .. That the work of the Egyptian Antiquities Authority excavations in Tel Hassan Daoud scientific and excavations resulted in the emergence of tombs dating back to the era of pre-dynastic and early dynastic period before 5000 years.

 Museum of Ismailia:
Is one of the oldest museums in Egypt, built by the engineers working in the company Global Maritime Authority (Suez Canal) in 1911, and is considered the nucleus of a beautiful regional museum, and the nature of the museum architecture takes the form of the temple (edifice) and is characterized by gates and windows topped Aldjaarin down the Corniche, and the scarcity of the contents of Antique Antique and includes all ages, starting from the Pharaonic era to the era of Muhammad Ali, has been the opening of the museum to visit for the first time in 1913

Museum de Lesseps:
Due to the Suez Canal (1859) was the residence of Ferdinand de Lesseps French engineer who got the privilege of digging the Suez Canal from the Khedive Ismail. The museum includes tools and belongings and engineering drawings and maps as well as a piece of original (Alcanvah) is busy upon two letters SC stands for the Suez Canal, and the model to call the original sent to the kings and presidents to attend the opening ceremony of the Suez Canal, legendary in the November 17, 1869 as well as the cart original, which was pulled by horses and used by the de Lesseps in traffic on the work sites in the Suez Canal, and the living room was packed wall paper I use for the first time in Egypt, was brought from France at this time as well as measure temperature of the atmosphere (water), which is still working efficiently to now

Abu Atwa tank Museum:
Established the museum in the village of Abu Atwa within 3 km from the city of Ismailia in memory of the battle that drove the armed forces and the people of Ismailia of Israeli tanks in the glorious October War in 1973, which tried to force the Israeli aggressor storming of the city after a gap Deversoir famous has addressed the armed forces and public support large forces of the aggressor and inflicted heavy losses by and stopped the advance towards the city .. The museum includes the effects of this battle Jnabath

Orabi bishop:
Who among us does not know leader Ahmed Orabi fierce fighter who led the Battle of Big Hill in 1882 against British troops and witnessed the bravery and courage of the people of Ismailia is rare and the Egyptian army and the fall in bishop Orabi Big Hill

Tel Almsguth:
The city of Ibousoar on an area of ​​82 acres and the name of Msguth a common name, but this name resulted when Naville in 1886 Bhvaúr in the region appeared statues Ooshipti fired workers by name Almsakhit Hence launched on this website Tel Almsguth but the fact it is the city Barr Atum any seat of worship of the god Atum district No. 8 is from the provinces of Lower and the region has stores Pithom and the Temple of the god Atum and the ark and the ark of the basalt of the ALBA cover from the Ptolemaic period

. There are currently at the Museum of Ismailia, is one of the important areas where he found the effects of building of brick and utensils pottery and amulets and scarabs dating back to the Middle Kingdom and the era of the Hyksos and the modern state and the Greco - Roman, one of the most important archaeological sites and stated that the channel Sizostris had a port in the Almsguth and out of waterway such as the eyes and the course designer limestone in order to use the people in the region and there is a deep well of about 30 meters of water storage was built of limestone wall smooth and quasi-rectangular Temple of Aten was introduced about 30 meters and a length of 120 m .. This temple was discovered in 1906 when found by the Panel of limestone panel called Aten.

. Tel Alnaima and Aljamalin:
Located west of Ismailia Suez south through Nvich at a distance of 7 km and are located on the course of the channel Pharaonic Ncao two of the important archaeological areas.
Tell the mayor and Alhqaig: Located south of Ismailia through Zagazig South Manor Abu mays at a distance of about 5 km and are located on the course of the channel Alrfonah Ncao two of the archeological sites.
Tel blasphemous and Saidi: There is the village of Abu Khalifa, one of the most important archeological sites dating back to the Greco - Roman and believed to be attached to the castles in the hills of burial, and frequently on the surface Tkasir pottery.
Tel Abu summer: away from the East Qantara about 5 km and find the ancient castle used due to the Greco-Roman
Effects Ahbuh: away from the Qantara East about 10 km and was going through a branch of the Nile days Pharaonic era and the discovery of three pieces of antique carved.
Heer Tel: Located at a distance of 75 km in the direction of the Middle East Qantara and there are three castles dating back to ancient times from the late Pharaonic era and the Ptolemaic and Roman times

 Hassan Daoud Tel: Located south of the village Baaloh major Bazih Aldoaadh a distance of about 4 km from Ismailia through Zagazig, located along the valley Tmalat ... And is the oldest archaeological sites in Ismailia as dating back to prehistoric and early dynastic era, which is a cemetery with Dvinat.
It was the disclosure of such cemeteries, starting in 1989 and until 1992 .. Was detected over 620 cemetery dating back to predynastic and Pre-dynastic period, which is equivalent to the city by anti-incinerator built and the safety and critics first, second and Harakounboles (Red Hill) Cape Aswan ..
Hnam and believe in good communication between David Hill and the city of Ain ​​Shams (UAE) is the oldest cities of thought in Egypt .. Excavations are still ongoing in this region have been detected this year for a lot of ancient artifacts from the various gems and stones and earrings of gold and alabaster pots. Also been detected from the burial of a cow with her baby Kthor between Fajziha hind a metaphor for the child of the gods Horus, Hathor suckling ..

.Tel elbow is located south of the village Qassaseen Aljdedeh at a distance of about 10 km south of Manor or hardships, about 2 km and is located on the course of the valley Tmalat dating back to the era of the Second Intermediate (age of the Hyksos), as was detected for homes with a building of brick decorated with a cornice of abroad has been detected for the scarabs and amulets and pottery and skeletons, which makes us believe the large number of what has disclosed that the Hyksos had established the city dating back to the era of Jewish Tel.
Tel Abu Nashabe and firewood is located south of Manor Hill firewood Bakasasin on the course of the channel pharaohs, known channel Sizostris any channel Senusret III and opened in the era of King Ncao one of the kings of the family 26 and there is a bridge channel, and the course of the canal as well as the area has ancient baths of Roman times and is one of the most important sites archaeological sites.
Big Hill and the small hill is located the archaeological area in the hill country and the small hill and the village south of the great hill station at a distance of about 2 km and is located on the course of the Pharaonic canal "Ncao channel."

 Has the work of the Antiquities Authority excavations by the scientific excavations resulted in the emergence of these stores, buildings and artifacts dating back to the Greco-Roman and Late Period, one of the important areas on the course of the valley Tmalat ..
Sea Tel: Located south of Big Hill, about 10 km west of the hill by the angel, about 3 km .. This is because the history of this region to the era of the Hyksos were detected on a Jewish hill style pots, and the archaeological hill is located in the village of Tel Ezbat virtual sea

Tel Sheikh Salim and mother Brady: Located south of Manor Kilanyia a distance of about 5 km Bamahsma old, though there is Tel Sheikh Salim bridge and stream channel Ncao Pharaonic Canal area of ​​27 acres on one of the kings of the family 26 and is the most important archaeological site .. There are also in the sand at about 4 km south of Tel Sheikh Selim, Tel mother Barada on the course of the channel Pharaonic where conducted excavations, were detected on many of the graves, which Ergh dating to the era of the Hyksos was found inside the tombs of many of the artifacts of scarabs and pottery. . And is now being excavated in the same location resulted in the detection of fourteen cemetery of the same age Alhecsusa Barada area or in addition to the ages of gold ornaments.

Pharaonic canal bridge Sizostris: It was a pass on this area .. And begin to branch from the Nile in Tel Basta to the Bitter Lakes in Ismailia and Suez to Qulzum ..
The Tel Alrtaba: The oldest place in the center of the large hill and follow the village of Umm Azzam called by that name in 1906 (Alrtabh) when excavations began for the presence of palms in this region.
It is known historically that Tel Alrtaba was home to the family of Jacob and when he sent his prophet Joseph was the events in that region were detected in the wall a huge military fortress a length of 600 m and a width of 300 m from the Middle Kingdom (Amenemhat I) and within this fence and found housing, military forts and Almkhazat lasted for life in this region until the Greco-Roman period,

And the importance of this region it is considered the castle Second Military after castles that existed in the Sinai and influenced Kmakhrh in the wars against the invaders and graded the fence to the terraces of brick with a number of graves have been detected a group of amulets and Aldjaarin, pottery and tools of war and paintings representing King Ramses II with the gods so they named the capital of Ramses II (Ramses the righteousness) it is also Alrgeh Sizostris channel that used to begin them as well.
Ismaili neighbors began to be affected since the dawn of history and the Pharaonic era the evidence the existence of models of pottery and bronze and stone from Palestine, Asia, and Cyprus.
And the location of the Ismaili made ​​it a coveted invaders since the dawn of history and is now the Ismaili Read to the outside world and from the excavations that have been detected for the more than 40 archaeological area .. In fact, it did not arise since the opening of the Suez Canal, the Khedive Ismail, as is rumored excavations and the best proof of that

Egyptian mission has been able to discover the seeds of olives and some charred grain silo in Tel Alrtaba along with a statue of a horse's head is made of (Kurtz), a type of stones dating to the era of the Hyksos. In addition to the historical areas and the Museum de Lesseps Holdings, which includes furniture and de Lesseps, and in which he lived during his stay in Ismailia to dig the Suez Canal.
Horus military road the old: running from the Qantara Sharq to Rafah and the Egyptian was the focus of U.S. missions, Belgian, French and Canadian missions share belonging to the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities and foreign missions used this new and modern ways to detect the effects found in the region. Have used the University of Buenos Aires mission Argentine electromagnetic radiation in the discovery of a number of artifacts dating back to the Persian era hill forest area

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