الثلاثاء، 7 فبراير 2012

Tourism in Annaba / Algeria

Annaba, a city in Algeria, formerly was called Pune. Located north-east of Algeria on the coast of the Mediterranean is the fourth city in Algeria in terms of importance. And its port of the most important ports on the Mediterranean Sea, the capital of the mandate of Annaba

Founded originally as a city Phoenician, where she founded by the Phoenicians around the 12th century BC. M almost, has been founded by colonists from Tyre in Lebanon, known as the'' Hiboun'' and was one of their colonies important has given the city its name of the bay, which was located on it where it was known as (Hipnensis Rajaban) and in a later period he called the Romans Hypo Ragios

Allied with Carthage and Hippo approached by easily because of its proximity relative ones, and thus become one of the Punic cities very important. During the First Punic War (264-241 BC). King (Gaia) Almasala Numidian king tribe occupied the city and the Carthaginians, but recaptured it later.

 And the city became the headquarters of the Kings Alnomidiin was granted independence after the Punic Wars (264-146 BC)., And for that reason the Romans called it the title of "Ragios" which means "Royal
In the first three centuries AD were Hippo of the richest cities "Africa ROMANIAN" The port is known as (Alavrodaseyoum) the proportion of the goddess Aphrodite (Venus Romanian) initially granted Hypo rights Almenesebayoum (partial rights of citizenship Romanian), but later granted the rights of Cologne (a Roman colony with full citizenship rights

Hypo Ragios become a center of Christian thought has lived in the city and one of the greatest religious figures in the Christian world, namely Saint Augustine (354-430 AD Btagst Ahras market today), who was a bishop since the year 396, and is one of the symbols of the city. We know the names of seven Kadisien Christians of Hippo Rigos old, including: (Theozhins) and (Videntios) who died martyrs according to the texts the Church, and St (to Aontios Valerius), who was appointed St. Augustine, as we find the great doctor, in addition to St. Augustine himself, who knew Hypo Rigos in the custody of the existence of three Christian monasteries in the diocese (Episcopal) within the Episcopal monastery, also held in the city under Augustine three Christian gatherings in the past (393 m, 395 AD 0.426 m)

Exposed to the siege of Hippo Vandals had the long fourteen months, and fell into their hands in 431 led by their king, "Zhinsark", and during that period died of St. Augustine. Only Alkatdraúaho Library "St. Augustine" survived the devastation inflicted on the city's year. After the Vandals became Hypo Ragios from the estate of the Byzantines in 533 at the time of Emperor Justinian, until the Muslim Arabs in 697 and conquered.
The Arabs called it "Annaba" the proportion of jujube trees. It is noted that "the mosque of Sidi Bou Marwan", which dates back to the 11th century built the columns of the effects belonging to the Romanian Hypo Ragios.
The French occupied it for several months in 1830, returned to the year 1832. Built the new city since 1870

Annaba city of science, art, beauty and Tsra fans and infect their minds strongly mad families, lie down on Dalal on the edge of the Mediterranean is the girl fierce caressed waves average feet and leans her head to the south of Mount Alaedog Bgabath beautiful symmetrical and its fields and orchards picturesque charming they Pune woman beloved, wonderful what created it the Creator, about by 600 km east of the capital, her involvement in the border with all of Guelma, Skikda, Tarif. Available this city on the potential of tourism enormous, making it a pole regionally, nationally and internationally for excellence an area of ​​coastal and wide, and has as well as all types of movement of the vehicle bus to the train and plane and recently was re-run the elevators air, which overlooks from which all parts of the city.
Of their sons and artists Bashir Blonas a greater Alnhathin and visual artists in Algeria who honor this small city Bbesmth deals in contemporary art, and Hamdi Hassan Annabi Lebanese leaders familiar Annabi

Annaba and by virtue of its geographical location and excellent Terbaha on the coastal strip of sea interface is estimated at about 80 km, characterized by the diversity of terrain, making it a magnet for tourists to enjoy the sunshine and clear waters and relax on the golden sand. The sun here rises early and is reflected beauty of the city at sunset the earth green cover plant variety, and blue sky blue sea water warm, as it was and still place the dream of every tourist a prisoner of his heart for its beauty. And perhaps of the victims of this family Dr and Algerian writer Azzedine Mihoubi when he said: Annaba city ​​as extended in time, the more compact and beautiful baby girl. And includes the coast Annabi fifteen beach for swimming and relaxation is characterized by wonderful and beauty and most important of these beaches are: beautiful scenery, Kharruba, Rvas Zhuan addition to the beach excellent "LA FONTAINE Roman" a breeding ground for holidaymakers where to spend their time freely enjoying the purity of air and soft sand. And how do we find Sryde Where Palace park sits amid a dense forest.

 Trees on the slope on the shore of Wade relaxed Hippocratic blend blue water and yellow sand and green trees to form a painting of the finest opus creator. Adding to the beauty of white Sryde Elthafeh Bgmama not leave him day and night, and sleep beneath Annaba that look as a bride in her dress pure white. Annaba and contains the tourist facilities recruited to serve tourists as a tourist management of the city of Annaba in addition to several hotels Kalmntzh, Sibus, RIM beautiful, and several restaurants as well as classified and other local dishes made ​​Tzhrk even smell.
The city of Annaba several historical landmarks and the effects, of which the machine Pune, the effects of Hiboun containing an area called Alforom where is the oldest and broadest discovered so today as the remains of a theater and terraces Orchestra as well as statues, graves, statue Hekeus, Ascolab, Aphrodite Ion god year and the statue of Goddess of Love The statue of St. Augustine or the Basilica of peace on a hill overlooking the city Hiboun archaeological carrying the same name. Has sought to establish St. Dbeh this church the encouragement of the Bishop of Algeria to Avira. And brought some of the remains of St. Augustine to Annaba in 1842 to bury her in the space provided. He also founded the church in 1881 and was the first Mass in 1886 to be placed by the statue of St. Augustine of bronze

Mosque of Abu Marwan:
Established Teacher Urban more than ten centuries proceeded to design the late second half of the fourth century of immigration has been built year 425 AH under the direction of the Andalusian Abu Laith Punic, a model of Andalusian has built on the pillars of cylindrical as was the mosque lead roles distinct distributed among the science reported attacks coming from the north of the Mediterranean as it was a scientific institution and a religious war.

The Museum Hiboun contains a set of effects, including statues, silver and copper pots and paintings from the mosaic of different historical epochs that have passed by the city.
And like the city in neighborhoods neighborhoods Casbah of Algiers, and contains many of the houses large the yards and gardens, halls and large are still witness to the taste architect and the degree of progress and urbanization of the population of the city as we see tinge construction Andalusian inherent As traditional industry it may straight bumper in every corner of the house Annabi, and among them ceramics, pottery, leather, carpets and Altarabich engraving on wood in addition to traditional dress, which is characterized by women Annabah Kalguendorh Alfrghani The house is not without Annabi, and one of them at least.

Who visited Annaba at night feel like in the garden of bright colors used Annabeyen iPod and the hills in the summer nights movement here increase significantly as a Revolution Square, known as (cour) kiss all families to eat cups ice cream and refreshments that adorn the decorative tables to enjoy away from the heat of the house and routine of the day . city is also home to several festivals and other national and international festival of traditional dress and folklore,
Hiboun Festival, a festival of song and Almalovih mark the anniversary of the departure of one of the pillars of art, Sheikh Hassan Annabi Annabi rock festival song Festival Song Bedouin (trachea) and the rap song festival and evenings enjoyed by other Annabah even in the late hours of the night. Jewel of the Middle Pune remain her arms open to anyone who wants to listen to their beauty and recreation in its beaches and remains entices all visitors


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