الثلاثاء، 7 فبراير 2012

Tourism in Constantine / Algeria

City of Constantine (in French: Constantine), and called the city of bridges and is the capital of the east of Algeria, and major cities of Algeria in the area and the population census. Characterized by the old city being built on a rock from the harsh limestone, which gave it a unique sight is impossible to be found across the world like him in any city. To cross from one shore to another built several bridges across the centuries, Constantine became of more than 8 bridges, some destroyed for lack of repair, and some are still fighting for time, so Constantine called the city of suspension bridges. Going through the valley of sand on the ancient city of Constantine and topped with bridges on the heights above 200 meters

· The history of the region and with the advent of the Amazigh tribes in attendance. Greek called them Libyans name, Alnomidiin. And attributed to the establishment of Constantine Altjaralviniqian. Was the old name is (Qrta) means Balviniqih (village or city) and the Carthaginians call (Batim Sarim).
· Famous "Cirta" - the old name of Constantine - for the first time when the king has taken Massinissa Nomideh capital of the kingdom. I knew the city after the siege of Jugurtha, who refused his father's kingdom split into three sections, with the support of the Romans and after a siege of five months broke into the fortifications of the city and seized it. Cirta returned to live with a new glory to the king Jugurtha Nomidbh new and who was able to avoid the division of the kingdom to the kingdoms.

· Then entered the city under the authority of the Romans. During the Byzantine period rebelled year 311 AD. The central authority Vajtaanha Romanian troops of the emperor and ordered a new Maxinos Btakribea.

· Re-Emperor Ksentntin built in 313 AD. And took his name and became known as Constantinople, or Constantine. I knew from the year 429 invasions by Vandals, Byzantines and then recovered.
· With the entry of Muslims to Morocco city was a kind of independence was the charge of their affairs on their own people and even the ninth century. The advent of the tribal region known as semicircular, and in the tenth century and later dominated the Arabic language on the people of the region

· Entered the city in the custody of Zirids Alhamadaan then owners of the castle and Bejaia. City Andalusians settled as settled by the Jewish community, and deal with people of the city of tolerance.
· It should be noted that the arrival of the Jews after the fall of Andalusia, where they lived in peace under Islamic rule, and then expelled Christians fanatics of the Catholic Church in Rome after the fall of the last ruler of Andalusia
· Since the thirteenth century the city moved to the estate owners Hafsids Tunisia and remained in their hands until the entry of Turks, Algerians.

· Before a final stability in the region, the Ottoman Turks tried to occupy the city several times, and they were always hampered by resistance Hafsids. Year 1568 AD. My parents drove Mohammed Saleh Rice campaign on the city, and was able to seize it without a fight. And denounced his country after the expulsion of Abd al-Mu'min Hafsids leader and his tribe of children Asawlh.
· Constantine was chosen as the capital of the Middle Baeljk. Favor of the Bay (1771-1792 m.) To create the city and give it a distinctive character. Of the most important work to build a mosque and a school Alqtanih. And a school for Mr. Khadr, which taught me the Arabic language as a special district created for the Jews after they were Mtozein throughout the city.

· Year 1830 AD, and with the occupation of Algeria by the French people of the city refused to recognize the authority of the French. Ahmed Bey led the campaign and was able to respond in French twice in two different battles to take over the arch, which represented the East Gate. In 1837, managed the campaign led by the French Domoreir by a betrayal of the Jewish population of the city (where the French were able to sneak into the city through a secret border crossings to reach the city center), and by artillery also make a hole in the wall of the city. Then there was burglary, and ran into fierce resistance, the French soldiers of the parents and forced to continue fighting in the streets and houses. Finally the battle ended in the deaths of several people, and the stability of the occupiers in the city after several years of failed attempts. Managed to Bey and his successor Ahmed bin Isa to flee to the south.

 .There are state of Constantine and the effects of several parameters, including:
- Tombs of the prehistoric era: the tombs of the people of the city of Constantine, a great deal of luxury, situated mountain summit, Mr. Msid, in the place called "dead set".

Also discovered other tombs located under the "cave bears" and the other hand, "Pkarh", and there are other graves in "carob" sites called "retreat Sidi Bou stone" Qhqash, and K Tasingh Bbnoarh and all vowed to the pre-history.

 - To the cemetery Almigalitih Bonowarh: at a distance of 32 km for Constantine, on the national road No. 20 towards the direction of the cemetery is located Valma Almigalitih to Bonowarh on the southern slopes of Mount West "removed" at a distance of 2 km north of the village Bonowarh.

This consists of Atmanat "dolments" calcareous layers of knit back to the prehistoric era, and it seems that a large number of them have been damaged and extinction

It is noteworthy that the general form of these monuments is in the form of a table composed of four blocks of rock and vertical table, forming in turn a room triangular shape and is usually Aldolman surrounded by a circle of stones and one, sometimes of two circles, three or four, have been residents of the area veterans they use to bury their dead in this way fortified it seems to have continued into the third century BC. m.

Constantine overshadowed the cultural and religious its character since ancient times, and devote the appearance of Islam after the stability of it, I knew the process of building of mosques are a permanent process, and the names of Znserd most important of these mosques are as follows:

· Great Mosque: built in the time of the year 503 AH Zirid 0.1136 m, has been established on the ruins of the Roman temple, the object approach the Arab Benmehidi Currently, the architecture has changed as a result of external restoration, featuring Arabic writings inscribed on its walls.
· Mosque market Yarn: Hassan Bey is built and that was in 1143 AH -1730 AD) turned to the French military leadership as well as the Cathedral remained to be returned to its origin after.
· Collector, Mr. Green is built Bey Hassan bin Hussain alias Abu Hanak in (1157-1743 AD) as indicated by the inscription that is installed on a slab of marble above the entrance door, and there is next to the mosque cemetery includes several graves, including the tomb of Hasan Bey

· Mosque of Sidi El Kettani: There are square "market age" now, is for any echeloned bin built in the year (1190 -1776 e) and to his family cemetery there is any benefit.

· Mosque Oval: There are neighborhood door arch, built in the post-independence period, is punishable by senior scientists, including the city of Constantine Ataiwgay Sheikh and Sheikh Yusuf Bugabh renowned scholar, and there is next to the mosque of Imam Oval Institute of Science legitimacy

· Mosque of Emir Abdelkader: laying the basis of President Houari Boumedienne and was inaugurated by President Chadli Ben Jadid is one of the largest mosques in North Africa, is characterized by its high minarets which reach the height of each one 107 m high dome of 64 m, Abhrk appearance With its magnificent architectural and is one of the artifacts that esteemed by human hands in the present era, and the completion of this design style Levantine Andalusian, was the fruit of cooperation between some of the engineers and technicians from the Egyptians and Moroccans, in addition to the significant contribution of engineers, technicians and Algerian workers, and expand the mosque for about 15 thousand worshipers, and point out that the Egyptian engineer, "Mustafa Moses, "which is one of the Arabs is the senior engineers who design the mosque and the university.
The city is rich in a number of other mosques, including: collector, Mr. Fan - Mosque of Sidi Mohamed Ben Maimon - Mosque of Sidi Buanabh - University Ms. Hafsa - Mr. Rashid Mosque - Mosque of Sidi Nmedil - Mosque of Sidi Abdul Momin - Collector Boumaza Sir - sir Qmosh University - University of forty honorable, etc

.The city was fortified by walls Taatkhalh seven gates, and some say six, all of which closed in the evening, namely:
· Alhananch door: which allows exit from the north of the city through the valley of sand, and leads to the springs flowing into the swimming pools Msid sir.
Door Alruah: extends across the sound exciting of the rotor, and leads to the north side of the valley of sand and connects to the headwaters of this section, Mr. Memon that are in the laundry.
· Bab El Qantara: up to South City West Valley sand.
Give fresh door: open on the road to Mr. Rashid is located at an altitude of 510 m.
· The new door is located north of Square early November, the demolition in 1925.
· Bab El Oued "or Mila door" allows access to Rawabi diyah Atti, and there was a place of the Palace of Justice today.

It was these doors serve as immunization against strangers to the city and began to disappear gradually removed to the French occupation raised by the College. Monument built to the dead back in 1934 was built to commemorate the dead who fell in France World War I and its surface the visitor can entertain his eyes wonderful panorama of the city of Constantine, was held by the statue of victory that seems mythical bird ready to fly. The specificities of this monument that is located entirely in the middle of the distance between Algiers and Tunis, and there is a statue across from him, "Virgin Mary" and named "Our Lady of Peace."
 Due to the rugged terrain of the city and the Rift Valley, which opened up the deep sand, set up by seven bridges to facilitate the movement of movement, known then as the city of Constantine, suspension bridges, namely:

· Bab El Qantara Bridge: It is the oldest bridges built by the Turks in 1792 and destroyed by the French to build on its ruins the existing bridge in the year 1863.
· Bridge, Mr. Rashid and carried a bow 27, the largest has a diameter of 70 m, with an estimated height of 105 m, a length of 447 m and width 12 m, began to traffic by the year 1912, and is the highest and the largest stone bridge in the world
· Sir Msid bridge: built by the French in 1912 and is also called the bridge commentator, it is estimated to rise 175 m and a length of 168, which is the highest bridges of the city

.· Bridge navigator Solomon is an arcade devoted to iron only on foot and a length of 15 m and width of two and a half, a street linking the railway station and city center.
· Bridge Mjazn sheep: is an extension of Rahmani Ashour Street, due to the narrowness is a single direction.
· Bridge the devil: a small bridge connecting both sides of the valley of the sand and is located at the bottom of the groove.
· Bridge Waterfalls: There are on the road to the bridge above the pool and water the valley beneath the sand with composed Falls, and was built in 1928.
· Bridge Project Sand Giant: relative to the valley of the sand and will be a length of 1150 m and a width of 25 m two ways back and two roads forth in addition to Scotty, "tramway" in the middle of the bridge and at an altitude of more than 100 m and will run from the Heights "neighborhood Mansoura" all the way to the "district of Jinan olive" was dedicated to him financial cover 250 million dinars

 Called poets Constantine name of the city, "the passion and the air" and this because of the kindness of faces, paper tempers its people, and the spread of orchards and trees across the whole and thus have the city on several parks public works to improve the atmosphere inside, and perhaps most important of these gardens, which still maintains its glory and beauty, garden bin Nasser or as they are called "Jinan rich" and mediates Street Bab El Oued, and the district of Sidi Mabrouk no Haddiktan one located in the region of Upper and the other located in the region lower, and there are garden district of beautiful scenery under the name "Verwa Abdul Hamid," it should be noted that the Palace, "Ahmed Bay "is available on the beautiful garden,

 Remember some accounts that the Bey himself was supervised by, and between the gardens of Constantine which it was written by some historians and travelers, "Garden, Guessoum Muhammad (which claims Schora Qambith) located behind the street Belouizdad, which has been attracting a lot of people for its beauty and density of trees and there are statue sculptor of the "Lost" L Hoest, and under the bridge arch door Hdegh no great beauty, and because of its location in the slope, they are enchanting sight in the distance

 · Has Fsntinh on the means of transport are available such as transport of urban and semi-urban, which covers the city, but did not meet requests Almstkhzmin the lines which led to the idea develop lines of tramway, a project which began working at the tramway Constantine. Also owns Tillfarak where linking neighborhood Tattash Belkacem district of Emir Abdelkader, through hospital university Ibn Badis at an altitude of 707 meters and includes this line 33 vehicle card accommodate up to more than 1200 passengers per hour direction one can cover the journey in a matter of 08 minutes and ensures the service to more than 100 thousand people and serve visitors to the University Hospital, estimated at 10 thousand visitors a day and led to create a new dynamic to explore the tourist sights of Constantine

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