الاثنين، 6 فبراير 2012

Tourism in Argentina

Argentina or Argentine Republic in the State of South America. Located between the Andes mountain range in the west and the Atlantic Ocean in the south and east. Bordered by Paraguay and Bolivia to the north, Brazil and Uruguay to the north east and Chile to the west and south. Argentina continues to claim Britain's Falkland Islands (known in Argentina as the Malvinas) Islands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. Argentina also calls for the international community of their rights in Antarctica is considered as an area of ​​million square kilometers of the continent, a part subordinate to it.

Seconds of the Republic of South American area, the largest Spanish colonies in South America, and the word Argentina is derived from the (silver) and called the Spaniards this name Bcesp the large number of silver, which was displayed by the American Indians when the discovery of this country, and occupied the Spanish since its discovery in the year (922 AH -1516 AD ) and the foundations of the Spanish (Bdriomndosh) Buenos Aires (fresh air) and caused Spain colony of Peru,
  Then founded the colony (Silver River) and continued Alanlal Spanish has about three centuries, and Argentina got its independence in the year (1232 AH -1816 AD). The area of ​​Argentina (2,777,815) and the 22 provinces and the Federal District, which includes the capital, in addition to her property in Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands, and the colony Tiradlvoyjo, and the population of Argentina in the year (1408 -1988 AD), 31,536,000 people and the country's capital Buenos Aires, the most important cities, Rosario, and Cordoba, and Ilana, and Mendoza, and Santa Fe and Aablanka.

Argentina occupies most of the southern part of the continent, has been granted in diverse extension of production, and is bordered by Chile to the west, Bolivia and Braszoay from the north, Brazil and Aroyjoay from the northeast, and in the eastern Atlantic Ocean

Divided the land of Argentina naturally into four regions, the first of the territory of the Andes, and the second is a region alluvial plains in the north (Chaco) located between the rivers Barna and Uruguay, and the Golan Barna, and the third Region Alemia The Great Plains in the east of the introductions to the Andes, and the fourth sections Region plateau Btajohnaa in South-eastern Argentina
Of the extension of Argentina broad cross vast area, and during the thirty-three degree transverse, as well as the diversity of terrain impact on their conditions of climate, and the outcome of this diversity in the regions climate, predominates in the northern winter dry warm, and hot summers rainy, and in Oqlpm Alemia in the Middle prevail mild winters and hot summers, fall rains in most of the year, which is the richest regions of Argentina that includes thirds of the population N. the southern section, represented by Plateau Btajohnaa, Viswdh cold winter and warm summer and this is semi-desert endure little rain

Argentina's population has doubled over the past century several times and the output of the large number of immigration. According to statistics of 2001, the number of the population 36,260,130 million, and increase the percentage of ethnic European population where the majority by as much as 90% of the population, Some ethnic Italian, who make up 60 of the population, the estimated 25 million people and 15% of Hispanic and other European nationalities.

  And about 70% live in cities, and live about 75% of the population in a region rich Alemia. There are minority groups Almsnezo and American Indians. It also is home to a large group of Arab descent especially from Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, which have a prominent presence. Perhaps most notably former President Carlos Menem, son expatriate Syrians

Diversified population activity in Argentina, and concentrated on agriculture, and Argentina's largest food producers in the world, and produces wheat, corn, soybeans, sunflower, and sugar cane. Argentina has a wealth of animal cattle, sheep, goats, and produces small amounts of oil extracted coal, iron, silver, and light industries in Argentina. The official language of the Spanish

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