الاثنين، 6 فبراير 2012

Tourism in Jordan

Jordan enjoys the benefits and elements of geographical, historical and natural makes it a tourist country in all seasons of the year and meet most of the goals sought by tourists. Where there are religious sites, archaeological sites, resorts and Almcati and natural springs, forests, deserts and beaches.
And types of tourism can be summed up in Jordan in the following points:

1 Tourism Cultural and archaeological sites, including a visit to be informed and know the cultures and traditions of the peoples who lived in the area during ancient times. There are thousands of historical and archaeological sites in Jordan is the most important cities of Petra and Jerash, the citadel of the ***, and Rabd, Umm Qais and the Roman amphitheater and a cave in which they occurred Inscription story of the owners of the cave mentioned in the Koran.

2 Medical Tourism:
Means natural mineral springs for comfort on the physical, psychological and visit clinics and places of healing is the most important beaches of Aqaba and the Dead Sea and bathrooms Ma'in Ophrah, water and sulfur in the Jordan Valley, especially in the Hamma.

Found in Jordan many modern hospitals equipped with instruments and equipment, developed and supervised by doctors Jordanians are unique in their clinical skills and specialize in all kinds of treatments, whether in government hospitals or private, receives Jordan annually more thanone hundred thousand Arab citizens of the treatment carried out for some open heart surgeries,and the transfer of kidneys and treat infertility .. Etc..

3 Religious Tourism: The mean visit places of historical, religious, there are in Jordan, many of these places, shrines and especially in the areas of the ***, Maan, Jordan Valley, and Salt, such as the tombs of the companions of Ja'far ibn Abi Talib and Abdullah bin Rawaahah and Zaid binHaritha and Abu Abeida and Sharhabil bin good and Dirar bin Azores, God bless them
: 4 summer tourism
The diversity of climate zones in Jordan, a blessing from God, many of the tourists coming to Jordan to spend a summer holiday in the picturesque air space, such as forests and mountains of Ajloun and Dibeen. Also, the atmosphere in the capital, a nice and refreshing, especially inmountainous areas where there are gardens and parks.

5 Sport tourism: tourists as practiced many types of popular sporting activities such as water skiing, swimming, fishing and hunting, especially in the areas of Aqaba, Wadi Rum and blue.

6 - winter tourism: includes spend the winter or in part in places of natural warmth, especially in the areas of the Jordan Valley and Dead Sea and Aqaba. There are other types of tourism.

  Are places where one can get to heal physical, emotional, very few, and perhaps places inJordan is one of those few places where the disease disappears physical with the emotional.This is due to the picturesque nature of the available resources in Jordan, all starting with thetherapeutic hot water through the mineral-rich volcanic mud, and the end of the mild weather andbreathtaking natural scenery.

 Jordan is one of the leading countries in the field of hospital treatment, where that in addition to its natural treatment of water saturated with minerals and waterfalls, hot water and volcanic mud, God also has endowed several hospitals distinctive and doctors skilled and have established a Jordan status is known all over the world.

There are many tourist sites rich in minerals and water-saturated volcanic mud, and the two of them Tdjalan hospital resorts frequented by many people. And, consequently, some of the most important of these hospital sites:

Dead Sea:
This area is warm and sunny throughout the year, where the average temperature is 30.4 degrees Celsius. The brilliant rays of the sun at the Dead Sea are not harmful to humans in this region.

  As for the air is dry and saturated with oxygen. The famous Dead Sea black mud that is very rich in salts and minerals. The Dead Sea water contains a high content of minerals, especially calcium, magnesium and bromine.

  The unique blend of salts and minerals in these waters is an important source of natural healing that is supervised by the resorts that are available in a range of specialized people

 Ma'in pools:
And about eighty-five kilometers south of Amman, and down from the sea by 120 meters. It is famous natural spas and clinics that provide treatment for patients who suffer from skin diseases and diseases of the circulatory system, bones, joints, back and muscle pain, offering clinics in the area also physical training activities.

Hamma of Jordan:
Hamma is located 100 kilometers north of Amman, and is considered one of the most vital therapeutic and tourist in the region. The resort was established and some of the clinics that provide many services for visitors to the area. A center for people who suffer from diseases and respiratory problems in addition to centers that provide treatment for skin diseases and diseases of the nervous system and joints. On the other hand, the Hamma hotel can provide a haven for people who may wish to stay more than one night.

Lift the pools:

In the south of Jordan, and only 26 kilometers from Tafila, off hot water from more than 15 sources to fill the atmosphere of the place with healing minerals. Experts say these waters are specifically has a formidable force on the treatment of infertility and varicose veins, anemia and rheumatism. I have been building a center for public services next to the restaurant and the natural clinic.

Hospitals: Jordan has a medical network in both the public and private sectors. The medical services in Jordan famous Babdalla and the presence of some of the best names in different medical branches. In Amman, the capital, there are many specialized hospitals that treat cancer, heart disease and visual diseases, infertility and family medicine as well as other areas of specialization. The King Hussein Medical City is one of the most famous medical centers in the region and the world because they contain a large number of physicians and surgeons are more important in the world
  Alaptramedinh rocks

The city carved in the rock and hiding behind the impenetrable barrier of mountains which Sheets are hardly porous mysterious charm. The traffic Balsik, a passage through a narrow aspect of high-rise height that barely allow the passage of the sun, giving a dramatic contrast with the magic next. Suddenly opens and the part on the field of natural features the famous Treasury of Petra carved in the rock that glows golden in the sun

There are many interfaces that entice the visitor on until the ancient city, one monument leading to another teacher Bantoa distances. The overall size of the city and the beautifully carved facades is staggering and makes gives him an idea of ​​the level of creativity and industry of the Nabateans who made Petra their capital more than 2000 years ago. From their capital that the Nabataeans were able to establish a network of caravan routes which brought spices, incense, myrrh, gold, silver and precious stones from India and the Arabian Peninsula, to be traded onto the west

 As a result of the wealth they acquired, they adorned their city with palaces, temples and arches. Many of them have been built have disappeared, but many were carved in the rock Kalkhozna, shrines and altar of higher and still exists to this day in perfect condition and complete to the point you feel that you have entered a time wrap. Petra is an enchanting place that captivates and excites the senses. Its overwhelming size, rich textures and stunning surroundings create an ambiance almost impossible to describe

As you set off from the gate entrance to the city and the valley is quite wide open. This section is a narrow entrance door knows Siq. The first thing going through is a jinn, a group of three cubes of rock just to the right of the corridor

Upon crossing through the slit more visitor sees Obelisk tomb carved out of the cliff. At the moment of passage from a wide turn to the dark gap width not exceeding a few feet. Suddenly, a few steps to get the first view of the finest achievement of the Petra Treasury that seem visible under the hot sun and carved in the rock

And at its widest point outside the Siq, defiled. The corridor takes you to the highest point on the site is the site of the Nabatean archaeological offerings, the altar, carved in the rock. The vision of Petra from that height is a worthwhile

After visiting the altar is heading to the temple garden. There are two freestanding colonnades in front of the remains of the temple. And walk over to the visitor passes by the hard-wall access to the Temple of Romanian soldiers and Altrickllenium

There are many sites of Petra holy. At the summit, which was the Nabataeans Tdhiroha wind glorify their gods in that place called high altar. Street in the area known faces, you can see many of the Nabataean ruins

Outer Siq, turns sharply to the north Anattafta and leads to the Roman theater is based on Roman-style model. The Palace of Pharaoh's daughter shows that the Nabataeans were able to build separate buildings

The second monastery and the amazing sites of interest in Petra, and for the sense of the enormity of Petra and the enormous power of the rocks, the trip is essential. And through the Palace of Pharaoh's daughter there is a degree leading to the Museum of Petra, which includes a small group of the best souvenirs


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