الجمعة، 23 مارس 2012

Greek civilization

Of the oldest world civilizations because of its history, civilization of the Greeks, or, Helenah, is a term that refers to the historical period (from 750 BC to 146 BC), and culture that spread the Greek civilization in the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Asia, integrated with local cultures.

The Greeks wanted to configure the largest empire in the history of Asia and Europe after the capture of East Persia and Babylon, India and the Levant, Egypt, North Africa, their son Alexander has achieved this dream. At the beginning of the fourth century BC. M. Macedonians began to influence the events of the Greeks in Greece, especially after the rivalry between Sparta and Athens

The Persians Aalponhma against each other. The city of Athens at the time an independent state and its parliament. In this day and age the call to unite the Greeks and Macedonians to face the Persian threat. Aristotle was an advocate for the account of Alexander to this call for unity to enslave the people. Aristotle was his teacher sends the funds to Flaton to send people to Asia to collect information and spy on the natural horse

Civilization emerged Greece Balkan Peninsula and the Gulf of the Aegean Sea in the northern coast of the Mediterranean mountain region of narrow plains, dotted with a group of small islands in the Aegean Sea. The impact of Greece on the site of its civilization a significant impact. It is close to the source of the ancient eastern civilizations "Egypt - Levant - Iraq - Vinkie as the islands of Crete and Cyprus as a main gateway to connect to the cultural and trade with those regions and Asia Minor and the coast of North Africa. As well as the coast of Greece the west and the islands near it as the western gate of Greece, including the Download civilization traders and migrants to the Italian peninsula

 Thus originated the Roman civilization, and so on geographical location has helped Greece to act as the importer of the civilizations of the East and have a distributor for the rest of Europe. As well as the divided terrain with its mountains high Greece to a group of regions limited space and isolated because of the difficulty of communication between them, which led to the emergence of states around the major cities important and has become all the city to rely on themselves in terms of political, economic and competed these cities with each other and varied interests and conflicting goals .

  Has resulted in the nature of the mountainous country to the direction of her family to the sea as a means of communication as it was easy to install Greek sea to endure the hardship of passing the highlands and then it was civilization the ancient Greeks a civilization free trade, and the fleet and private fleet Athens milestone in the Greek civilization, and has easy riding the sea from the bays, islands and peninsulas spread Greek coasts and around to the people of the country to travel to multiple destinations and have migrated to or returned from Astotnoha assets and ideas of other civilizations

Spread of the Kingdom of Muaria east of India to ancient Egypt, the West and from Turkey in the north and Syria, the entire south and is considered the greatest kingdoms of the Greeks in history. Existed Greece conveniently: emerged civilization Greece peninsula, the Balkans and the Gulf of the Aegean Sea in the northern coast of the Mediterranean region of mountainous plains narrow, scattered by a group of small islands in the Aegean Sea. The impact of Greece on the site of its civilization a significant impact.
 ,It is close to the source of the ancient civilizations of the East, "Egypt - Levant - Iraq" as the islands of Crete and Cyprus as a main crossing point for commercial and cultural contact with those bodies and the coast of Asia Minor and North Africa. As well as the coast of Greece Western and nearby islands which serve as the western gate of Greece, including the carry traders and migrants civilization to the Italian peninsula, and thus originated a civilization the Romans, and so helped the geographical location Greece to act as the importer of the civilizations of the East and the distributor have the rest of Europe.

  As well as the divided terrain with its mountains high Greece to a group of regions limited space and isolated because of the difficulty of communication between them, which led to the emergence of states around the major cities important and has become all the city to rely on themselves in terms of political, economic and competed these cities with each other and varied interests and conflicting goals .

Has resulted in the nature of the mountainous country to the direction of her family to the sea as a means of communication as it was easy to install Greek sea to endure the hardship of passing the highlands and then it was civilization the ancient Greeks a civilization free trade, and the fleet and private fleet Athens milestone in the Greek civilization, and has easy riding the sea from the bays, islands and peninsulas spread Greek coasts and around to the people of the country to travel to multiple destinations and have migrated to or returned from Astotnoha assets and ideas of other civilizations.
The Greeks called the people themselves or Alakhien Alhelinyin, their civilization has emerged BC Boukmsmih and fifty years ago and passed stages are three:

Greek civilization originated in the eighth century BC
Greeks were the first civilization on the land of small circular called "Cyclades" in the Aegean Sea. Population was growing grapes, olives, where grain and raise animals for the purpose of milk - meat. And were producing pots and statues of marble sculpture, the use of plant leaves and engravings made ​​from volcanic rock and bronze.

  After several centuries, replaced a disaster for the owners of this city, the impact of a devastating earthquake followed by a volcanic eruption a huge burn most of the Cyclades, while flourished elsewhere, an island of Crete arose the oldest civilizations of the region in the islands scattered in eastern Mediterranean Sea and then later moved to Greece and the island of Crete is the center and the foundation for this civilization, which included then the Aegean Islands, Rhodes and Cyprus and Greece. And returns the oldest traces of that civilization to three thousand years BC and lasted almost a millennium year

 Were divided civilization to three times as mentioned. He was the name of this civilization civilization Alminoch relative to Minos, a king mentioned in the ancient myths that rule of the island of Crete. There were trade relations and cultural contacts between the owners of that civilization in Egypt, was transferred Alchrityon a lot about Egypt, I found the effects of Crete and Egypt, she found time and manufactures high CRETEIL found in archeological sites in Egypt.

  At a time when civilization Cretan collapse and decay began to flourish civilization to the tribes migrated to the Balkan Peninsula (the southern part of Greece), after they were able to stabilize them for centuries, was not of the Greeks first backs a united country that brought them together all under control, but they had the states of multiple separate from each other and each had the mandate of the government and its laws, its army and perhaps the reason is that Greece the country's mountainous difficult to do a unified state where, but in spite of the independence of States, the Greek from each other, they were from a single origin, religion, and their civilizations and one
 ,Classical Age (500 BC - AD / 323 BC - AD)
When the era ended Almisinyin, solved a major crisis in Greece until Osmit this era the dark period, which lasted for 400 years, so I think that people no longer remember how to write for the absence of any documents or signs of what they were doing. People imbued with hunger began little by little, until they were determined to leave this land to search for new land satisfy their needs, Vzhbwaely the coast of Asia Minor and the Aegean they stopped at the land.

  In the eighth century BC the Greeks began reclaiming their culture and their prosperity and immigrants of whom have spread around the Black Sea to the north east and west to the south of Italy, until he reached their deployment to Spain and France, most of the immigrants worked as farmers and a few of them cared pillar of Commerce. Began the stability of the Greeks when the producers by reference to Greece to liberate the shortage there, where he converted the Black Sea port in those days from the port of grain and trees to the port crowded with wine and olive oil, honey

.By the sixth century BC, many cities have emerged as dominant in Greek affairs: Athens and Sparta. In ancient Greece, people speak one language, no more, and they worship the same God and share the same clothes until the eighth century BC. Because of the separation of cities and barriers are broken down by the sea or the mountains. Most cities Kothena Corinth and Sparta and its buildings knew their regions of high and surrounded by farmers who grow crops and raise animals.

  Each city now has a special system of government and ways of doing business, so they made ​​for each city god to protect them especially from other cities, Phippnon his temple in the fortress of Athens, a Alokrbul. The ongoing battles between the cities where they were fighting each other, and the most powerful cities in Greece at that time Athens and Sparta, which were in constant conflict for the intensity of competition between them. But in time of need was healed of new respondents, for example, when the Persian invasion of their country did not find seemed to unite to defeat the invaders

The era of civilization Sparta
Greece has emerged in some cities, especially the two cities have contributed to a significant contribution in building the Greek civilization are the cities of Sparta and Athens. According to Greek mythology, is to Vmass Akdeimun Sparta, son of the god Zeus and the gods TAGITI, has called on the name of his wife, daughter Aorautas. I went to Sparta after the military regime that had to fight long wars with its neighbors, led by Athens, which fought a fierce war with them lasted for a quarter-century war Albelopponih known, but Athens and Sparta soon united in 481 BC. M, although Hroppema

, When he made ​​the horse the direction of Greece, and was able Athens addressed in the first campaign, but that the campaign Persian II, to destroy the army of Athens, except that the Spartans secured the withdrawal less the loss of the army Athenian, strive of 300 of the bravest leaders of Sparta military, led by Eonaides and stood at large Persian army until the army withdrew to Athens jars secure site

 The system of governance in Sparta is based on a democratic basis to some extent depends on the distribution of powers in the four elements: 1 - dual ownership of the individual so as not unique to the king and one of the ruling. 2 - Senate consists of 28 members (and required to be at least sixty years the member). 3 - a General Assembly comprising all male citizens when reached the age of thirty. 4 - Implementation of any officers who are five ministers elected by the people and operates all of them and his job for a period of one year. Between 740 to 720 BC, the Mycenaean War I,

  Able Sparta which expanded their territory to take over Fort Mountain Latium included Messina (west of Sparta), during the reign of King Tjubombus. And between 660 to 640 BC, a war Mycenaean second, because after eighty years of ruling Spartan's Messinia, revolted the people of Messinia against Spartan rule, and disobedience in support of the rulers of the Greek city-states in the north and east, and that was at odds with Sparta

 When the greater the economic and political dislocations in Messinia and the loss of many of the Spartans land acquired after the first war, hastened Sparta to impose its influence in Messinia, and invented Alospartion In preparation for that war, tactics based on gathering infantry battalion armed to all types of weapons (spears, swords, gears, armor, and shields the parties), and this tactic has spread in the wars of the world then, after the Spartans. Sparta won a victory in the war apron, brought prestige to all Greek cities, but the making of them a new state, a state does not know the war is
  Alosparti society was composed of three tribes, a male-dominated society, women are marginalized. And reared males between 14-20 years of age by the state and receive extensive military education, and age between 20 to 30 are all enrolled in the army, and who are the largest of the thirty clubs meet in Men in the cities, and eating their meals together.

.Perhaps the reason PHP this militarism that the location of Sparta was far from the sea, not in front of a way to meet the increase in population only to expand in the surrounding country, making it the whip of torment to its neighbors, has been Sparta strong and in control of most of Greece thanks to the strength and organized by the military for two hundred years , and when he fell from the exclamation point is people fall but what of the grief of a nation.

Arrived to the leadership of Athens Greek cities in the fifth century BC, since two thousand and five hundred years ago and reached a great amount of progress and civilization and is considered by historians of that period does not Tarichhaha brighter periods in the history of the Greeks Athinabul in the history of the whole

 .And Athens was the capital of a mountain a poor desolate with the exception of some valleys narrow between the mountains where he grew wheat, grapes, olives and gave her the mountains a lot of minerals, stones, especially marble that made him the Athenians many of the statues also found the people on the shores of river mud pure made ​​him their vessels pottery has been compensated the sea for much of what Avckaddoh in their own land setting the their nature coast with the ports and bays natural as interested Athenians trade much attention and reached to the invention of currency, which helped its recovery, the currency has facilitated the collection and storage of more than agricultural products or livestock and other tools of trade-off that was used for exchange in Egypt and other countries of the old Orient.

  Perhaps most important, provided by the Athens of humanity is the idea of ​​democracy, despite the different concept in our time, and the word democracy is made up of two syllables (Demos) and the sense of the people (Kratos) in the sense of any rule (Demos Kratos), a (rule by the people). However, there is no doubt that in the Athens and other Greek cities parliaments and to become a citizen has the right to express an opinion and to participate in decision-making on all care about the back of lawmakers who enact laws and regulations put. There was a wide gap between rich and poor in Athens

 , The poor resorted to borrowing from the rich and the norm was between that of the fails to pay off the debts with high interest becomes a slave to the creditor and work in farms and sold into slavery. And continued to exhort the situation gets worse and the gap between rich and poor are growing and expanding to the eye, "Solon" a ruler on them. Solon was born in Athens to a noble family. And known at first as a poet. The poems have a major role in urging the Athenians to recover the island of Salamis, which was under foreign hands for a long time. I lead the troops sent to recover the island. He has subjected rapidly. He was selected then Arjona (NDP I) and entrusted with the authority to change laws.

And Athens was in dire need of political and economic change. The bulk of the wealth concentrated in the hands of a few influential citizens and the farmers have been forced to mortgage their land for borrowing money themselves and their families, providers of debt guarantees. Solon issued a law abolishing all those debts and mortgages, and free those who have become slaves. He also amended financial systems, making it easier for foreign trade. The only modification introduced by Solon in Athens Foreign trade is the version of law to prevent the export of grain.

 Constitutional reforms of Solon returned, a division of citizens into four classes according to income. And allows citizens of all classes to become members of the Legislative Assembly and in the civil courts. Solon was founded by a council of 400 people, to play the political authorities in Aleriobagus (Judicial Council) and established the People's Courts that citizens can be Ihtkmoa resume to and against the decisions of state employees. Solon was kept on the conditions under which the old are entitled only to the top three layers of high-level public positions are entitled only to the top layer to take over the position of Alerkhoun. These conditions were maintained at any oligarchy and minority rule but the reforms Solon was uncertain step in the path of democracy.

It has been said that the Athenians made ​​Solon entrust him to abide by its laws for 10 years. And then traveled to the east and visited Egypt, where he stayed for a long time to brief the civilization, and when he returned after 10 years, found the country engaged in civil war and quickly took control of Bezistratos things. After his opposition Bezistratos, Solon retired and away from public life.

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