الجمعة، 16 مارس 2012

Tourism in the city of endosperm / Syria

Sweida one of the Syrian governorates in the south-east of Damascus and Damascus governorate is bordered to the north and the province of a shield from the West and the Syrian desert and the fidelity of the east and the south of Jordan.

An area of ​​/ 6550 / km ² and extends the length of the province from north to south / / 120 km and a width from East to West / 66 / km.

Sweida is the open-air museum of antiquities and ruins of archaeological dating back thousands of years, and archaeologists found in many locations in most parts of the province on the Tools flint sculpture was used by prehistoric man, among them stages com fig tree to the east of the village of Rima quilts, and Marah farm near city ​​endosperm, and Aqrash, Kom gravel, Hzhz, and networking, and home to maintain archaeological sites as important as Tel Debba near the village of Perich, and location of the Monastery of brown between the villages of Najran mother leeches, suggests archaeological finds in the presence of traces of the Bronze Age

In the province are located throughout the Arameans and the effects left by the Safavids and the Nabataeans, who entered after their victory at the battle of Monatha (two nations) on the Seleucids in / 88 / s. M and then set off north, as well as Greek and Roman monuments which are spread in all parts of the province is very heavy.

Become cities of the province during the reign of the Nabataeans important centers, and became a city Salkhad including commercial center, economically and militarily, distinct, and enhance its military thanks to the castle mega famous castle Salkhad, and in many places in the province researchers found effects and the writings of Nabataean as in the endosperm and Issa and others were also found written in Arabic dating back to / 328 / m which is chronicling the grave man measuring a kings of the Arabs, and by the force of the Nabataeans economic and military could not Roman occupation of the province when they invaded Syria in / 64 / s. m is that the weakness of the Nabataeans, who had been increasing gradually enabled the Roman occupation of extend their control over the cities of the province at the time

With the provisions of their control by the interest the Romans in the cities of the region in the endosperm and made of the most important cities of the empire Romanian, Faqamo organized Syrian cities in the endosperm on the pattern of the city of Rome, and constructed buildings, palaces, temples and the role of religious and theaters and baths ROMANIAN, markets and the establishment of extended canals and irrigation systems, water tanks, construction of the Romans many ways in which extends for tens of kilometers between the cities, as well as internal roads paved with stones in many cities and towns of historical interest

Includes maintaining a lot of effects that date back to the Greco-Roman in meteors, channels, rip, village Perich, Najran, Issa, Atil, a sound, well-founded, Dama, Zkir, Almstv, salt, Amra, al-Majdal, Salkhad, farm WAM pomegranates, Arman, and others many of the towns and archaeological sites.

In the city of meteors or Rome small structures Emperor Philip the Arab, born in meteors and became Emperor of Rome, and took care of his hometown of meteors and design and make it similar to Rome and make it an important center in the Eastern Empire, and there are traces Ckma of the temple, which indicate the importance of four columns with capitals Corinthian, is also theater meteors of theaters famous Btabgah upper and Guenatrh, in addition to rooms clothes, reading, sports, restaurants and accessories in the buildings Alemsrj, and bathrooms ROMANIAN huge temples and houses of worship, and make the city's four entrances or gates (Aqos Nasr) are still found today, and the effects of the city and its walls and the streets are paved with stones historic buildings and vivid reminders of the urban development witnessed by the city in history and was one of the most advanced in the Almdt various aspects of life

He took the rule of the Roman occupation and the vulnerable witness Anhlala Vtaazem Ghassanid role and became the owners of the real power in the Romanian power weak during the fourth century AD. When Al Arab rule on the Levant suffered by Ghassanid and Qahtaon welcome endorsing Arab Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab in / 636 / m owner son Harith Emir of Horan, who constitute the province a part of it, and had a population of the province at the time the honor of participating in the battles of jihad against the Romans and the Crusaders.

On the other hand was throughout the province known as the ancient names of many as Mount Albachan and Jebel Hauran, Jabal Al Rayyan and Jabal al-Arab, pulls the attention of the Righteous Arabs, built-Walid bin Abdul Malik for himself a palace in the Rima quilts, where he is serving some time in the summer, the Caliph Omar Azizvkd bin Abdul owned a farm in the endosperm where he lived from time to time, and when a waiver of his property preferred to keep them and not others Vibqaha for himself.

As the province have attracted the attention of these caliphs shook the beauty of nature, the feelings of many Arab poets, such as a man and Qais Al-Sharif and complacent, however, between Rabia and others, Vngnoa him and sang a beautiful poetry. Greer Arab poet attached to the Jebel Al Rayyan and the memory of love towards him

 The name Mount Rayyan continued to refer to what seems to maintain even during the Umayyad and the Abbasid period until the end. Then stir in the region has seen a decline in the security and economic life and that has led to other factors as likely sources to the displacement of people by, say population and abandoned most of the cities and villages. And this phenomenon continued emergency period of time. Bedouin tribes were coming to him in the spring and summer to look after his cattle Rabia and draws its water from threatens that inhabited the western parts of it as threatening the economic life of the easy-Hourani.

  Returned life runs again across the mountain and Awabdeh and cities, has been able to Prince Fakhr al-Din on the second to extend his control over the Hauran, the year / 1613 / m a huge campaign forced him to back the interim and then he sent the year / 1625 / military mission and art to Horan to bring restoration Castle Salkhad The mission was led by his son, Prince Ali. But the stability of the actual on the mountain did not begin only at the beginning of the seventeenth century since / 1711 / A, where I took villages and cities in the northern part of it is witnessing new life with the migrations came to him from the regions of northern Syria such as Aleppo and Idlib as well as from Lebanon, Palestine, and took expanding it bit by bit and settle in cities and villages

During the Ottoman occupation of the mountain did not know the ruling Ottoman directly up to the year / 1840 / M. Hamdan family was the ruling family in the mountain known as Sheikhal-Hamdani as sheikh of the mountain or the great sheikhs. When he wanted the rule ofMohammed Ali Pasha in the Levant / 1831 _ 1841 / impose conscription and disarmament of the population saw the mountain a bloody war lasted for nine months without the checks to the governor what he wanted, although methods of cruelty, murder, destruction and filling water poolsand blockade arbitrator Vzhguet the lives of thousands of victims of the army and the population.

Then returned the Ottoman Empire and repeated the policy of Muhammad Ali Pasha in the mountain roads as necessary to extend its direct control which the reasoning behind different and asked the residents to surrender their weapons and accept the new recruit their children, while they were doing it on their own burdens to impose security on the mountain in the prevention of dangers that were exposed on one side and working everything in their power to develop agriculture and reconstruction of towns and villages, and securing essential to the stability and they had to face the Ottoman and revolutions repeated against it was the Ottoman Empire pursued Ahrarhm who refused humiliation has sentenced a group of them in 1911 are: Thouqan Atrash (father of Sultan al-Atrash), Yahya Amer, more Amer , Izz al-Din Hilal, Hamad Amoosh, Mamedkulani revolutions and continued through the decades until the departure of the Ottoman occupation of / 1918 / m. The mountain where he participated in the Great Arab Revolt, led by Sharif Hussein, his sons fought alongside their brothers in the Arab army and the Turkish army, Kano which call for the early religious-political revolutions Bkiedathm .. And contributed to the defeat that arrived with the vanguard of the Arab army of Damascus and the Arab flag overhead.

He declared the independence of Syria and of the mountain, but did not last long, became irregular again life in the Levant at the beginning of the French occupation, and broke revolutions National, which was Sweida a pivotal role in which, led by Sultan Pasha Alotrschmn village Alqriyawho commander of the revolution, the Great Syrian, who began his revolution by his word famous to arms to arms, where he was Druze Arabs of the first to lose against the French revolution and the promise Dharah battles like the Battle of the farm and infidelity and had a larger role in the support and help their brothers in Damascus ... Where Khvfo pressure from them and the torch in the first Arab beacon of freedom. The result of this revolution, which included under its banner tournaments militants in Syria that the sun rose in Independence April 17, 1946 after Syria to witness the start of a new era.

Evolved Sweida significantly in recent decades and deepened the various aspects of economic life, social, cultural, architectural and city endosperm modern city upscale its buildings elegant streets and markets, as well as cities and towns where there are the newest and finest buildings and villas, there has been maintained thanks to the policy of President hero late (Hafez Assad) acceleration in the rates of growth and development Vhqt roads and paved between villages and cities of the province, and built schools, colleges, hospitals, cultural centers and health, kindergartens and the center service, and built dams and set up factories, reclaimed agricultural land, and caused the banks and reaching electricity to all towns, villages and farms in all parts of the province, and the number of population of the province more than more than three hundred and fifty thousand people. And developed in the field of agriculture and industry.

Enjoy the endosperm nature of the stunning mountain and is the United Nations standards a natural museum of ruins archaeological and historical sites in all cities, towns and villages of the province, as well as spread throughout the territory of the province, especially the mountain from which thousands of Aldenmat of the forest lands of natural forests on the mountainous areas of sound and Atil and the endosperm and infidelity and other ... and flooring wooded fruitful trees and grape vines, apple or thousands of wooded land Aldenmat of new forest trees (forests) in a number of areas of the province such as the mountain and filling the back of the eye where there is in the back of the mountain region's largest afforestation project fruitful in the region.

 Add to the nature of the beautiful and wild, cities and archaeological sites of the many and climate beautiful moderate, making the province among the attractions planned by the Syrian Ministry of Tourism to increase the tourism investment and attract interested people and tourists to the area there are many, many elements of attractions, and there in the province a number of transport companies tourist modern linking all areas of the province in addition to trips throughout the day from the endosperm to Damascus, there is in many cities and towns centers and Internet cafes, lounges and unique and beautiful restaurants Created expatriate Mr. Wael Farag willow restaurant in the area of ​​Ain Mall.

Held in the endosperm festivals, events and exhibitions such as the many festival endosperm of marketing, tourism and cultural Festival Farm Festival and the Jazz Gallery Suweida and the vine, apples and artistic activities of the fine arts and sculpture in addition to the many art galleries and cultural festivals and literary

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