الجمعة، 9 مارس 2012

Tourism in the city of Willits / Russia

The city is located in the province on the banks of the River Abatesc Bistraya Susanna and away from the district center 78 km. Moscow and 450 km distance. With an area of ​​65 square kilometers and population Nfosha about 120 thousand people

The city one of the cities of old Russia is believed that the history of its foundation dates back to 968. Are currently under archeological excavations in the historic city center to determine the age of the real city. The city was mentioned for the first time in the historical records in 1146 as a fortified town to protect the borders of the Emirate of Ryazan from attacks by nomadic tribes and shepherds. This is now history is the history of the city's founding

In 1395 in Tamerlane's forces attacked the city and destroyed and looted and robbed of its people. In 1483 became a subsidiary of the emirate of Moscow. And in 1592 was re-building the city castle with a group other castles to protect the southern border - East of the Russian state, and the castle became the nucleus of the present city of Willits

. As the borders of the Russian state to the south the city lost its importance has become defensive and commercial center and literally whatever fate has been linked to trade, where traders from different regions of Russia are bringing their goods to the city and Ikaydunha goods produced in the city. It was a city in the reign of Empress Yekaterina II of the booming cities and built stone houses and dealers where Mtajraadidh and varied

In 1770 granted by the Empress recipe city and ratified the planned construction of the city later, and in 1793 started paved city streets and alleyways Balzlt, sheets of limestone, and put oil lamps in the streets lighted at night, and dug wells for water supply, the first Russian city has set up the teams to extinguish fires . Spread in this period are widely craft of knitting and punching (Aldntella), which is famous for the city to this day.

Became a city in the 19th century of the cities and large commercial center for trade in grain, flour and animal products, so that was equal in 1846 the provincial centers and ports. In 1868 was established the water distribution network in the city and started to extend the railway line and in 1869 opened a school for the railway

That of the most important city is famous for its architecture used in the construction of churches and cathedrals of which there were then 14 and the Cathedral Church and Monastery is one of the monks and one for nuns.

During the period from 1871 - 1874 opened in city schools - Men's (still working so far, the first school) and the Women (currently building the first of the university education). The city has grown and flourished and the number of Nfosha until it reached in 1897 more than 47 thousand people.

In 1888 established the first store of grain (silo) in Russia can accommodate more than 650 tons of grain, which still works to this day, I have contributed to this warehouse in the prosperity of trade in grain and flour, which was produced in the mills of water many established in the city and its suburbs
After the October Revolution of 1917 and the establishment of Soviet power and the rich merchants fled from the city, as the city suffered so much due to the civil war which destroyed many of its institutions and its buildings and its inhabitants had to rebuild what was destroyed by the war. During the first five-year plan to construct a plant for the tanning and leather manufacturing plant and another class extending the railway line linking Moscow region Aldnbas and which passes through the city of Willits and established collective farms and agricultural Alsovkhozat.

In 1928 opened the first institution in the city where the health of various medical specialties as established in the same year the local radio. In 1933 completed construction of the bridge on the river and in 1934 announced the start of the literacy campaign in the city and related accessories. In 1936 the new factory began producing bars of coal and carbon electrodes used in various electrical industries. In 1937 started building a factory batteries, which began production in 1940. This year I got knitting products and punching at the Paris international gold medal and a diploma of the exhibition

The number of industrial enterprises operating in the city during the thirties 20 institutions in different production. It also built a power plant capacity of 1200 kW, opened the Institute for the preparation of teachers and other medical schools and various professional and set up clinics and hospitals, cinemas, theaters, museums, clubs, public libraries, sports stadium

After a period from the beginning of the Great Patriotic War German troops occupied the city during the period from 3 to December 9, 1941, but was constantly exposed to bomb German aircraft until the end of 1943

The city of Willits important base for the forces of the Red Army and factions of al-Ansar, which was active in the area Auriol and Arc Kursk - Auriol as well as for factions supporters in Belarus, where he served as the axis of the railway as well as the airports were being used not only for launching aircraft to military targets of the enemy, but also to support the faction Ansar in Belarus. The city was like any other Soviet cities to severely damaged because of the occupation and military operations.

Which led aerial bombardment of the city to the destruction of railroads and industrial enterprises and residential buildings in the city. Despite all this the city's population was able torebuild their city so beautiful that he returned in 1944, 11 institutions and 24 large industrialenterprise small industrial production, also opened a number of schools and service institutionsand cultural rights. We have continued to work to rebuild the city with high spirit and rapidly, sofast that by the year 1950, the bulk of the work has been performed.

In the fifties of the last century began to develop an industrial city where concrete has set upinstitutions such as large industrial sugar factory and factory production equipment and hydraulic equipment for Tractors and another factory for the production of Owainat medical and otherfactories. This has led to the expansion of the city and its population increased
The city of Willits day of the cities with industrial structure developed due to the number of large factories that produce various goods shopping to the local markets and foreign markets is also working group from the mines surface where the use of raw materials extracted in various areas of the national economy, is also working in the city, a group of food plants and light industry factories and punching (Aldntella) world-famous.

Working in the city, a group of educational institutions such as the University Willetts government named after Russian writer Ivan Bunin known which includes 17 colleges and boards of various scientific. It also works in the city branches of the civil and public universities in addition to the professional institutes and high schools of different medium. In the city, a large number of high schools and institutes of Fine Arts opened on one of the great Russian composer Tikhon Chrinikov in addition to religious schools.

Working in the city, 29 cultural and artistic institution, such as theater and drama of the Willits Youth Theatre, theaters and dance clubs as well as a number of cultural and artistic Alcalerahat and a host of museums, historical and personal, as well as a number of public libraries, cinemas and casinos.

Incorporated city in the list of Russian historical heritage of cities (115 cities) also have been introduced to the lines of tourism. There is in effect the city's 226 architecturally and historically. The historic city center retains a large number of archaeological sites such as the "governor's house - Century 18" and the Church of the Virgin, which was built during the reign of Tsar Peter the Great in the style of "Albaroko" which is characterized by motifs beautiful windows and entrances, columns, and church is located under the protection of the state as historical monuments. There is also a chapel built in honor of the victims of the battles with Tamerlane. A Cathedral of the Ascension (19th century), which took 44 years of construction in 1845 and even in 1889

The cathedral, where a very large building used in the construction of more than 10 million brick. The cathedral was built on the Russian style of architecture - Byzantine, one of the ancient architectural monuments in Russia. Effects include architectural and historic church is very beautiful princes and saints Alexander Nevsky Mikhail Tversqui which was built in 1909 and is one of the most beautiful and wonderful churches of the city. There are also other historical landmarks in the city, such as monasteries and houses built in the centuries 17, 18 and 19. Working in the city, a group of tourist hotels such as hotel complex Willetts receiving tourists throughout the year and provide them with all the amenities

Located near the city area called "Galechea Gora - Mount Galic," a natural reserve for plants, animals and birds of prey, and since 1934, oversees the University of Voronezh on the reserve and used in research and scientific studies

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