الأربعاء، 7 مارس 2012

Tourism in Istanbul / Turkey

Istanbul (pronounced [ʔist ˤ ɑmbu ː l], Turkic-modern: İstanbul; and the Turkish Ottoman Empire: Istanbul [istambul]), and historically known as Byzantium and Constantinople, Istanbul and Aslambol is the largest city in Turkey and the fifth largest city in the world in terms of population, with a population of 12.8 million people are Istanbul also "big city", and are seen as the center of Turkey's cultural, economic and financial
. The city covers an area of ​​39 districts are the province of Istanbul, Istanbul is located on the Bosphorus and surrounded the natural harbor known as the "Golden Horn" (in Turkish: Haliç or Altın Boynuz), located in the northwest. The city stretches along the European side of the Bosphorus, known as "Thrace," and the Asian side, or "Anatolia" and, therefore, the only city in the world located on two continents

This was the capital city for a number of states and empires throughout its long history, was the capital of the empire Romanian (330-395), the Byzantine Empire (since in 395 until 1204 and then from year 1261 until the year 1453), the Latin Empire (1204-1261), and the Ottoman Empire (1453-1922 in most of these stages, surrounded the city an aura of holiness, as it had a religious significance significant at the population and the population of neighboring countries, was an important city for Christians after he converted to the Byzantine Empire to Christianity, before it turns to become the capital of the Islamic caliphate of the year 1517 until dissolution of the Ottoman Empire in 1924
Istanbul was chosen as the capital of the common European culture for the year 2010, and the historical landmarks have been added before, in 1985, to the list of World Heritage Sites of UNESCO

Showed the dig a tunnel through the establishment of Marmara, which will arrive between European and Asian part of Istanbul, an ancient colony of mankind from the Neolithic period, under the port of "Winnie Kaپa" (in Turkish: Yenikapı). Studies have shown that the colony back to the seventh millennium BC, before that consists of the Bosphorus, and this indicates that the peninsula was inhabited since the Istanbul period much older than previously thought, and effects found in this primitive colony, a number of tools and artisans used in everyday life

The tribal Thracian in the period between centuries XIII and atheist century BC, the establishment of colonies, namely: "to Aaگos" and "Seemstra" in the "site of the Palace" the current (in Turkish: Sarayburnu) near the Topkapı Palace On the Asian side, were found the craftsmen at the site where there was a town of "Chalcedon" old, dating back to the times copper has the town aforesaid in this place by settlers Greeks came from the city of "Megara" in 685 BC. m, and the Phoenicians had preceded them to this site since the beginning of the first millennium BC, where they founded the first commercial plant them in that country

The history of the actual Istanbul, according to many historians, in 660 BC about., When the settlers Almigarrion, under the leadership of their own "pizzas" founded the city of Byzantium on the European side of the Bosphorus. By the end of the century, the population had founded the city of high bunker in the "site of the Palace", in the same area, which was built in enclaves "to Aaگos" and "Seemstra", ie where the Topkapı Palace and Hagia Sophia is currently besieged the city by the Roman Emperor "Septimus Severus "in 196, after it joined hands with the governor of Syria" Gaius Bsasenyos Naijir "who had revolted against the empire and later defeated, and suffered severe damage as a result. Returned the patriarch, "Severus of Antioch" at Byzantium after the devastation as a result of the Roman siege, and soon the city regained its glory and prosperity of the past, after the Emperor called for a brief period the name "Ogusta Antonina" after his son

 The geographical location of Byzantium may draw the attention of Constantine I in 324, after he claimed that he saw a dream prophetically showed the site of the city; Historians say that the real reason behind the claim of Constantine in this prophecy, is a victory crucial to the Emperor "ڤalarius to Ascenios" in the battle Oscudar on the Strait of Bosphorus on September 18 year 324, a battle that ended the civil war between the emperors of subscribers to the sentence, ruled definitively on the remains of the "system of government the people of the four", in the period in which the city of "Nicomedia" (Greek: Νικομήδεια), known as the "Izmit" is currently , the oldest Romanian cities and the highest affair and after the battle six years, ie in 330, Byzantium officially became the new capital of the empire Romanian, and changed its name to "Constantinople," which means "city of Constantine."

After the death of Emperor "Theodosius I" the year of 395, the empire was divided permanently between his sons, Constantinople became the capital of the Byzantine or Eastern Empire. Constantinople was the site between the continents of Europe and Asia, in addition to being home to one of the most important dynasties property at the time, had made ​​it a center of attraction for international trade, and cultural center and a great civilization in the region.

  The Byzantine Empire, Greek culture is clearly not doubt it, and later became the backbone of the nation's Christian Roman Orthodox, it was natural, therefore, that adorn the capital, many of the churches, the great global importance, such as the Hagia Sophia, which was the largest cathedral in the world until the Islamic conquest of the city is still the headquarters of the Patriarch of Constantinople, spiritual leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church, located in the province of "lighthouse" of Istanbul

Istanbul is located in north-west Marmara region in Turkey, which is divided into two parts separated by the Bosphorus Strait, which makes the city lies on two continents at once, as it is located in the western part of Europe, while the eastern section is located in Asia. Occupies an area of ​​the city limits 1,830.93 square kilometers (707 square miles), while running the urban agglomeration area or the province of Istanbul, an area of ​​6.220 square kilometers (2402 square miles).
Istanbul is located near the North Anatolian fault, which runs from northern Anatolia and down to the Sea of ​​Marmara, where two plates collide the African and Eurasian each other all the time. This caused the fault of many devastating earthquakes of the region throughout history In the year 1509 a massive earthquake caused a huge tsunami wave crossed the sea walls of the city and destroyed more than 100 mosques and 10,000 people eliminated from the population. In 1766, damage to the mosque of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, largely due to a strong earthquake

 As well as the earthquake happened in 1894 led to the collapse of many sections of the large market covered. On 17 August 1999 a devastating earthquake had its focus in the city of Izmit near, and led to the deaths of 18,000 people and displaced many of the results were disastrous for all of these earthquakes dating back to the intensity and Trass buildings and the conditions of poor construction. Seismologists say the possibility of another earthquake, its scale of up to 7.0 degrees, by the year 2025.

There is Istanbul temperate climate like all around the Marmara region, but because of the location the city distinctive, the climate is a "climate transition," They are located in the middle between the regions with oceanic climate on the Black Sea, and the climate humid continental private peninsula Balkans, the Mediterranean climate.

 . This diversity was reflected in the climatic patterns of plant diversity, as different types of plants and trees on the characteristics of each unit as a whole can be found in this region, and the province of Istanbul is one of the few provinces in Turkey, which stand out in this feature. Can be found in large numbers of plants in the area of environmental Alawroseperia the northern part of the city in particular, on the coast of the Black Sea, where it is continuously wet climate. The Mediterranean vegetation, spreading in the southern regions, particularly in the Princes' Islands, which is the only region of Istanbul, which is dominated by this type of plant

The humid forest and temperate mixed broadleaf vital area of environmental regulations and dominant in the peninsula of Istanbul, and these forests are part of the Balkan mixed forests system, which in turn belong to the area of environmental Alawroseperia located in the old Northern Region. Experts say in the General Directorate of Forestry of Turkey, that 44% of the forest-clad province of Istanbul

Istanbul Jhettiha challenge of Asian and European Gaptin moist single-sex Kadimte the Covenant, known as the Asian jungle as the "Forest Omadag," The European Forest defines as "the Belgrade Forest," and these are the lungs of the city and Algabtan Mtnevsha Statute. Can still be found on the long-standing forest in the heart of Istanbul today, and this is on the banks of the Bosphorus. The oak tree species more prevalent in the city and its surroundings, and from the 3 types largely common, namely: English Oak, oak Allati, and Hungarian oak. It is also common beech trees which spread east in the northern areas near the coast of the Black Sea.

Istanbul superior to some European countries, such as the United Kingdom, in terms of plant diversity, including that in which almost 2500 my kind of trees and plants. Add to that, that this city is home to the effect that the fourth municipality plant species ten thousand scattered in Turkey, and some of these species is limited in its presence on the city only, without other parts of the world

 Istanbul is characterized by its temperate climate, although they occur in the area of ​​climatic transition between any areas where oceanic climate and areas dominated by Mediterranean climate. Is often a hot summer in Istanbul and humidity levels are high, and temperatures in the months of July and August to about 28 ° C (82 ° F). The winter Vbard and humid and often fall through the snow, and the average temperature in this chapter to 5 ° C (41 ° F). In the fall, spring and fall weather. Moderate some sporadic rain, but the climate in this period remains somewhat stable during the day, it is possible to shift from warm to cold from day to day, and the nights always cool Vtkon overall

 Always be the city's high humidity, which makes one feel that the air is heavy on the self. The percentage of moisture the annual Istanbul to 72%, since it is located in the second-most moisture in Turkey, the rate of precipitation per year to 843.9 mm (33 inches and the number of days that occurs when rain 152 days is the summer more seasons of the year drought, but it is possible to peppered with some rainy days, and summer rains are sporadic but heavy in most cases.
Istanbul won throughout its long history it is notorious that site fusion of cultures and different ethnicities. As a result, can be found currently on a number of mosques, churches, temples, palaces, castles, and towers in the historic city, which was built in different stages of time at the hands of the people and multiple people. Some of these features attract millions of tourists to Istanbul a year, has become an important symbol of the city
 The Princes' Islands, located in the Sea of ​​Marmara south of my part, "punishment" and "Pendik," destination significant for tourists, and the fact that it contains some of the factors of polarization to asylum rest and relaxation, such as palaces, Ottoman Empire based on the traditional style of modern and model of New Art, which was the sultans Aljoon them to take a break from the fatigue of government during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Polarization factors and also horse-drawn vehicles, as cars are not allowed its presence to any of these islands, and specialty restaurants offer seafood. Access to the islands using the ferry or bus rapid sea. The number of Islands 9 Princes Islands, of which 5 are inhabited.

 In Istanbul, a number of shopping centers, historical, from the lines of: the large covered market (1461), market Mahmoud Pasha (1462), and the Egyptian market or market pepper (1660). Opened the first modern shopping center in the city in 1987, a "Village Gallery Father" (in Turkish: Galleria Ataköy), followed by the opening of a large number of centers in the subsequent years, such as "White Center" (in Turkish: Akmerkez) in 1993, which is the only commercial center who won the awards "Best shopping center in Europe" and "the best shopping center in the world," granted by the international Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC); shopping center Metro City); Center Hihley cultural and commercial (2005), the largest shopping centers in Europe; Center Canyon Shopping (2006), who won the award for best architecture for the year 2006. In Istanbul, two trade centers dedicated to consumers with high wages, are the center Astnyh Park (2007) and the Center Nishan Tashi (2008), where not only displays the two items and brands are expensive

Spread in the Istanbul restaurants several European and East Asian as well as local restaurants and other restaurants that offer various types of international cuisine. Most bars and pubs in the city's historic hand Beyoğlu surrounding areas of Independence Avenue. In the Avenue of the above corridor historic famous so-called "corridor Flowers" (in Turkish: Çiçek Pasajı) when the number of bars and restaurants, and dates back to create this corridor to the nineteenth century, so by the engineer Greek "Christakis Zogravos Effendi", which was built on the ruins of the "theater of Noam "was opened in 1876. In the same area is also located street "Naڤesidh" The restaurants are adjacent to each other.
 Can be found at other historic pubs in the surrounding areas, "Crossing the tunnel" and "Vine Street mosque." The re-competent authorities to revive some old neighborhoods surrounding the Avenue of Independence in the past few years, to varying degrees of success; and these neighborhoods "street Algeria" (in Turkish: Cezayir Sokağı) located near the secondary Galatasaray, which people regard to be called "street French" (French: La Rue Française because of his impression of the Francophone nature, where there are a lot of bars, cafes and restaurants that played live music in restaurants and typical French cafes.
Istanbul is famous for its restaurants also offer dishes competent marine. The most famous restaurants where the Navy are those that are located on the shores of the Bosphorus and the Marmara Sea south of the city as well as a number of famous restaurants on the sea islands of the Great Princes' Islands, and near the northern entrance of the Bosphorus from the Black Sea area

There are plenty of nightclubs, restaurants, bars and cafes that offer Albazachh direct musical performances throughout the city. The number of these places for fun in the summer especially, where sometimes transmitted to bid in the open air because of heavy attendance. Show the largest concentrations of nightclubs, restaurants and bars, in addition to art galleries, theaters and cinemas, in the areas surrounding each of: Independence Avenue, goal, Bebek, and the village of judges. Is distracted "Babel" and "New پara" their lives were endangered in terms of Beyoğlu, of the most famous nightclubs in winter and summer destination

 The most important nightclubs summer that are held outdoors include a number of those found on the shore of the Bosphorus, such as theme parks: "Sortie", "Reina", and "Anjelique" in the neighborhood of Ortakwe In the same neighborhood located bar offers offers high performance to the music of jazz known as "Q Jazz bar."
Host theaters mission in Istanbul concerts of singers and bands world, and most prominent of these theaters: the field of Istanbul in the neighborhood of course, and the field the way the dry reality of the Bosphorus as well as there are "Park Forest" (in Turkish: Parkorman) in the neighborhood of course, who hosted the awards ceremony of M T ڤa 2002, and is one of the most prominent areas in which the concerts are held direct and enthusiastic celebrations of summer


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