الأربعاء، 7 مارس 2012

Tourism in Izmir / Turkey

Izmir is the third city in Turkey and is well Asratha an important commercial center. Wander in malls very cool. On the side of the city extends west peninsula "Jhma" famous Bbhrha beautiful, Bashtanha bathrooms and hot water. There are also ruins of the city of "Efes" of the most famous ancient cities, which was one of the largest cities in the Roman era. This city shows us the cultural richness of the civilization of ionic, it is also famous for the numerous technical festivals.

Located in Izmir Izmir, known at the head of the Gulf of beautiful long and narrow, surrounded by ships and boats sailing from each side. Advantage of Izmir and its temperate climate and fresh air coming from the sea and the sea that goes the summer. Along the coast and see the wide streets adorned with palm trees. Port City is the second port in Turkey after Istanbul and is famous Bmehrjanaa art exhibition and international ....

 Museums of Izmir

Mir - wages

Word wages means the city center and the market. To this place a lot of work in the fields of religious, legal, political, but most focused on the arts and philosophy. Heart of the merchants.

This business center is due to the Roman period (second century AD) and is composed of three floors.

 Museum knuckle

The museum has many relics from the Bronze Age to the old age Albznsa. There are many examples of the work of the structures in this day and age. In the Department of Ethnography and there are many carpet and rugs from the same area.

Home Birija Chakr Agha

The house consists of three floors, was established on the ground floor of stone and other floors of wood.

Avas - Seljuk


Is one of the remnants of major importance in the world because it is due to 4 thousand years BC. And played an important role in science, culture and the arts.

Because of the continuous change of the residue Avas Avas extends approximately eight square kilometers.

Museum Avas

Effects have been organized in the museum according to the places where I found the effects. And therefore the classification is as follows Hall houses the foot of the mountain and the remains of the houses and the hall has a working mineral treasures and tombs and the remains of Hall and Hall Hall and Artmisa Emperor. In addition to the structures and architecture are before.

There Avas at the Museum of more than 50,000 artifacts.

House of Our Lady Mary

Christians believe according to the East (Erthodquis) to Our Lady Mary died in Jerusalem, and 63 years old but there is no proof of this. But the disciples saw that the empty tomb after three days. There is not anything about the last days of Our Lady Mary in the Bible. But some writings that I found says that Our Lady Mary came to the Avas with storytelling in John 37-48 and died here at the age of 44 years.

Archaeology Museum in the old Izmir
The museum was organized to meet all requests from galleries and laboratories and stores and a place to shoot and a library and meeting room. The museum has more than 1500 archaeological pieces.

Ataturk Museum in Izmir

This museum was opened on October 29, 1978 in the name of Ataturk Museum and Atnogravea and in the May 13, 1988 change to the Museum of Ataturk.

Ethnography Museum in Izmir

The museum was established two of the three floors of the width and the third for storage.

And displays at the Museum of Craft, which has become very small and that was more present in the nineteenth century

Museum Odamish
Atnograve Museum consists of two floors. In addition there are ancient ruins from the Bronze Age 3000 BC and Erkiak 700 to 480 BC and 30 BC Classic - 395 AD and Albzns 395 to 1453 AD. And effects of existing machines and ceramic cutting and piercing instruments and lamps, glass, pottery and decorative purposes and structures of clay and marble structures and there are 2545 piece of metal.

 Pace of the Directorate of Museum

This museum displays the effects removable from 3500 BC up to 1100 AD and structures such as tombs and marble, pottery, glass, lamps, and presented chronologically. And Ethnography in the lounge there is a handwritten Holy Quran and Women's and Men's Clothing and Accessories for the purposes of and device boxes and CERAMIC & Carpets and paintings ...

 Places to visit

Palace "Berga Jagger Agha," in the village of Selcuk - Hirinjh, Khan "Qazelr Agassi" and archaeological elevator, you see the Archaeological Museum in Izmir, Ataturk Museum and "Gordon Yoyo" and market "Composting folding", and the cable car pools Mrlkz Balthova, you see the ruins of Efes and House of Mary and the village of Hirinjh, city Bergana archaeological and coast Thishimh, taste kofta Izmir in the restaurant elevator archaeological, kebab Odmich, pastries Buyoz, and applied Alqoomro & Sweets kufr k & Kordan, and buy Tina dried and grape Bowl and cherry Kamal Pasha and Bergama cheese and Turkish delight, and bead sight - Gorjh prohibited and Yemen, and see the exhibition and festival Izmir Selcuk

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