السبت، 3 مارس 2012

Tourism in Sicily / Italy

Sicily (in Italian: Sicilia) "Sychelaa uttered," Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean, and autonomous regions in Italy. Small islands around islands such as Alajulih is part of Sicily. Its official name is the autonomous region Sicily.
Most of its history Sicily occupied a strategic position is crucial. This is due in large part to its importance in trade routes Mediterranean region was considered part of Magna Gracia, where Cicero described Siracusa as the greatest and most beautiful city in ancient Greece, Archimedes is one of the greatest scientists and mathematicians in the Old World Sicilian origin and was born in the city of Syracuse

 State of the island was in itself one of the stages in its history. The influence extended from Palermo over southern Italy and Sicily and Malta. Later became part of the Two Sicilies under the Bourbons, which was the capital of the Kingdom of Naples and the island and included most of southern Italy. Resulted in the unification of Italy in 1860 to resolve the Kingdom of Sicily became an autonomous region in the Kingdom of Italy. Sicily on the territory of self-rule in Italy. The area of ​​Sicily 25.708 km2 (9926 square miles), making it the largest area of ​​the Italian Regions and has a population of just over five million people.
Sicily has a rich culture and unique, especially with regard to the arts, music, literature, cuisine, architecture and language, which was the cradle of some of the greatest and most influential figures in history. Sicilian economy is based largely on agriculture (mainly orange and lemon). This brought the Italian countryside and the natural beauty of Sicilian tourists in abundance in the modern era, the importance of Sicily also archaeological sites and ancient necropolis Pantileka such as temples and the Valley

 Politics and the economy suffers from organized crime Alskulaian
The first residents of Sicily are three specific groups of ancient peoples in Italy. Most prominent and oldest people Sikana, who, according to Thokededs reached the island from the Iberian Peninsula (perhaps Catalonia discovered evidence of an important historical in the form of graphics caves painted Alsikana and covers the period from the end of the era of the Ice Age around 8000 BC. AD is associated and the arrival of the first humans with the extinction of the hippopotamus pygmy elephants dwarf . Alalemyin believed to be returning to the Aegean Sea and the second tribe they migrate to Sicily to join the Sakanyen

.Although there is no evidence of any war between the tribes, when Alelimeon settled in the northwest corner of the island Alsikanaon moved towards the east. Arrived Alsakolion from the mainland Italian master about 1200 BC. AD They are believed to Jaguar of Liguria, which prompted the Alsakanyen again to settle in the center of the island groups Alaitaliqih other small inhabited island Alawscenion (islands Alajulih Milazzo) and Almorgat (Morjantina). There are many studies about the records which show genetic mixing of different regions of the Mediterranean population with the oldest population of Sicily. Among these peoples the Egyptians, Phoenicians, Iberians and Phoenicians settled the island by the early Greeks. The name of Phoenician Palermo

 Sicily is known since ancient times form the triangle almost giving it the name Trinaccraa. Separated from the Italian region of Calabria in the Middle Strait of Messina. The distance between the island and the mainland across the Strait of Messina, Italy about 3 km (2 mi) in the north and about 16 km (10 miles) south of the strait in the island is characterized by heavy mountain scene. The main mountain ranges and Nbroda Madouni Baloretani in the north and northeast, while the mountains in the south-east Alheiblianih geologically a continuation of the Apennines of Italy. The mine and I Caltanissetta leader in the production of sulfur during the nineteenth century, but declined since the fifties of the last century.
Sicily and the surrounding small islands of interest to volcanologists. Mount Etna, which is located in the eastern part of Sicily to the mainland, up 3320 meters (10,890 ft) is the highest active volcano in Europe, the most active one in the world

Alajulih islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea to the north-east of Sicily, Stromboli volcanic complex contains the currently active and dormant volcanoes are also three is the Volcano and Lipari and Volkanillo. Off the southern coast of Sicily there is an underwater volcano Verdinaye which is part of the greatest Empedclais volcano last erupted in 1831. Located between the coast of Agrigento and the island of Pantelleria (which itself is a dormant volcano) on the Vlegrean Fields in the Strait of Sicily

.The island is difficult for a number of rivers flowing mostly through the central region and enters the sea in the south of the island. River flows through parts of the Saleso I Caltanissetta before entering the Mediterranean Sea at the port of Licata. To the east there Alcantara River in the province of Messina, which expires in Giardini Naxos and Simito River which flows into the Ionian Sea south of Catania. Other important rivers of the island is located in the southwest such as Bilishe and Blatani

Sicily is known for a long time Petrptha fertile and gentle climate and natural beauty. There is a long hot growing season, but frequently during the summer drought. Agriculture is the main economic activity, but is hampered by the long-absentee ownership and primitive farming methods and insufficient irrigation. The establishment of the Development Fund for Southern Italy in 1950 by the national government to the reforms in Macleh land and an increase in the amount of land available for agriculture and the general development of the island's economy. However, the Mafia, which are still influential hinder government efforts to reforms in the region of Sicily is still very low per capita income and high unemployment rates, although the number of workers employed in the "black" or in the work of unreported

Dry and sunny weather in Sicily as well as landscapes and cuisine, history and architecture of the factors that attracts many tourists from Italy itself and from other countries. Peak tourist season in the summer months despite the fact that tourists are located on the island throughout the year. Includes bookmarks with tourists Mount Etna, beaches, archaeological sites and major cities such as Catania and Palermo, but the town of Taormina and old resort Giardini Naxos nearby attracts visitors from all over the world, as is the case of islands Alajulih and Arichi and Chevalo and Syracuse and Agrigento. The latter includes some of the best preserved Greek temples. Take many cruise ship destination in the Mediterranean island of Sicily, the island will also visit many wine tourists.

 Often portrays the people of Sicily, they are very proud to Bdzerthm, identity and culture, and it is not uncommon to describe the same people they Skulaion before they were Italians, despite the presence of major cities such as Palermo and Catania, Messina and Syracuse, the stereotyped image of Sqliyn hint usually to the people of the countryside, for example, Coppola is one of the most important symbols of identity and belonging in the Sicilian origins to the hat flat countryside of northern England, which reached the island in 1800 when he fled Alborboni King Ferdinand I of Sicily under the protection of the British Royal Navy
Underwent Sicily to the control of different cultures including the peoples Alaitaliqih, Romans, Vandals, Greeks, Byzantines, Normans and Muslims. Contributed to all of those civilizations in the culture of the island, particularly in the areas of cuisine and architecture. Most Sicilians tend to link themselves closely in southern Italy because of shared history.
.The population of the island of Sicily, about five million and there are ten million people Sicilian extra out all over the world. Reside mainly North America, Argentina, Australia and other European countries. As with the rest of the current areas of southern Italy, migration to the island is very low compared with other regions of Italy, where workers tend to go north because of improved employment opportunities in northern Italy. Show latest figures of the National Institute of Statistics there are about 100 thousand immigrants out of a population of 5 million, or 2% of the population; a Roman largest minority census about 17 thousand people, followed by Tunisians, Moroccans, Sri Lankans, dairy and others and in most of Eastern Europe

Associated with Sicily has long been the arts and many of the poets, writers, philosophers, thinkers, architects and painters. Can return history to Archimedes the Greek philosopher, a native of Syracuse, who became a famous one of the greatest mathematicians Gorjias and Empedclais two of the early philosophers Sicilian Greeks, while he was Abicarmos Aserqosj innovative comedy began the golden age of poetry Sicily in the early thirteenth century through the school Sicilian, which had a significant impact. Some of the most famous personalities in the field of poetry and writing are Luigi and Salvatore Berandelo Koizimodo and Faneziano Antonio and Giovanni Verga. On the political side, a number of Sicilian philosophers like Giovanni Gentile who wrote the doctrine of fascism and Julius Aafulla

 Famous island Balkhozviac where back ceramic art in Sicily to the indigenous peoples of old Alsakanyen, also developed her occupation during the era, Greek is still prominent and distinct to this day there is paintings Tkulaidatan Hapetan prominent in Sicily, both Mstouhtan out Normanni; cart Sicilian a panel of wooden carts decorated with complex scenes from the poems of romance Normanih, such as pay tribute to Roland told the same stories in the traditional puppet theater or Teatro de Bobby, which features handmade wooden toys and depicting Normans and Muslims engage in mock battles. These offers are particularly popular in Ochiraala. Famous Sicilian painters of the Renaissance artist Antonillo da Messina, Renato Gotoso and Greek-born Giorgio de Chirico, who is usually called the "father of the surrealist art" and founder of the metaphysical art movement

 The family is the heart of Sicilian culture as it always has for generations. Living family members often near each other and sometimes in the same apartment complex. Usually live sons and daughters with parents until marriage, which tends to lag now compared to what it once was. Today couples have fewer children than ever before, but infants and children have a lot of reverence in Sicilian culture and almost always accompany their parents to social events

Weddings Sicilian luxury, expensive, traditional, usually taking place in the church. The Catholic Church is a major player in the important Sicilian life. Equal access to almost all public places crosses on the walls and contain most of the houses on Sicilian images of saints, statues and other artifacts. Has all the town and the city of its patron saint's, and during the feast days processions decorate the streets and fireworks displays.

Of Sicilian religious festivals also Bryeceba Wiwenta (scene of Christ's birth), which is going on in the festival time of birth. Combination of religion and folklore deftly in the village of Sicily from the nineteenth century witnessed a scene where the birth of Christ wearing people of all ages and fashion of that period and impersonating some of the Holy Family, while others take the role of workers and craftsmen. Usually end with a long plunger with the arrival of the Magi on horseback.
Oral tradition plays a big role in Sicilian folklore. Have been many stories circulating from generation to generation with personal called "Giova." Rare examples of this include the personal features of Sicilian culture as well as the movement of moral messages.
Sicilians also enjoy the outdoor festivals that take place in the domestic arena, which take place where live music and dancing on stage, food, exhibitions or Sagura where held in the booths surrounding the arena. These kiosks offer various local specialties as well as the typical Sicilian food. Usually these events ending with fireworks. Of the most famous is the Alsagura Sagura del Karceoffo or Artichoke Festival which is held annually in Ramaka in April / May. Carnivals take place in the famous Sicilian Ochiraala and Misterbianco and Regalboto and Patrno and Shaka and Termini Amirce


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