الأربعاء، 22 فبراير 2012

Mosque of Mohammed Ali Pasha / Cairo

Mohamed Ali Mosque is a mosque built on the Ottoman style, similar to a mosque in Istanbul Oaasofia, built by Mohammed Ali Pasha, inside the Citadel of Salah al-Din the Egyptian capital; Cairo, between the period from 1830 to 1848
Castle has been established since Saladin seat of government in the Ayyubid and Mamluk state, and in the reign of the Ottoman governors in the era of the family and then the upper, and continued well into the era of Khedive Ismail, where Amer Abdeen Palace took the seat of the king. Mohammed has been taken on the large upper Egyptian head of the family and the founder of modern Egypt, after the reform of the walls of the castle, palaces and the establishment of schools and government offices, and culminated in the establishment of its facilities this mosque, which oversees the city of Cairo Bakbabh and minarets

And has embarked on its creation in 1246 AH 1830 AD on the ruins of ancient buildings, leaving from the premises of the Mamluk architecture was in the year 1265 AH, 1848, in the reign of Abbas Pasha I were inscriptions and decoration. He has built this mosque along the lines of Ottoman mosques built in Istanbul, and layout of a square whose sides measure 41 meters, is covered in the center dome of large diameter of 21 meters and a height of 52 meters mounted on four large contracts based on four shoulders huge, and on the dome four half-domes, in each point of half Dome, and covers four pillars of the mosque domes are small, except for the semi-dome covering the emergence of another kiss process of the eastern side of the mosque.

 And coating the walls of the home and four shoulders, up 11.30 meters of marble cladding topped with colorful patterns, and sweetened with domes and half-dome prominent motifs carved and gilded. On the western side of the mosque which is the bench amount transferred to the columns and decades of marble, and took Drabzenha railings and corridors of the domes Bronzing busy. In the western corner tribal it is located on the tomb of Mohammed the great combination topped with crushed marble with beautiful decorations and writings, and is surrounded by a bronze compartment is nicely busy, work is Abbas Pasha I.

Remember the different sources and references that he made ​​an end of Muhammad Ali Pasha of reform Castle of Saladin and the establishment of schools, palaces, schools, decided to build an inclusive place where prayers and burial will be buried by it.
· The establishment of the mosque began in 1830 and continues to work without interruption until the death of Mohammed Ali Pasha in 1845, where he was buried in the cemetery which he had prepared for himself.
· In the reign of Khedive Abbas Pasha I was to complete the work and the work of engraving gates, marble, also ordered the appointment of Readers and monitoring goods to the mosque.

· In the reign of Said Pasha was the work of official ceremonies for five nights each year, namely:
Night of Flowers, on the middle of August, then three nights of the month of Ramadan is the night of 13 anniversary of the death of Muhammad Ali Pasha, the night of 14 Ramadan when he was buried, and eventually much of the night.
· In the reign of Khedive Ismail was the work of a new copper doors of the mosque and surrounded by walls and set up his toilet.
· In the era of King Fouad the Commission for the Conservation of Egyptian antiquities Arab remove the dome and around the great domes of small to be re-built again taking into account the dimensions of the original architectural design and decoration
The mosque in a total of rectangular construction and is divided into two parts: the eastern part which is prepared to pray, and west, a dish rosette ablutions fountain, and each of the sections two doors opposite one tribal and other nautical Valksm the eastern square along Dilgh from within 41 meters is mediated by the Dome of the high radius of 21 meters and a height of 52 meters the level of the mosque floor-mounted four square shoulders fundamentally four half-domes and then half of the Dome of the fifth covers the emergence of the mihrab and four domes that unlike other small pillars of the mosque.
The walls of the mosque are covered with inside and out with marble imported from quarries Alabestr Beni Suef and shoulders as well as four internal-bearing dome. The walls of the mosque are covered with all the top of the marble cladding from the inside Bouapad gilded ornaments decorated with color. The large dome and half domes were decorated with Halit prominent golden color

The second section, a dish rosette ablutions fountain, and the rear of the clock tower donated by Mohamed Ali to Louis Philippe, king of France in 1845 AD. The mosque Mnartan Rchiguetan up 84 meters from ground level courtyard.
The original pulpit of the mosque is a large platform made ​​of wood decorated with gilded local, but the small marble platform to the left of the mihrab, it is his work in King Farouk in 1358 AH = 1939. And the mosque illuminated with chandeliers, surrounded by beautiful crystal glass Mchkaoat coordinated the exquisite forms. And based on the two sides of the western side of the mosque Mnartan Rchiguetan Ostoanita form Benita also Turkish-style minarets, and the height of each of them 82 meters from the ground.

The mosque has three doors, one in the middle of side sea, and the second in an interview in the mid-side tribal, and the third in the mid-side-west, and leads to the dish room area is 53 per 53 meters encases its walls cladding of marble, and surrounded by four corridors of its contracts and its columns of marble also, and Busth place Ablution is a dome-mounted eight columns with flap a local motifs prominent gilded, and the soles of the dome local carvings colored and gilded represent landscapes, and the dome covered with Kkabbab mosque with sheets of lead and Bosfielha tank water which is octagonal dome built all of marble Crushed motifs prominent. The highest mid-western corridor of the Tower of copper plate decorated inside ticking clock donated by the King of France Louis Philippe to the Mohamed Ali Pasha in 1845 AD.

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