الجمعة، 24 فبراير 2012

Tourism in Casablanca / Morocco

Casablanca (Amazigh: Anfa) is the largest city in Morocco and the largest city in terms of population in the Maghreb is located about 95 km south of the capital Rabat, on the Atlantic coast. With a population of 4,150,000 people, according to last census (2010).
More than 4 million people, 800,000 of them are villagers Casablanca major urban center par excellence. And combines two cities, Casablanca and Mohammedia addition to the two provinces where small towns and Kalnoasr owed

Economic activity for the region is mostly represented in the tertiary sector (trade and services) increased by 49.6% of the jobs, followed by the second sector (industry) to 40.5%. About 38% of the population are young people less than 18 years old and 76.5% of the population are aged 15_59 years and 16.5% are 60 years old category and more.
Casablanca is Morocco's economic capital. This city is the industrial pole of the country is concentrated by 55% of the production units and 60% of the labor force in the industry. City occupies 39% of the active population in Morocco and consume 35% of the national consumption of electricity. The first financial arena in Morocco and the Maghreb, and where there are the headquarters of several national companies and international and multinational forces in North Africa and West Africa

 Casablanca Stock Exchange is one of the most important in Africa and the first in the Maghreb and the third in Africa after Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the Cairo Stock Exchange and the third in the Arab world after the Riyadh Stock Exchange and the Cairo Stock Exchange with a market capitalization of 60 billion dollars.
Views of the harbor to suggest a fifth African city and the second African port. From there exported grain and phosphate campaigns where Morocco is the most important source and producer of the world's phosphate
The Casablanca fast-track urban length of 22 kilometers cut the city in the axis of east-west and the highway surrounding the city A5; length of 35 km out of it 3-axis major of the country highway A3 Rabat _ Awhita highway A6 new-and-white highway A5 t Fas-and-white highway A8 Tangier white and the highway A7 Marrakech white ears of the city is a major node LED Screens in the country.
​​There are the most important airport Mohammed V in Morocco and the Maghreb, which is located at a distance of 30 km from the city center. And is the most important airport in possession of three Royal Air terminals the ability of 16.4 million passengers, there where 45 airlines connected to 70 destinations worldwide. The airport has passed more than 6.2 million passengers in 2008. It also has two cargo capacity of 150,000 tonnes / year.
Oval is the regional train network has eight stations in white. Moreover, there are shuttle trains that pass every half hour also links the northern suburbs of East Bouznika about Mohammedia, and the southern suburbs towards Settat. The mobility in urban areas, in its final form in 2006, provides, under the House of Representatives under the project Casa 2010, to develop a transport network with two Metro Casablanca, and three tram lines and a new set of Regional Express. This network could start from 2011
White port with 54% of statesmanship port in the country is the first and fourth nationally and Africa. Through which each year more than 20 million tons of goods and 500,000 containers.
The city are available on the two main train stations Tsjlan eight million passengers a year are:
· The port terminal near the port of Casablanca
· Passenger station district Blfdar
· In addition to the station Allowazis Bbusageor

 Casablanca - the city without a history - the words pronounced by many of the largest urban center in Morocco now, cities arise and evolve and some are abandoned and disappear like Thard and Nevis and Sijilmassa, some of which remain on the case of grouping urban small and some are down position and then is emitted from new and all this is linked to political conditions and economic drive people to the reconstruction of this city and abandoned the other, and the city of Casablanca situation is distinct; it lasted for a long historical period without little significance to the reign of Sultan Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdullah, where I took the current name and then renewed, and then turned and placed at the construction of the port by the first French resident general in Morocco - Gen. Aouti - where turned into the largest economic center in Morocco, was similar to the event in terms of importance, but the decision of the late King Hassan II mosque Hassan II, the establishment of which make the city groping its way in the field of radiation science

The city of Casablanca, Anfa, Onava, Anfal, my nose, all the names mentioned in the books and the sources of history surrounding the origin ambiguity Some historians Ergonh to the Carthaginians, who solved the coasts of Morocco about 12 BC and some of them bring him to the era of the Romans and this opinion Hassan Al Wazzan in his description of Africa as Andrei Adam Verbtha Emirate Barghoath which was among Bouregreg mother spring in what was known Ptamsona in the ninth century AD, and that the lack of archaeological evidence prior to this period, and what concerns us in all this is that the city is rooted in the foot, Its presence more than 33 centuries maximum and a minimum of 12 century, but more than this as we consider the results of the latest archaeological research which proved the existence of archaeological sites, ancient aspects of the city, namely:

Site - to date Asasfah ranges between 5 and 6 million years. Before now.
Site - the people of the boy and return to about 2 million and a half years ago now.
Site - Thoma, "1" about a million years before now.
- Site of Sidi Abdel Rahman and Inmty the end of the Stone Age.

 If we go back to the historical sources Vengdaa not remember a nose only in conflict stationed with the Emirate of Barghoath and then in the era of Marinids when Morocco received numbers of Muslims fleeing from Andalusia, who settled them Bonva where active Jihad sea to avenge the Christians who persecuted the Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula , also became a port above in this period traded with the Spaniards and Portuguese, but the escalation of Jihad sea and the arrival of some boats to the coast of the Iberian Peninsula to pay Portugal to prepare to attack the city in 1468 AD, but its inhabitants fled before their arrival, Vdkhalha Portugal and Khrbuha then tried to year 1515 building fortress, but they were expelled after Anazamanm Marinids before.

And has been the city to the earthquake year 1755 did not keep them very little, especially the tomb of Sidi Allal Alkaroana, and in 1760 Sultan ordered the upper Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdullah to rebuild the city and the renewal of its walls and its port and the building of mosques and other facilities and castle to the soldiers and scaffolding, making the city bearing the name Casablanca.
Flocked to the city after the immigrants from the Chaouia Doukkala, in connection with the policy of openness that its approach to the Sultan Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdullah, where the active commercial traffic in the city to back down in the reign of Moulay Suleiman, who follow the policy of prudence, as it left the city most of the consuls, Europeans, especially with the spread of the plague . and the city never recovered its commercial activity, only about 1830, where the increasing pressures of imperialism to Morocco with the increasing demand for grain, leather and wool brought life to the port he settled again a number of European consuls,

 After the multi-trade treaties with Morocco held by European countries became the city Bootarhevolve faster than it was previously, in a close relationship with the development of commercial activity in the harbor, which has become by the end of the 19th century compete with the first portin the country at the time any of Tangier. This development led to the stability of the bourgeoiscity's business rose to a population of twenty thousand with the outskirts of the twentieth centuryand in this period the city was made ​​up of three districts, namely:
· Eastern neighborhoods near the port which was the seat of merchants and consuls, and administrative bodies.
· Navigator in the south-west and was inhabited by the Jewish community.
· Altnakr neighborhood in the northwest and was predominantly of immigrants from the countryside
 Some companies have been able to strengthen French influence in Morocco, the largest of the "Company of Morocco," which became the control in the territory of peasant and wide. In April 1907 started this company in the works preliminary to the construction of the port and the extension of railway violating the sanctity of a cemetery, raising the ire of the population, especially with the dissatisfaction of the pressures collectors French, and this led to the outbreak of revolution in Casablanca swept then Chaouia demanded a working city off the works to no avail in July, workers killed Europeans working in the company in charge of the preliminary works of the port, which prompted the French to take down 200 thousand troops in the city in August
  Vhpt Chaoui tribes to expel them, but was defeated and defeated in front of this well-armed French force occupying Casablanca. After the imposition of protection in March 1912 continued construction of the port under the guidance and supervision of the Resident-General, General Aouti marking an important turning point in the history of the city as it created led to the development of Casablanca, economically, socially and Majalia to then become the largest urban center in Morocco

The choice of Casablanca to host the largest port in Morocco was not coincidence, but associated with a number of reasons including the site of the city in the heart of the peasant-rich [Chaouia Doukkala and in place facilitate the establishment of the network of roads and railways to transport grain and acids, as well as the phosphate mines Khouribga which began in the exploitation of with the early twenties of the previous century.
  And thus became the Casablanca is the loop connecting metropole [France], Morocco Fbrha were exported raw materials and reach a surplus of industrial production the French distributed in Morocco, which has made the economic activity of the city develops in the direction of benefit brokerage firms and exchanges, and companies, the establishment of infrastructure such as roads, railway iron and transport companies and services, and industrial activity was focused on the weak consumer industries such as textiles and food industries, chemical industries and some light, and all this to provide the essential needs of the elderly people.

.This situation has changed a little during World War II where he had some venture capitalists to leave France, and stability in Morocco for the establishment of some industries, chemical and mechanical in Casablanca, in particular, but this did not prevent the city from continuing to play the role of mediator which set in advance, and the proof is that the largest institutions were banking and financial, such as a bank "Union Parisian" and "Bank of Paris and the occupied low", which has invested in the sectors of Mining, transportation, and consumer industries has led economic development witnessed in Casablanca to the influx of numbers of immigrants from Chaouia Doukkala was then from all over Morocco .

Continued haphazard evolution of the city to the borders of the eighties of the previous century, where the Agency set up and urban design manager for the city, and during this decade also exactly the year 1987 put the late King Hassan II, the foundation stone for the construction of parameter Grand Mosque of Hassan II, who gave the city the status of spiritual at the global level, given its size and the magnitude of his building and the promise of landmarks authentic Moroccan architecture, as well as its unique location a part of this important parameter built over the sea and can embrace this mosque worshipers as well as 25 thousand to 80 thousand others can be annexed to his name.
  And next to the Great Mosque built Koranic school, which began working out in January 1995 and received a selection of the finest students who were selected after a game, and teach in this institution the young forensic science of jurisprudence, and modern, and interpretation, and assets, and the science instrument, as well as modern science of mathematics science, sociology, and a natural addition to any living languages ​​French and English

And during subsequent years, began this school makes its way on the path that goes by the schools antique such as villagers, where it became includes parts in the various phases of education from primary to the final in last season's opening phase of the final organization and fulfillment of the spirit of its founder Moulay Hassan II, and this is what will give the Casablanca radiation scientifically with the first batch graduated from school in the next school year, God willing.
Valdar historically white ancient city but its role has emerged during the twentieth century where it became an important economic center, with the establishment of the major parameter - Hassan II Mosque - has become her spiritual and radiation do not know at the national level but also at the level of the Islamic World
Casablanca has evolved from the old city and the first dock since 1920. Urban world is my father Henry Prost drawing plans for expansions of the first city in the years 1920 and 1917. In the fifties gave Michelle Aakuchar a new blueprint for the expansion and organization of the city
.The old city is the historic center of the city is surrounded by images and several sections of which is the famous Bab Marrakech. Cafe for the scaffold to the harbor entrance was originally a place immune to images of Portuguese.
In the east of the city extends the old Art Deco district, my father was a European neighborhood of the city under the French protectorate. Architecture includes several components that give a touch of the city: Administrative Region, and the garden of the Arab League, and the wide streets planted with palm trees

In the west of the old city there Bourgogne neighborhood on the shore of the sea and the Hassan II Mosque. Position itself and Corniche beyond its restaurants and its coast in front of nose hill residence of the rich classes.
Heart of the city contains the old city and business hub and major hotels, embassies and specific street Alzarktona my father has a tower towers Casablanca designers by the Spanish architect Ricardo Bofill.
In the south along the highway goes to my father Mohammed V International Airport, we find business district known, Sir, the new economic heart of Casablanca and contracting companies that clustered around Alticnubark. This neighborhood will be Tospah scheme as designed by Bernard Rychen in 400 hectares was where the old airport above

We find in the east of the city neighborhoods, industrial areas and the People. Sidi Moumen neighborhood full of tin to revive the project will benefit from the implementation of the Greater Casablanca Stadium and home improvement.
The city has started planned reconstruction (SDAU) Casablanca Great team work by France, Morocco, the agency Casablanca urban and IAURIF, headed by the Director Urban Agency Allal Alskeroha and planning of the urban world Fouad Awada and IAURIF this strategic document entered into force in 2008, and suggests the organization of urban growth of the terminal electrodes of the city (Dar Bou Azza Bouskoura and Nouaceur and indebted and Mohammedan), and the development of the city center thanks to a strong network of public transport. Indeed, the city decided to create the first tramway line, and five or six of packaging under development, including in relation to nose and Sidi believer.
It is worth Baldkr that the city does not have signs of white LED Screens for guidance and management, which makes navigating the city's difficult for those who do not inhabited
 .The Old Town
Was a set of walls surrounding the old city of Casablanca has left them only a part limits the coast kilometer city center. Destroyed part of it after the earthquake 1755 Old City Muslim, located along the beach, with effects most ancient city. Neighborhood Alguenaslh which was found by the foreign powers, the city center, known as a massive influx of Europeans in the nineteenth century as a result of the popularity of the commercial boom of the city.
  It was built by the Franciscan Church Bznqh Tangier in 1891. Navigator: the old Jewish quarter, there is Steering the interview to the coast, was not limited as it was in several other Moroccan cities, the demolition of part of it during the years following the creation of the thirties yard France, the United Nations Plaza Currently, the Jewish church was built in 1938 to Bznqh Amesaon

 Places to visit

· Park and Garden Yasmina Arab League;
· Museum of the villa and the arts;
· Habus neighborhood or the city of new shops and crafts;
· Mohammed V Square around the square are the mandate of Casablanca and the Palais de Justice de Andalusian and Arab character of the fountain where the big Atgmehr people every night
· Hassan II Mosque built between the years 1986 and 1993. Which has the highest minaret in the world altitude 170 meters, the third largest mosque in the world after the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque.
· Old City and the door of Marrakech;
• The facades of the many Art Deco character of DAT along Boulevard Mohammed V and pilgrimage January 11
· Central Market;
· Corniche into Aldiab;
· Angle Sidi Abdul Rahman;
· The path of the first Gulf piracy information center in Africa and second in the world after the capital of Jordan Amman
· A tower in the heart of Casablanca Maarif
· Mika Rama finest composite Snmaúa in Morocco
· Festival of Youth Musicians Boulevard;
· Festival of Casablanca.


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