الأربعاء، 29 فبراير 2012

Tourism in Rabat / Morocco

Cities such as women, each one of them, as they say, perfume and charm in memory. And Rabat, the administrative capital of Morocco is characterized by tourist flavor derived from the walls of museums and archaeological and gates and the famous historical landmarks, entrenched in the foot. Was founded by the Almohad Yacoub El Mansour in 593 of migration corresponding to 1198 m.
If the city was a site crossing for caravans tourist coming from abroad, they are recorded, although the proportion of bed not too bad, go up especially in the summer, on the occasion of the festival's annual «balance», which is scheduled annually a favorite of many fans frequency Vdhaeadtha vast and gardens Faha, where plays the quiet, middle green, immortal Symphony

Administrative city streets devoid of pedestrians in the early hours following the evening, to wake up tomorrow ready to catch up with the offices of the ministries and government departments, where time flows such as continuous heavy turtle lazy relaxed and resigned to daydreaming.
This does not mean that the city remains deserted of people, or free movement, but that the primary attribute them throughout daylight hours, is a boom, what that flooded the morning sun enlightenment in the first moments of the morning, turns up to a cell a real ripple of vitality and enthusiasm, as if a young in the twenty-year-old full of love and hope and dream

Is the old historical city, it's true, but they are continually renewed, and qualify to embrace the future through new projects are in the majority of nature tourism, leisure and physical, such as the creation of banks of Bouregreg and directed by its coast on the Atlantic Ocean from its isolation, the provision of infrastructure and tourist promotion of energy accommodation to receive guests and visitors.

Has been the hotel «Balem» shelter for a long time and a pilgrimage site for political and media figures from inside and outside the country also, which Rahal was derogatory to his presence downtown and its proximity to the departments.
And bred as long as the political rumors such as fungus, which fell to the governments, other governments have stepped up and replaced! All this in the sessions on coffee cups, cups or mint tea, the cafe terrace, opposite the Parliament

.Perhaps this is the strategic location of hotel «Balem» is what won him fame sweeping in the popular imagination of Morocco, and make it into the contemporary history of his door wide, as a space meets the political elite and the press, cultural, agree and disagree and think out loud in discussions on topical issues and affairs and anxieties
At one stage, there was a «Sultan Balem» promote and comes, and wanders, as governor of a real, dressed to wear the traditional authentic, Bzleamh and Trbuch, while he is in fact, just a simple citizen taken from this appearance inspiring take pride in authority, a means and a source of income and fraud.
Many stories told in the dumps and rhythm for many people, large and small, some of them taking advantage of the naivety and confidence in its external profile, which gives the impression, for those who do not know well, prestige and influence. And later disappeared «Sultan Balem» other features also disappeared last change touched, the long months and the largest street in the city, claiming development
. Spread in the city center coffee shops and popular restaurants, which provide their patrons with everything from couscous to the lentils, and fish to «Albesarh» with cups of tea. Among the most famous spaces in this place, space «union», near the bus station yard «Bab Sunday», which is currently under renovation touches the other, by changing its tracks.
This space-called «union» is not a place for gatherings and trade union and labor struggles, and they may come to mind, but a cafe, a popular restaurant, but the oldest, its doors are open day and night, in the face of residents and visitors alike. Long chairs, eating a variety, the diversity of colors of Moroccan cooking, but «Albesarh» or bean soup, bean, which is the essential element, is the main title of the list of meals that are frequently in demand here.

Where the effects of time appear to be ancient, but recently began to invade the marble walls did not touch it since the era of dyeing time no one remembers its history precisely. Here in this restaurant is popular very famous, intellectuals and artists Moroccans, in time, come to him individually and collectively, after midnight, Vicmlon their meetings and discourses loud, about the various Altnzirat intellectual currents of cash on the text and intertextuality, and other terms that prevailed then collapsed ...
! Most painters, poets and critics have gone through here, they ate and drank and Tsamarwa, and went out in last night, and they Eetmazhon and tearing the cover of night, star-studded, laughter and Algahgahat, and some of them record those memories in some of the literature, making reference to the stage live gyri memory

.And even now is still some of them frequented the place, between the time intervals too far apart, driven by nostalgia, or the so-called «nostalgia», to revive the ties of kinship with the cafe once, meeting place of choice, to crown the evening, eating it «Kaware» or chicken meal hot vegetable Casserole in a diversified real plastic pallets.
Only cats do not wand cafe, remain all night and the parties to the day, come and go round the bottom, at the feet of customers. When Adahmha drowsiness, surrender to his authority safe and secure, not only the voice of any troubles spoons over dishes, waiters and appeals welcoming all guests
This restaurant is popular as he is entitled to his day one of the intellectuals, to raise the slogan of «democracy eating». All social groups you can find what they wanted, according to the budgets of their pockets, of beggars, to staff and painters, travelers and passers-by.

And Rabat, as a point of convergence of an ancient civilization and history, is also a city of hospitality in all its characteristics and forms, and unique restaurants trendy scattered through various neighborhoods, to provide all dishes Eastern, Western and European, in addition to eating Moroccan exemplary in pleasure, because it satisfies all tastes. There are restaurants on the beach lying on the Atlantic Ocean, mainly specialized in cooking fresh fish it has just set out from the sea.
If the «All roads lead to Rome» the entry to the city of Rabat, the old fenced by walls, not only through the gates of historical famous five: «door Sunday», «door-to-high» «Bab Chellah», «door Alboibh», «door navigator» .
Each door leads to piles of Arig spaces of the distant past, and interact with the present and the shifts Mostagdath
Among those places «crus», which is a world strange and bizarre, flowing movement, people and crowds, where the piling up of goods coming from all flung, all types, whether original or fake, on the shelves of shops narrow, which can accommodate barely of their respective owners, amid the rubble of the goods.
Popular market and trendy at the same time, sell everything and anything, side by side in the shops nearby, as if she is assigned to each other: fruits, meats, vegetables and spices, perfumes, traditional clothing and old fashion last cry in the world of fashion, and plastic utensils, plates concave, mobile phones, computers and digital devices, and the latest developments in modern technology, and in «Jawtih» in particular many of them.

The fans can manufactures, textiles and handmade jewelry to find the desired grasp, and all that dreaming of souvenirs, the ancient city is famous for traditional Bhrvha inherited from father to son, Tsakbha fingers of gold in the crucible of magnificence and beauty
The carpet industry ligamentous, for example, hit fame Bhassanha prospects and quality, even become an ambassador for the authenticity of the Moroccan abroad

So keen on acquiring foreign tourists, and take it with them, send Asaha warmth in their homes cold light colors and the simplicity of their fees and decoration and Tnoaatha. And Rabat is an Arab city par excellence, opened her arms to embrace and receive members of immigrant families from Andalusia, after the fall of Granada, and found the bulwark, shelter and sanctuary, and merged with the population in the merger complete, and became part of them, and they had a clear impact in architecture, engineering, heritage, literature, music and singing. still strikingly visible even now.

* Tourist attractions
Rabat historical landmarks and tourist Mzaradtha visit is not complete without it, many and varied, there is nothing wrong here, stop at the most prominent:
· Hassan Tower tourist next to the city of Rabat, the airport city of Salé, through the arch and the valley of Bouregreg, it is necessary to raise his attention, at first glance, the existence of a silo Mosque Hassan, which extends in length stands tall in the highest height of up to forty-four meters. Built the Mosque of Sultan Yacoub El Mansour Almohad, before Adahmh death in 1199, and prepares to become one of the largest mosques in the Muslim world, and still the columns upright in the yard and ornaments carved according to the format Andalusian witness to this trend, steadfast in the face of ordinary time and natural erosion

* Mausoleum of Mohammed V
* Close to Hassan mosque, stands the tomb of Mohammed V Brkhamh bright white, and greentile
The pilgrimage to daily number of tourists who stand Menbhreinn Bmuammarh inspired byengineering the Arab-Islamic, in an atmosphere pervaded the incense emitted from within, with the voice of reciter recite verses from the Quran, in memory of the fallen asleep inside the shrine: They are angels Alrahlan Mohammed V and Hassan II and Prince Moulay Abdallah
* Chellah
* From a distance, look Chellah Kasbah parked on a high hill overlooking the River Bouregreg,inhabited fortress myths, and in time was a popular destination for those looking for «treasures of gold», believing they are buried in the soil.
Chellah was born as a city in the Roman era, and turned in the tenth century AD to the barracks to collect the Mujahideen to confront Barghoath tribe, as the history books, then became a cemetery for the kings of Marinids during the thirteenth century
Aglvha stillness terrible in the aisles, not interrupted by only a flap of wings Nightingales that have chosen to live in the walls of their buildings, where Alabhae, facilities and domes send a self-memories of the glory of the ancient builders grandparents, and has been a deposit on the accuracy of perfection and wonderful architecture. And above the silo mosque, Chellah found stork that this is favorite place to build his nest on high, away from the riot of children and bustle of the city

* Reed Oudayas
* The rod Oudayas of the most beautiful archaeological sites in Rabat, Bhdiktha Andalusian Faha, and Bmgahaha traditional to drink Moroccan tea, and Bozktha narrow dyed blue, and decorated with plants hanging from the balconies, and its unique location of its kind on a high rock overlooking the river and the sea together: the valley of Bouregreg Beach Atlantic Ocean, and the city of Salé also inspired by Hassan.
Once a year and meets jazz lovers in the annual festival.
Because of the calm which dominated, took refuge in the Artists, politicians, painters and musicians to live where

 The Oudayas recently in the heart of heated debate, following the publication of what was said in the press Some features of the distortion at the hands of officials quickly issued a real data to lift the blame from themselves!.
As a matter of the sea near the Kasbah Oudayas continue to create the works currently on the front Rabat Corniche coastal stretches for a distance of 12 kilometers in the direction of Herhorh beach, on an area of ​​330 hectares.
On completion of this new project named «ambassador» the contribution of capital of AED will be enhanced infrastructure facilities tourist birth of vehicles and resorts to a high position and the role of cinema units and recreational and commercial activities that advance the prestige tourist and cultural capital of the political, which provides also for lovers of sport and Altvsh vast areas as well as to practice their hobbies , both in swimming, or golf, or equestrian or Ltinays, or surfing, or water-skiing, all under the warm rays of the sun, in a temperate climate most of the seasons of the year.


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